Thursday, January 10, 2019

Yankees Are Like Syria Now.......

The once proud nation of the Yankees used to do things for the good of the team.

Now, we destroy, we equivocate, we abandon and we lie.

Thee is no strategy for success.

Are we in or are we out?

The Yankees are now manipulated by outside forces.

Our leadership betrays itself.

We are influenced for monetary reasons.

 For reasons of gaining favorable publicity.

We leave our loyal fans isolated and wondering, " whose side are we on?"

Does the blue and white flag, with the interlocking NY, still fly in our camp?

Or do we have only ruin?

Are we leaving victory to others?

To the enemy?

What are we thinking?


  1. I've heard that the Yankees are going to alter the shape of their cap to resemble a Syrian fez. It will, of course, still have the interlocking blue "NY" on the front which will be red. The side gold tassel will be embroidered with the initials "HZS" Sold at the stadium and in great sporting goods stores everywhere at the special price of only $ 149.00 All proceeds will go to the 2023 Mike Trout free agent fund.

  2. After a long day of work I caught the 1986 Dangerfield film Back To School on TV last night. During the diving competition scene, the picture cuts to a shot of the crowd and one kid right in the center is wearing a Yankee Starter jacket. It’s the most excited that I’ve been about the club in a long time. If science could create a potion to take me back to the time of the Scooter and White—even with those bad 80s teams of my youth—I’d do it, even for a few innings of joy.

  3. I heard they'll be selling vaseline at slightly above cost in every concession stand. This is in recognition of how we are getting hosed up the wazoo by the ownership of this pirate franchise.


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