Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Yankees Will Have to Learn to Make Do With Only 12 Pitchers

All right, Dr. Pangloss here, to give you the best case scenario come September.

The team is surging toward the postseason.  Everything is clicking.  The lineup is, say:

Hicks, CF
El Matador, 3B
The Judge, RF
Voit, 1B
Stanton, DH
Frazier, LF
El Conquistador, 2B
Sir Didi, SS
Sancho, C

Mmm, not bad, eh?

But with just 12 position players, what's the bench?

Gardy, The General, and Lettuce.

Not a whole heckuva lot.  And really, not much that helps us.

Sure, LeMahieu could be nice to put in during the late innings for Andujar, and maybe Gardy could pinch-run.  But if Hicks, Frazier, and Judge are well, we won't really need his glove.  Roman will be there mostly as catastrophe insurance.  He doesn't hit OR catch better than Sancho.

We need room for a Gio U., or maybe a Ford.

We can only do that with a "mere" 12 pitchers on the roster.


Green (assuming he's back)
Toonces (assuming he's back)

Lot of assumptions in there.  And maybe Sevvy will be back.

But otherwise, is the addition of Tarpley/ Kahnle/ Harvey/ Loisaiga really going to make the difference?


  1. We're so great, we can do anything! We can win it all. I trust Brian and I worship Hal. Aside from his haircut, Randy Levine is a great soul. The highly-trained professionals on the conditioning and coaching staffs are going to ensure that we will cross the finish line -- in November! - rested and in great shape. I am so proud of our boys in pinstripes for displaying such hustle and talent. Oh my, I must go rest among the huckleberry bushes now and lay my head on some soft moss while I dream of the Yankee-dominated future.

  2. and, back in Smallville...

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  3. "Dr. Pangloss"

    That's why I read this blog.

    ...and Dr. OLU's advice, of course.

  4. Olu has the cream, but does he have the clear?

    Asking for a large-headed friend.

    And yes, we carry too many pitchers. A couple are just there taking up space. We don't need them.

  5. El Conquistador looks openly frustrated today, after his first, ineffectual at-bat. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a hitting coach!

    And of course the Angels start an "opener." How stupid. You're a team this bad, and you don't even have a promising young kid you're trying to slowly break in?

    Also, tonight's home plate ump seems to be visually impaired. So glad we can do something for the ocularly challenged.

  6. Wow, Yankees lineup looks totally overmatched. I'd say it's even money we get no-hit tonight.

  7. And the bad news keeps coming in. Frazier for an MRI. Stanton, it seems, has "a residual shoulder injury" now. Which might not be such bad news. Unless Frazier can't play. Wade seems completely lost in left field tonight, having let 2 routine fly balls already drop in. Defense breaking down in general—while Angels' journeyman Pena completely dominates this lineup.

  8. Poor CC. He's not pitching great, but he's not pitching 5-0 bad.

  9. Yeah. And after 2 home runs in this inning and several wretched plays in the field, Larry Rothschild comes out to have a mound conference with two outs and a man on third.

    WTF is that fool saying? 'Hey, get 'em out, CC!'

  10. Excellent! A single by Torres. No no-hitter, and I can turn this dog of a game off.

    Well, everybody takes a night off. One thing, though: I never want to hear Tyler Wade complain again about having to go to the minors.

  11. You could see the compression device containing Rothschild's gargantuan balls. It was clearly visible. Only a man supremely confident in his abilities could possess such tremendous testicles. The outline was right there...

  12. Holy shit, this is exactly what Hoss was saying about replay review. What bullshit. I don't care if it went against us or someone else, that's just obnoxious and makes game-playing a part of the game in a bad way.

  13. Sanchez really is just a pile of shit. He'd hold the strike out record if he could just stay healthy for the full season.

  14. Yet, after all that, this rag-tag excuse for a team managed to pull it out, again...and Zipper Wade partially (and only partially) redeemed himself, in the process. I must admit, as some of you have been saying, this crew can be kinda' fun to watch...behind five-zip, and end up winning, 6-5 - - in spite of another wild inning from El Chapo.

    I'm thinking we might have to find a way to keep this kid, Urshela, around.

    If only managers were counted on the roster, we could ship out Ma, and that, too would help solve some of our problems. LB (No J)

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