Thursday, March 28, 2019

Yeah, there was no room for him in the Yankees' incredible amazing superfantastic lineup

A small footnote to the frustrations of the offseason:

Major League Baseball says that Bryce Harper has the sport's top-selling jersey, ending a two-year reign for Aaron Judge.


  1. Six outfielders, baby, six!

    Count 'em:

    Aaron Judge
    Brett Gardner
    Giancarlo Stanton (sort of)
    Michael Tauchman

    Well, what was it Chicago sang? "25 or 6 to 4"?

  2. The 21st century may well become known as "the time when people stopped pretending to pretend."

    Damn, I like that so much I may post it on Facebook. That way, I can feel like I did something today. I remember seeing Johnny Winter at the Palladium, back in the mid 1970s, and he noticed a mirror above the stage and became transfixed, saying something like "I can't believe how sexy I am," or some such drug-induced statement. Yeah, I'm going to go post on FACKBOOK, motherfucker, and then you'll see how fucking important I am.

    And YEAH, HOSS, outfielders - too many, not enough, we got nothing...rah! rah! rah! It's all bullshit. They will collect their money and the players will get paid enough to shut up about it and somebody will win and who cares? Certainly not Hal, who is laughing his way to the bank, whether we win or lose. Certainly not Brian, who keeps his job, whether we win or lose. Same goes for Boone the Magnificent or Larry "Einstein" Rothschild or the whole conditioning department.

    THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES FOR ONE'S BEHAVIOR OR WORK. This is not a meritocracy. It's not a game. We knew baseball was, ultimately, business masquerading as a boy's game, but it used to be more fun.

    Maybe I just need to get laid.

  3. Hal! Listen carefully. Hear that? that's the sound of cash slipping through your fingers. Imagine if you'd signed Harper. By god, you'd have the top TWO hottest selling jerseys in MLB!


  4. Hal and Cash are idiots. The best business move, as KD says, would have been to sign Harper or Machado or both plus Keuchel. Can you imagine the merch the Yanks would sell? Can you imagine the gate receipts everywhere they played? Can you imagine the moolah at the Stadium alone?

    These guys are dopes, pure and simple. Ya gotta spend money to make money. And they blew it big time.

    And what 13bit said.

  5. Too bad Hal couldn't figure out that the increased revenue stream from Harper ( paraphernalia, ticket sales, TV audience, etc . would more than offset any paycheck.

  6. If you didn't laugh at the disparity between the AB's of Voit and Bird, well you don't have a pulse

  7. Bird does look confused. I'd bet the mortgage he swings at th he first pitch next AB. He's watched 3 first pitch fastballs go right by him. Of course, next time it'll be a breaking ball a foot outside.

  8. I shall call him the Mighty Raptor of the Bronx. And feed him snackums.

  9. As to merch, the team's only keep profit on what's sold ast their stadiums. All the rest is split evenly. Between the owners. The players don't even get lint.


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