Thursday, January 17, 2019

With the Yankees out of it, the Manny Machado sweepstakes has turned weird

Yesterday, Dan Lozano, the lucky agent who happens to represent one Manual Arturo Machado - aka "Hakuna Machado" - issued this fierce statement. While reading aloud, play war drums in background:

"I have known Bob Nightengale and Buster Olney for many years and have always had a good professional relationship with both, But their recent reporting, like many other rumors in the past several months, have been inaccurate and reckless when it comes to Manny Machado. I don’t know if their sources are blatantly violating the Collective Bargaining Agreement by intentionally misleading them to try and affect negotiations through the public or are just flat out lying to them for other reasons. But the truth is that their reports on the details of the White Sox level of interest in Manny are completely wrong.

“I am well aware that the entire baseball universe: fans, players teams, and media members alike: are starved for information about this free agent market for all players, including Manny. But I am not going to continue to watch the press be manipulated into tampering with, not just with my client, but all of these players’ livelihoods as they have been doing this entire off-season. The absence of new information to report is no excuse to fabricate ‘news’ or regurgitate falsehoods without even attempting to confirm their validity and it is a disservice to baseball fans everywhere when the media does just that.

First off, aint no "disservice" to me. Ever since the Yankees signed General Curtis LeMahiue, I don't give a crap. Once our "fully operational Death Star" called in sick, I erected a mental Trump wall to keep out Manny news. If anybody still thinks Food Stamps Hal Steinbrenner is playing possum, waiting to jump in and grab Manny at the last second, I suggest you hitch your wagon to that rising British superstar, Theresa May. In the world of free agent spending, this is Yankxit. 

Still, the Manny numbers tossed about do sound crazy: seven years for $175 million? That's Jacoby Ellsbury-type money... and for a player who actually plays! Could Manny's stock have plummeted that far? Unless you think Olney made it up - and he's been around a long time - somebody somewhere has been feeding low-ball figures on Machado, and you don't need Trump's greatest brain ever to discern why: If the world believes Machado will sign for peanuts, it undermines every other free agent on the market, from Bryce Harper to Neil Walker. 

But you  know what? History never changes. The kid who owns the ball can always take it home with him, and the game must halt. In the battle between "Haves" and "Have Nots," bet the Haves. The owners always win. Machado's salary gets debated in public, where nobody can feel sorry for him. Nobody asks how much the team owner banks, or what he even does to deserve a paycheck. He owns. That's all. 

So now we watch the "plight" of MLB free agents - a thought that's laughable, when compared to real working people. But here's the rub: The owners are colluding. Everybody knows it. And in the center square, instead of Paul Lynde, there's Hal, the owner with the largest market at his disposal, and the most money to spend, and a family tradition behind spending it... and he sits on the sidelines, not a peep. 

In a truly free market, the Yankees would set the pace. But that's not the way of a monopoly. So this is what we have, folks: Call it collusion, or price-fixing, or bid-rigging, whatever you want. It's a secret agreement between participants in a market to buy a product at a fixed price, through the control of supply and demand. MLB isn't a corporation. It's a cartel. 


  1. It would be interesting to see a team owned and run by the players themselves. A Lincoln Electric of baseball.

  2. do you smell it? The scent of expensive hair products? coming from around here somewhere...

    could it be Bryce?

  3. fellow IIH lunkheads: it is up to us to juju Bryce Harper into pinstrips.

    let's do this thing. I'm pulling out my most powerful California medications tonight (I know a guy who knows a guy). I'll be in a deep juju trance by 8PM. All for Harper, all for the Yankees, all for baseball, all for US!!!

  4. You say collusion, I say сговор.

    Let's call the whole thing off.

  5. it's been a while coming but I finally submitted the letter to my director announcing my intent to retire and depart from the banks of the old Raritan this April 1st. a fitting date! toughest letter I ever had to write. I am an emotional and nostalgic wreck but the time is right. seen too many hang on beyond their sell-by date. I am just beginning my downhill slide, so this is a good time to exit, stage left.

    although I love the place, property taxes are just too high in NJ so will be heading south to Virginia for the genteel planter's life. maybe some day, if the IIH get-together at the Stadium ever materializes, I'll make a special trip and see you in the Bronx. If not, we'll all come together some day. can you imagine the Yankees team on the other side? not saying we'll ever see it, but wouldn't that be something.

  6. The Ghost of Yankees PastJanuary 17, 2019 at 11:11 AM

    Maybe the owners finally figured out A Rod, Cano type contracts are a huge weight around a team’s neck and limit their ability to build a team. The only two people who benefit from 10 year $300,000,000 contracts are the individual player and his agent.

  7. True, Ghost, but no one is making offers of, say, 5-6 yrs@ $35 million per ($175-210 million) for these 2 generational players not even yet in their prime. No, Duque is 100% correct. The owners are colluding albeit this time in a more subtle way so they don't get convicted and penalized again. If there were no collusion between the owners, some team would be knee-deep in snapping up the best talent by now. I'd bet the Phillies owner got his pee pee whacked by the commissioner for stating that his team would spend "stupidly".

  8. KD....good luck on your retirement and move south. Perhaps you can find some work down there if you get bored or broke. I hear you can live in VA for "peanuts", lol.

  9. The comments here are filling me with more love for this blog than I could have ever imagined. In a manly way, of course. I love you guys.

    Winnie, too.


  10. Right on, Duque. I love "Yanxit."

    Good analysis, Carl. Nobody would blame the owners for limiting the length of the contracts. And if the Yanx were NOT in collusion, that is just the sort of thing they would do: "Hey Bryce, sorry you're not getting the long-term deal you like, but how about this: more bucks for fewer years?"

    $35 mill a year for five years? I bet he would bite. AND it would further incentivize him to go all out in those five years.

    KD, congratulations. Sorry it's a tough call. But I'm sure a life-loving soul with an active mind like yours will love retirement.

  11. Thanks guys. I appreciate the kind words and thoughts. you all have become almost family to me over the years. despite the love, we occasionally give each other the business. that's what families do! I can't even recall when exactly I started hanging out here. it's been that long.

  12. KD,

    Congrats, an active mind is never retired just focused on something else. Plus 5 years from now they can put you in their Hall of Fame.

    Other -

    Ottavino a Yankee. Just one more to go (cough Harper) and that will do it.

    Doug K.

  13. KD,

    You're going to love retirement. It gives you more time to think about the Yankees.


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  15. TWO great ones in this piece, "dukey" - - Yankxit & General Curtis Le Mahieu. Good on you!

    KD, as the guys said, with your active mind, you will love retirement, I predict. You Mahieu hafta' go to south VA, though, if you really wanta live for "peanutz". LB (No J)


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