Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Yankee Photo Contest....2018 warm memories

I can tell that this team IIH participants and readers ) is alert and " on their game."

As we prepare for the optimism of Spring Training, it is useful to re-awaken some of the fond memories from the season past.

Here is another one ( of my personal favorites ):

Please present your recollections and narratives.

What are we witnessing here?  Have we seen it before?


  1. Another inning ending rally killing strikeout by looks like a bird.

  2. how can they expect me to hit when they buy these fucking shirts with only one sleeve?


  3. I was only able to get this one because of the hint that was provided in the form of a second question.

    What are we witnessing here?

    => Bird has just injured himself.

    Have we seen it before?

    => Yes, a few times.

  4. LBJ,

    "Bird has just injured himself". That's what I would have gone for. Now I'm forced to think. Ah yes,

    Bird is about to injure himself! Hah!

    Doug K.


  5. Doug K.:

    I like yours better, which is why it's fun to hang around here...


    STRIKE 3.

  7. Bird has declared himself ready for the season, a condition he attained by taking a couple of months off this winter and presumably forgetting how bad he's been the past few years because, you know, the ankle.

    When he fails miserably this year, it will be because, you know, the ankle again.

    If he's smart, he'll recognize the franchising opportunities. Sanchez has another terrible year? Well, you know, his ankle.

    John Carlo sets a new whiff record and hits even fewer home runs? Hey, lay off the big guy, because, you know, his ankle.

    Severino finds a new way to tip his pitches that Rothschild doesn't see until next Christmas? Not his fault, man. You know, his ankle.

    I think Els has already taken himself out of the season. No doubt because, after all, his ankle.

  8. Ells STILL has not resumed baseball activities. It's plantar fasciitis. They also call it policeman's heel. At this rate, they are going to rename it to Ellsbury's Heel.

  9. Did more research...

    How can I treat plantar fasciitis at home?

    To reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis, try these self-care tips:

    Maintain a healthy weight. Lose weight if you're overweight or obese to minimize stress on your plantar fascia.
    Choose supportive shoes. Avoid high heels. ...
    Don't wear worn-out athletic shoes. ...
    Change your sport. ...
    Apply ice. ...
    Stretch your arches.

    So Ells should stop wearing high heels and change his sport.


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