Tuesday, February 5, 2019

And unto the Stygian darkness there came a bright beam of light....


  1. "And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me, and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the JUDGE!" -- Psalm 27:6 (Lightly paraphrased)

  2. I like the way Judge patrols RF for the Yanks. Essentially, Judge moves the wall back with his tremendous leaps. let's not be silly. Bryce goes to left and Judge stays put.

  3. Love the "team first" attitude! That said, Voit and Bird read this and weep openly. Nice gesture But yes, Harper plays left.

    Better headline, "Jacoby says, "I'll retire to free up the money for Harper!" But as I said in the other thread Owsley is dead.

    Doug K.

  4. Wonderful! I doubt if anything will come of it, but right now Hal and Hank and the rest of the Steinbrennerariat must be incensed.

    "Comissars! Comrade Judge has seriously departed from party line, and we cannot criticize him in Post-News. What to do?"

    And yes, I want Judge in right, too. But the idea is just to jump-start some momentum going for Harper.

    And loved the quote, Mustang!

  5. "Much ado about nothing," saith the Bard.

  6. Would Judge consider switching to the GM position?


  7. Apparently, Maestro Boone thinks "Judgy" was kidding:

         Boone played down comments of Yankees right fielder Aaron Judge, who jocularly
         told TMZ he would be willing to shift positions if the Yankees signed Bryce Harper,
         a move New York has shown no interest in. Boone said adding Harper wasn't realistic.

         "I think that was Judgy just having some fun at the Super Bowl," Boone said.
         "Judgy would do a lot of things for the team."

    As a result of reading the above, I'm not sure whether to call our manager "Aaron-y", "Fucking-y" or "Booney".

  8. I think we should call him "Schmucky."

    The diminutive thing has got to stop, especially with Judge, who is the only one I see to maybe one day bear the "Captain" mantle.

    Boone is an end-stage moron.

  9. He, like Cashman, will do whatever it takes to keep his job. This is how the Yanks operate now.


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