Saturday, December 22, 2018

Yep. It's the Ibogaine.

It's quiet out there.  TOO quiet.

For all that we keep spinning out our various preferences and theories—Yes, I'd like three Babe Ruths and two Ted Williamses, please.  Johnny Bench?  Well, only if he's going to hustle.  How many Koufaxes can we get?—the team of our heart is doing...absolutely nothing.

I mean, zero.  Nada.  Not one damned thing.

There are those of us who want Bryce, and those of us who want Manny, and those of us who want Bryce and Manny.  But you don't have to call us Johnson.  (Sorry, brief Burns & Schreiber flashback. from the seventies)

There are also some, such as our Peerless Leader, who would like us to aim more precisely and spend the doubloons we've forfeited to the Steinbrenner family on some strategically valuable, underrated role players.  Or stick with the kids.  Or something.

But if you'll notice, the Yankees are doing, well, nothing.  No big stars.  No little dippers.  No Bryce or Manny, at least so far—with Manny promising not to decide until next year.  Oh, joy.

While we fans busy ourselves doodling theoretical lineups we'd like to see, the Dodgers are engaged in an intricate set of maneuvers that will probably allow them to ink Harper.  And everyday, in every way, more and more of those vaunted role players sign with one team or another.

Those of us anticipating one of Cashman's trademark, last-minute deals or signings, swooping in after maintaining radio silence as steadfastly as Nagumo's fleet approaching Pearl Harbor, or engaging actively in  Houdini-level misdirection for weeks...had better think again.

I have it on good authority that the scotch and calzones of the Yankees' brass has been thoroughly dosed with Ibogaine.

Remember Ibogaine?  It was the drug that Hunter Thompson claimed in Rolling Stone that Ed Muskie had been given during his somnolent, 1972 primary campaign.

What is Ibogaine?

Thompson, quoting some actual chemical manual, claimed it was a highly effective hallucinogenic,  from "a little known root named Tabernanthe Iboga," long used by aboriginal tribes in Africa, Asia, and South America for hunting and mystic religious ceremonies.

"At a dose of 300 mg," Thompson wrote, "...Ibogaine produces a state of drowsiness in which the subject does not wish to move, open his eyes, or be aware of his environment."

Properly imbibed, Ibogaine reportedly enabled hunters to lie absolutely still for days on end while staking out skittish game.

Yep, sounds like the Yankees front office to me.

What else—save for a remarkable plague of petite mal episodes, or maybe that mind-altering mystery machine down in Cuba, also possibilities—could account for Coops and co. doing nothing at all, even in a small way?  Hell, even in a STUPID way by now?

No, they've all been drugged.  Probably by those masterminds up in Boston, the bastards.  Put it in the calzones, or employed Steve Pearce, still engaged in his endless rampage of revenge against us, to use his old credentials and sneak into Yankee Stadium with an ample supply of the drug, sixteen tiny needles, and a blow gun.

Right now, Hal, Coops, Lenny, and Lonn are having the trip of their lives, following the Coyote over a psychedelic landscape we can only imagine, while one free agent after another slips away.

Ibogaine.  You heard it here first.

Either that, or it's all the rat feces in the food.


  1. May all their bowels gush out in blood mucus and misery.

    So endeth all.


  2. With grand, gaseous blasts of frothing feces, as well. Forget not the feces, dear Winnie...

  3. Hoss,

    It's not every person who can work that many references into a post about the lack of action in an off-season. My hat's off to you.

    The baseball ones are a given but the ones that caught my attention follow...

    1) Burns & Schreiber: Not many comedy teams would attempt, much less pull off, the Rule of 28s. It takes real commitment to be that repetitive.

    2) Nagumo's fleet approaching Pearl Harbor: This one makes me nervous.

    First of all, the only Japanese admiral I'd ever heard of was Yamamoto so I had to look it up. Thanks for that (Seriously - I kind of like new knowledge.)

    Apparently according to Wikipedia "Despite his limited experience, he was a strong advocate of combining sea and air power although he was opposed to Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's plan to attack the U.S. Naval installation at Pearl Harbor"

    So are you saying that the Yankees don't really want to do the surprise "sign everyone"?

    Not to mention, it didn't really work out for the Japanese in the long run. Or maybe it did. History is like that.

    4-6) "Remember Ibogaine? It was the drug that Hunter Thompson claimed in Rolling Stone that Ed Muskie had been given during his somnolent, 1972 primary campaign."

    This time you saved me from looking it up.

    I recently watched the first episode of "The Pat Paulsen Show on Amazon (Hey, there's a back door "South America for hunting and mystic religious ceremonies" reference for you) and his surprise guest was Hubert Humphrey. He was so, so, bad. But I guess that was back when our Presidential nominees didn't come from the world of entertainment.

    Not that what we have now is even remotely entertaining. It feels more like a Michael O'Donaghue kind of thing. "I wonder what the American people would look like with steel needles in their eyes."

    7) "Put it in the calzones" Knowing Hal's penchant for rejecting all things his father, even the good things, he and his fellow "Bronx Bottom Liners" probably don't eat Italian peasant food.

    and last 8) "rat feces in the food" I will leave you with this thought. Hot dogs already have a federally acceptable amount of rat feces to begin with. So a Yankee Stadium hot dog has that PLUS.

    Have a nice day. Speaking of which, it is 12/22. So he is one for you. Harpo Marx's wristwatch always showed 12:22. Just thought you would like to know.

    Doug K.

  4. Needles about 12 inches long, as I recall.


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