Monday, March 4, 2019

"For years, New York’s brain trust had implied that Operation Luxury Tax was designed to reset the tax rates to make future splurges more palatable. Steinbrenner asked Yankee fans to trust him: Let us duck under one time, and we’ll have even more reason to spend like the Yankees of old. Even if the 2018 free-agent class wasn’t as lustrous as it once looked, the opportunity to make an extravagant splash remained, but the Yankees barely dipped their toes in the deep end."

Must read: 

ESPN outs Hal Steinbrenner as the miserable skinflint that he is.


  1. He's also a f**kin liar. There is no Arenado, no Trout, nothing. As I've said earlier, the Yankees are his piggybank that his family will use to live off. He said he hates losing to the Red Sux. He says that the Yankee goal is to win the WS. I say with what? He better be ready cuz he's going to lose to the Red Sux. He lucked into Judge, Torres and Andujar but if he ain't paying, he's going to lose them too. He thinks that the Yankee fans are stupid and will listen to his whining. As the saying goes, "fool me once....." Paxton is a left handed Gray until he shows differently and they should have traded Hicks, while there was value, for starting pitching!

  2. Wow, that WAS devastating, Duque. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Joe FOB. This Zack Kram guy is much more devastating writer than his affable grandpa, Murray Chass, ever was.

    Hal is "a finance geek"? What a joke. He's a finance geek the way that Scrooge McDuck is a finance geek, just counting his gold coins over and over again.

    He's a rich boy who inherited a fortune, and now doesn't want to risk even a tiny piece of it—and it's a very tiny risk—on building something tremendous.

    Kram really nailed him on that, and when he called Cashman "disingenuous," I wanted to stand up and cheer. (I was afraid it would frighten the cat, so I desisted.)

    Look, there might possibly be a case to be made that, considering the way the game has evolved, we should rely more than ever on really young players, and to avoid putting so many eggs in one Harper or Machado egg basket.

    But in that case, as the owner, you ought to fire the guy who has never been able to build even a middling farm system for any sustained period in 22 years of trying, and who has never been particularly good at trades or assessing talent in general. Can him in favor of one of the majors' crack GNs and much of his organization, and let's see what you can do.

    And even then, as Kram spells out—and sets out in black-and-white, undeniable numbers—why not do that AND some major free agency? There's almost no risk to speak for a team as rich and well-supported as the Yankees.

    Instead—most ironically—all of our loyalty to our favorite obsession has only convinced its owner that we are saps, who can be deceived and lied to with impunity. If we dare to complain, they will get their trained poodles in he press to growl and snap at us some more.

    "!00 wins! GRRRR! Ungrateful swine. ARFFF-ARRRF!"

    This is ridiculous already. Hal and his office boy have lied to us shamelessly for years, and when their lies are revealed they only lie some more—"$90 mill in debt service!"—and tell us to get lost.

    He's going to be so surprised some day when we actually do.

  3. Fuckers. I'm not spending any money on this team until they do.


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