Monday, April 8, 2019

Not Really a Surprise.....

From recent interrogatories, it turns out that Sevvy's shoulder "still doesn't feel quite right."

So, he's going to go the the Hospital for Special Surgery for an MRI.

So what?

We hit 7 home runs, yesterday, against the tough Orioles.

We are good.

Houston is shaking.


  1. So bases loaded in part because Verlander has walked two men, and Scary Gary and Torres both swing at the first pitch. Neither pitch was anywhere near good enough to swing at. Who's the fucking hitting coach? Doesn't anyone teach how to approach an at-bat with men on base anymore?


  2. Voit and Bird are two sides of the same crappy coin

  3. Fucking HOF best bullpen in the majors once again coughs up the lead and Tanaka's gem goes by the boards, as too often happens to him. I wonder what his W-L with the Yankees would be if the awesome bullpens didn't fuck up so many of his games.

  4. Really? Really? Do we have to fucking play Baltimore everyfuckingday!?

  5. Our bullpen is great. On paper.

  6. Jack Curry was just talking about Zach Britton's great sinker. He gave up two runs, Ottavio one. They're really lucky. Bullpen sucks.

  7. Do you think it's possible Bird is in one of those Twilight Zone episodes where he's already dead but doesn't know it?


    The Greatest Bullpen What Ever Was strikes again.

    This is why this team is a pretender. It has no ability to win the tight ones. Warbler is spot on about how imbecilic the hitting approach always is, and the pen is just awful.

  8. Anyone know what the record for bullpen losses in a season is?

    Officially, they have "only" lost 3, or 60 percent of our losses so far. But really, giving up three runs late in both of those losses to Baltimore were really what cost us those games.

    This remains a wreck of a team. At least it will be entertaining.

  9. You're quite right, too, JM, about how badly Tanaka has been served by the team around him.

    The Tiger obviously doesn't have quite the arm strength he did when he first came to New York, but boy is he smart, and clutch.

    Back in the Last Dynasty, with smart, savvy ballplayers all around him, he would've been nearly unbeatable.

  10. We spent a fucking billion dollars on the greatest bullpen NEVER they promptly come in and blow the game out their ass...

    I love Tanaka, poor guy needs to ask for the next life boat off Cashmans sinking ship formerly known as the Bronx bombers. ..

    Bird should have been sent back to fucking AAA after his first injury riddled season which cut short his development...who the fuck heads up these departments....everyone on this blog clearly sees what the hell is wrong why can't Hal and his brain trust??!!

    Boone what a fucking idiot....

    Joe F

  11. Warblist's garter belt is a bit too tight again.

  12. Old Daddy Yankee RogerApril 9, 2019 at 11:10 AM

    Yankee courtier media and announcers hailing Britton's acquisition last summer as another brilliant move by Coops. But he didn't look good last year and he still doesn't look good. Leaving aside the eyeball test, analytics say his velocity is down which helps opposing batters to recognize when his famous "sinking fastball" sinks out of the strike zone. Batters lay off, and then hammer his pitches when he gets up in the zone. Britton's lack of command and diminished velocity make him only slightly better than the Yankee Clippard. But we can overpay to keep him so long as he makes much, much less than a much better pitcher or position player. When all is said and done, no matter how unpredictable Betances can be, he is a far better late innings option than Britton. So is Adam Zero and El Chapo.

  13. That's right, Daddy Yankee. That's the Hal philosophy:

    It's okay to screw-up, as long as you make less screwing up.

  14. Kuchel, ALL-CAPS?

    At this point, I'd take Kookla, Fran, and Ollie.


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