Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas wish: Could the Yankees trade Giancarlo to LA and sign Harper?

Interesting, wild, Info-wars-level rumored speculation - all Alex Jonesed on this website - how the Dodgers' recent trade of Yasiel Puig and Matt Kemp could signal their interest in obtaining Giancarlo Stanton. 

Here it is, in a nutshell:

1. The Dodgers are now a LH-heavy lineup. They could use a righty slugger like Stanton. 

2. The Yankees, on the other hand, lean too hard to the right-side. If they could shed Stanton's contract, they could use that money to sign Harper, the lefty masher.

3. Stanton is from Southern California, so he probably wouldn't block the trade.

4. Harper grew up wanting to play for the Yankees, so if the money was there, he would probably sign with us.

5. With a little creativity, the Yankees might even pick up a prospect or bullpen arm, or even a glove SS to hold the seat for Sir Didi.  

The downside: Too many moving parts, plus one massive unanswered question: Can the Yankees sign Harper?

Fun to think about, though. Keep in mind: Harper is 26, still a few years away from peak. And every now and then, there is talk of the Redsocks eyeing him with more than a passing interest. We've waited eight years for Harper to escape Washington and fulfill his Yankee destiny. Could Stanton be the key?


  1. This is such a wonderful, heart-warming scenario that I know it must be nothing but a fantasy.

    Oh, but what a fantasy. What a Christmas it would be if it was all true.

    But it's not stupid enough for Hal and Cashman. We'll sign Manny instead, be stuck with John Carlo, and Harper will go to LA or somewhere else Christmas is still celebrated.

    Doom and gloom, doom and gloom...

  2. On the 12th day of Yanksmas, Prince Hal gave to me:

    12 pennies pinching
    11 GMs rappelling
    10 Sevys tipping
    9 DUs a-sitting
    8 Boonies napping
    7 Judges slugging
    6 Clints rehabbing
    5 Passed balls
    4 Stantons whiffing
    3 True outcomes
    2 Power arms
    and BHarp via free agency


  3. Thanks, Publius. That was excellent. I'll be singing "Five Passed Balls!" at top volume all day long. Fun.








  5. From 1996 to 2001, the Yankees appeared in 5 World Series, winning 4. Remember?

    There were many contributors. However, the "secret sauce" was . . . the Core Four! These guys were superstars. They were home-grown. One was a starter (LHP), one was the best reliever of all time, once was Mr. November, and the other guy was a catcher who, I still remember, hit ringing doubles off of walls.

    YES -- they brought on that strunes Clemens to help out. He did nothing but
    (a) use illegal drugs,
    (b) throw a piece of a bat at Piazza, and
    (c) induce Pettitte to use illegal drugs, too.

    Being a Yankees' fan after that bat-throwing stupidity was roughly like being a Democrat and explaining away Bill Clinton's activities with Monica. You might mouth the words, but you could not possibly believe them.

    [OK, OK -- so Clemens won a Cy Young award in the much of his 2001 performance could be splained by the Drugs?]

    MY POINT: Maybe they should try building around the youth now on hand. I was at one of Jeter's first MLB games, in which he fielded a ground ball flawlessly, and flung the rock deep into the stands behind first base. They didn't punt. Jorge had a lot of learning to do; it was worth it. Mo was so young and untried that Bucky didn't want to use him in that last playoff game in 1995 -- going for Sam McDowell (yes, out of the bullpen) instead.

    MY POINT: Could be that it takes time to build a dynasty. It might actually take more than money.

    I'd like to see them spend the money to send Ellsberger to some other team, freeing up a roster spot for Red Thunder -- and it's gonna cost a lot of $$$ to get any other GM to take Ells off of our hands.

  6. You're right, John M. They're not that bright. Or creative. Or imaginative. Choose any other five adjectives.

    Joe FOB, Clemens DID have an awesome playoffs in 2000, and pitched the clincher in 1999. But you're right: he was not only a PED user but a PED pusher. The only excuse for it is that so was 80 percent of baseball by then. I was never easy with him on our team.

    And Publius, that WAS great.

  7. Always happy to see more additions to the IIH holiday canon.

    I mentioned this possibility a few days ago, right after the LA trade.

    It's not as complex as it sounds. The Dodgers don't have to sign Harper and then trade him. All the Yankees have to do is make sure an agreement is in place with LA that executes if Harper signs and then go sign Harper.

    Here's how I think it will happen (if it does)

    Yankees sign Harper.

    The Yankees trade Stanton for Chris Taylor (who becomes our super utility guy that we've been looking for for years.) He also serves as SS insurance in case Machado does not sign or they stop perusing him. Plus the Dodgers add 2-3 minor league players.

    In essence, the Starlin Castro trade in reverse.

    LA throws in 1/2 the difference between Stanton's and Harper's salary for the first 2-3 years (Which the Dodgers actually get back from the Marlins when Stanton does not opt out.)

    Win - Win.

    Doug K.

  8. Wait! Just though of one scenario worth mentioning.

    The Yankees sign Harper and then have to ask Stanton to waive his no trade clause and he refuses which would be funny as hell. Bad for Hal GRRRRRREAT for us!

    Doug K.

  9. If only....

    I had 4 wheels, I would be a bus.

    Dream the dreams of Xmas.

    But live the reality of emptiness and futility.

    The world of Hal and Brian.

    No one is that stupid.

    Except maybe a certain commander in chief who thinks ISIS is defeated.

    If you see the reindeer and the sleigh on your roof tonight, Duque's rumor will come to pass.

  10. Hank Steinbrenner needs to save the Yankees.


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