Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The NYC media is convinced that Manny Machado is a done deal... just as they were with Patrick Corbin

Not long ago, the Gammonites of Gotham had already scribbled-in Patrick Corbin as the Yankees' opening day starter. It was a lock. Everybody knew that Corbin grew up in a Yankee household, on a Yankee street, in a Yankee coven, in a Yankee backwater. (North Syracuse.) Then Corbin shed his Yankee upbringing to become a Nat. The reason? Money. Washington offered more. 

So, realistically, what should we make of today's NY Post headline?

Okay, for starters, it's typical, self-serving NYC crapola. It sells the illusion that everybody wants to play in New York, and specifically for the Yankees, and though we fans desperately cling to this notion, it is simply not true. For today's professional athlete, there is only one true standard of loyalty, and it is defined by the number of zeroes on the paycheck. And, frankly, we are wrong to judge.

The Yankees are the most lucrative money-making machine in U.S. sports - (only rivaled by perhaps Alabama football and Duke hoops) - yet today, we stand at a crossroads on how the franchise will be defined in the future. We soon will learn if and how the Yankees intend to keep pace with the Redsocks, which - along with the Cubs - have become baseball's biggest rain-maker.

As of last Friday, here is where the Yankees stand in payroll, according to the wonderful website, Cot's Baseball Contracts.

Fourth place, $11 million below next year's tax threshold, nearly $40 million below the Redsocks. 

If this stands, it will be no less than a monument to Hal Steinbrenner's distaste for the legacy of his father. 

Clearly, the Gammonites don't think that will happen. You can feel it everywhere. Last night on YES, Jack Curry asked Sir Didi about the Machado speculation. In Sports Illustrated today, the Yankees are said to be "zeroing in" on Manny. 

Everything looks set. Everybody is waiting for Manny to say the right words, soothe the Yankee angst about his lack of hustle, shave that pubic hair beard, and don No. 13, the jersey worn by his former idol. Everything is locked in... except for the money. Hal must sign off on it. And he didn't with Corbin. 

But, jeez Louise, folks... here is where it gets complicated: 

Maybe - just maybe - signing Manny is a bad idea. The Yankees could be not only bringing in a dubious clubhouse personality, but by giving him the biggest contract, they will be installing him as a leader. They could also be painting themselves into a corner, where they must trade Miguel Andujar. Listen: Andujar - with any improvement - could challenge for the 2019 Triple Crown. Last year, at age 23 - and missing the first month - he hit 27 HRs and batted .297. (Manny, at 25, hit 37 and .297.)

So... WTF? I hate to say this - it betrays my obligations as an ignorant blogger - but I just don't a-fuckin' know

I believe Andujar will develop into a decent 3B, and that Machado will evolve into a gamer. But can they co-exist in the lineup. And what about all those RH bats? 

Listen: When I close my eyes and wish for a Christmas miracle, it always ends up looking like Bryce Harper. 


  1. Answer me this: Would you rather have won the W.S. with Toe.....or soon, with Machado?

    I know the question is not relevant. I have strong feelings one way, tho.

  2. Yes, if it is a choice, Duque, we should sign Harper, just for the left-handed part.

    We could ink him, and that INF-OF guy from Houston, and be all set.

    But I don't think we will.


  3. Morning pre-coffee thoughts:

    1) How about the newly released and now no-strings-attached Troy Tulowitzki as a short-term replacement for Didi?

    2) Can Didi play first? If yes, Machado might work, but I hope it doesn't.

    3) Continue to wait on Machado -- i.e., freeze him out -- and hope that Bryce Harper's market value fails to materialize during that time, and then hope that Harper "settles" for playing 1B for the Yanks for a large salary but something far less than 10 years (e.g., six years with a *team* option for anything beyond that).

    On second thought, like Cashman, I have no ideas.

  4. Oh Dear Santa, listen well, bring me some sweet sweet and hot left-handed corner outfield action or we're going to have words, good Saint Nick.


  5. They're going to sign Manny and everybody here - and everywhere else - is going to sit around all winter making up their lineup cards and arguing over this and that. Then, we have to play the games. Everyone will be trying to hit homers, our washed-out, geriatric, dead-arm pitching staff will make itself known, and we will be slapping ourselves on the back if we take the wild card. No more fake homage to "rebuilding."

    If we had continued "rebuilding" last year, things might be different now. But NOOOOOO. We're going to make a splash. We're going to show the world just what a fully operational death star looks like. We can swagger because we won the world series - uh - ten years ago. We have the best manager, the best coaching staff, and an owner who will do and spend whatever it takes for us to win.

    There. Doesn't that feel better? We're the best team in baseball. A few wonky innings and we'd be polishing our new rings now.

  6. The Ghost of Yankees PastDecember 18, 2018 at 10:22 AM

    Look at the last several contracts in the range of 10 years and $300,000,000. Which ones proved to be a good idea ? The Redsox were smart enough last year to wait for the market for JD to come down before signing him.

    I would rather take my chances with Miggy and use the money saved on a couple of other good players. With two huge contracts the Yankees would lose to much flexibility.

  7. I'm with you, Ghost.

    I don't want to sit through multiple Stanton/Machado/Sanchez batting orders this season.

    Hey Brian, how is that "win now" strategy going these days?

    Fuck you, Brian.

  8. The sources I checked yesterday on the Yankees payroll were about 15 million less when you add the 14.5 million in insurance and fringe benefits. It included the arbitration eligible players so maybe part of that is Cot's estimate as to what the players would land. the source I checked seemed low for arbitration so maybe that is the difference. Duque's source seems much more detailed and accurate. But the Red Sox are less than 4 grand from making the 240 million second tier penalty which would have been 8.5 million this year. Next year as second time offenders it will be more. So they better hope no bonuses kick in and to upgrade their bullpen and several other needs, they absolutely have to trade current players or else stand pat or pay a hefty luxury tax.

    As far as Andujar is concerned, if they sign Manny they likely wont trade him until next year if they do. Manny would move to short and Torres and Andujar would stay where they played last year. Once Didi comes back, they would be smart to trade him before the deadline for some good prospects if he proves healthy and perhaps resign him again in December. PUll another Chapman.

  9. Oh Yes...What 13 bit said: Fuck you Brian, right where you stand...and sideways!






    STAY TUNED....

  11. If the Yanks get Machado, they will take BB-K-HR to a new galactic level...

  12. If the Yankees further disgrace themselves ( Aaron Boone leads the list ) by trading Andujar, no one will ever want to be in the Yankee organization, except hired guns like Machado and Harper. And it will only be for the money.

    I, for one, will become a fan of whatever team Andujar is traded to.

    This player broke Joe DiMaggio's rookie records. Does that not tell you something?

    Obviously, it means nothing to Aaron Boone who had one meaningful hit in his entire career.

    And chrome dome? I would have him wait tables in some Tennessee bar.

    And Hal? Send him to Moscow where he can have supper with his real friends.

  13. They are also convinced that Andujar is going to be moved...


  14. Ab-so-LOOT-ly SPOT ON, Alphonso! I'm with you. NO Machado...Harper?? Perhaps (although I think that may be in the alternate universe). LB (No J)

  15. Oh - - and fuck you, Brian, Aaron AND Halligator-Arms. LB (No J)

  16. Thought it was time to add my two cents. Don't worry, my two cents does not put us over the "It Is High" luxury tax.

    Here's the thing, having watched AnDUjar no small amount I genuinely don't think he has the quickness that 3B requires. I don't believe quickness and reaction is something you can learn. Either you have it or you don't. Add to that the double clutch on the throws and I just don't see him ever being a good third baseman much less a great one like Machado.

    Yet, at the same time, the idea of getting rid of a guy who broke DiMaggio's records seems stupid beyond belief. Plus his offense will hopefully end up being on par with Machado and Harper. The kid can flat out hit.

    So in my mind the only real solution is to sign Machado to anchor 3rd for the next decade and move AnDUjar to LF or 1B. 1B still requires reflexes but it would solve the double clutch.

    Or let Stanton play LF (as I've said before he played outfield his whole career. LF takes time to learn. He will be better this year and AnDujar can DH and spell Machado at third. Of course this requires the Yankees to keep Didi. I hope they do.

    If AnDUjar can play LF then let him and keep Stanton at DH.

    Then sign Harper who can also play LF and/or teach him 1B. He's a nice tall target too.

    Basically I want them all. Have them all in the lineup but give third base to a guy who is a Gold Glove caliber defender and that ain't AnDUjar.

    My hope is that Mrs. Steinbrenner (may she RIP)made Hal promise on her death bed to win another championship to honor his father's love of the team and the city and reminded him that money is just money but legacies last.

    Doug K.

  17. Doug K., I've been saying for months that the Yanks ought to try putting El Matador in left. He has a terrific arm.

    I suppose there are some theoretical deals that I can imagine for Andujar. You know, maybe Altuve and Verlander, or, somehow, Trout and deGrom. But of course, none of that will come about.

    If they do trade Andujar for the usual crap...it will be hard for me to summon any enthusiasm for this team, ever again.

    But for the rest of it, guys...the only thing worse than 10 seasons of Harper and Mahado is a year of Gardner/Walker playing full time. And sadly, that is probably our choice.

  18. The Yankees are still high on Scooter Gennett (2B) who the Reds want to salary dump (10 million) and not only does he hit for average but for power as well. He's an average defender which is good enough. Perhaps Sonny and Tyler Wade would get it done. Hell, throw in Louis Cessa too as they'll have to make room on the 40 man for signing Machado.Have Andujar DH and take the spot of Tyler Wade filling in at several infield positions. Once Did returns, try and move Gardner to an NL contender (so he doesn't come back to haunt us) and put Andujar in left.
    What a massive hitting club the Yankees would have.


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