Thursday, March 28, 2019

Things we learned today from John and Suzyn

The Master and his Yankee Maiden were on fire. Some highlights:

1. Next month brings CALENDAR DAY at Yankee Stadium! and all guests of the 2019 Yankees will receive a special 2019 Yankee Calendar, and it's really special. When you think of calendars, you think of them running from January to December. But this calendar doesn't end in December... it extends into the following spring, to correspond with the 2018 Yankee Calendar and end where the 2020 Yankee Calendar will begin. These things are amazing! John only recently realized this, though Suzyn has been aware of it for quite some time.

2. Hopefully, folks won't make "a big thing" about Miguel Andujar's bad throw to first, which eventually resulted in Baltimore's first run. It was a long, tough throw from behind third base. Not many third-basemen could have gotten to the ball. And it was a catch-able ball for first-baseman Greg Bird. That said, it wasn't an error on Bird's part. But it was a catch-able ball. Sometimes, it's hard to give a guy an error. Folks should not get down on Miggy. It's a long season, with no reason to start in about his throwing. Suzyn agreed wholeheartedly: It was a catch-able ball. Sometimes, these things just happen.

3. It's just wrong that the Yankees play six games in two weeks against Baltimore. It's one thing to play, say, Chicago in, say, four or five games early in the season. But Baltimore is in the AL East, these games are critical, and it just seems wrong to play them so many times, so early in the year, especially when these teams are so far apart in talent. It doesn't help the Yankees, because they face the Orioles while they are psyched up and playing hard. In a month, they'll be demoralized and shattered. Plus, it's bad for Baltimore! They shouldn't have to play a powerhouse team like the Yankees - and by the way, this Yankee team is solid from top to bottom! - six times in two weeks. It will destroy Baltimore. They should - ohh - it's just so wrong. 

4. This talented Yankee ball club is going to hit a lot of home runs, but that doesn't mean they'll simply be swinging for the fences every time they come to the plate. Aaron Boone has instilled a new mindset with this team. You could see it in the first inning, when Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton hit singles to right field, exploiting the Orioles' defensive over-shift. They're looking to have great years. We're going to see a lot of hitters going to the opposite field. Situational hitting!

5. Stanton was named Suzyn's "Star of the Game," and he said it's really great batting behind Aaron Judge, and he agreed with Suzyn that the two of them should score a lot of runs this year, and that Adam Ottavino looked really good out there, and that this talented Yankee club is stacked from top to bottom.  Giancarlo mistakenly said the Yankees play tomorrow, but Suzyn corrected him, and he agreed that she was right. Obviously, he hasn't seen the calendar.


  1. I wish I'd jotted the exact wording, but they also said that the players have no argument against the owners anymore. The big names were signed and the owners rightly transitioned to paying for future performance instead of the past. (Which doesn't really apply to Harper and Machado, does it?) Remarkable that that they came down on the side of the people who pay them.

    Also, they now come to us from the memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Booth, FYI.

  2. I agree. I was all over that Andujar play due to the fact that I played third myself.

    The bat hit Bird's glove and was catchable. He was 100% extended and that made it tough.

    What was overlooked was the following; Andujar made a great play to get the ball and make the play. If Greg had merely blocked the ball, it would have been scored a base hit.

    What would Mattingly have done?

  3. I boycotted the game due to my continuing anger over not signing Harper and Keuchel. But it's nice that they won. And I can't continue my boycott because I don't want to miss the Master and Mistress in their last year in the cancer booth.

    It could have been worse than Sloan Kettering, I guess. I don't know if anyone else has heard the Calgary Hospital weepy, cloying radio spots, but it could've been them instead. From the commercials, I think their tag line is, "Bring your parents here to die!"

  4. I enjoyed learning about how, EVERY YEAR, Suzyn circles opening day on her calendar and wakes up very early (was it 5am? 6am?). She didn't explain what she's doing for all those hours before the games actually start, but she is up! Perhaps she's thumbing through the fine Post and Daily News baseball preview sections while sipping some Chock Full O' Nuts, the heavenly coffee.


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