Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Should we start worrying about what happens when the celebrity Yankees return?

Last night, in a minor league rehab game, "Lil" Dustin Pedroia went 1-for-5 with a single, waddling his way back to the big-spending Redsocks like a salmon swimming upstream to die. We wish him well. When the Pedo, 35, finally returns, big-spending Boston will bench rookie Michael Chavez, who since mid-April has hit .282 with seven home runs. Hooray for tradition! And good luck to the Pedo, who played three games in 2018. He and Troy Tulowitzki should go drinking, no?

So, the big-spending Bosocks face a question: What do you do with the returning celebrity, the saver of whales, the keystone of virtue, defender of the realm and beloved puppy face of yesteryear? My suggestion: Bat him third. 

But here's the deal: The Yankees will soon face Pedroia times six. Which means our clubhouse diva chemistry will soon go from Katy Perry to full-on, unmedicated, shears-in-hand Britney. In the locker room, where humble no-names once showered in peace, we will soon see gold chains and entourages. In the parking lots, jalopies will be replaced by jaguars - (not cars, but live jaguars, as in the Mel Hall mode.) The joy of rookies basking in their first spotlight will be replaced by the scowl of vets who are sick of banal questions. Change is coming - for the better, we assure each other - but the juju gods never give everything you want.

Over the next month, a wave of returning celebrity superstars will crush the DNA of the currently first-place Yankees. Some will help. Some will sting. Here's a list. (Isn't the internet for lists?)

Celebrity Returnee: James Paxton
Situation: Almost there.
ETA: Memorial Day?
Who he replaces: The start-via-bullpen. David Hale? Chance Adams? Nestor Cortez Jr.? Dopey Dildox? Whatever. (Or does he subvert our potential signing of Dallas Keuchel?)
Potential downside: None, really. As long he is healthy. (And we sign Keuchel.)

Celebrity Returnee: Giancarlo Stanton
Situation: Playing Single A games. (Sat out last night.)

ETA: Early June. Soon.
Who he replaces: Kendrys Morales. 
Potential downside: Little, if it's Morales: (Kendrys, we barely knew yee's,) The downside is if Stanton returns in a state of abject rust, or still secretly hurt, and thus he becomes a human sinkhole in the heart of the order, until they shoot him with lawn darts. That would suck. You'd think it can't happen. But knowing the Yankees, it could. 

Celebrity Returnee: Dellin Betances.
Situation: Throwing on 120-foot flat surfaces.

ETA: Late June?
Who he replaces: The weakest bullpen lug nut. The 25th man.
Potential downside: None, if he's the good Dellin. If the bad Dellin, well... David Hale could never do such damage.

Celebrity Returnee: Aaron Judge
Situation: He's running, planning to resume "baseball activities," whatever that means. Strat-O-Matic? APBA? 

ETA: They've set no timetable. All Star break?
Who he replaces: This could get sticky. Before hitting 2 HRs last night, Clint Frazier looked ticketed to Scranton, to play every day and presumably get hot. If Frazier is hitting, he could platoon with or replace Brett Gardner - an alteration of clubhouse chemistry we might not want to experience. Cameron Maybe would probably go. Let's face it: July is too far out there to project.
Potential downside: None. When healthy, Judge is our best player. But he might take a while to return to form.

Celebrity Returnee: Didi Gregorius
Situation: Almost ready for a minor league rehab. 
ETA: Mid June.
Who he replaces: Ugh. This is a domino drop of overachievers. He'll knock Gleyber to 2B, which knocks LeMahieu to third, which knocks Urshela to the bench. Or maybe LeMahieu becomes utility man - all of which send the exciting, inspiring young Thairo Estrada to Scranton, or to another team in a trade. I hate this idea, but we can't keep everybody, and this SS, Hoy Jun Park, is possibly the breakout Yankee prospect of 2019. (Hitting .333 in Trenton.)

Potential downside: None, if Didi comes back strong. If he's rusty and slumpy, that's another story. We could ruin a perfectly good infield.

Celebrity Returnee: Troy Tulowitzki.
Situation: Keeps re-tweaking tweaks.
ETA: July? September's expanded roster?

Who he replaces: Damned if I know. They have him practicing at SS and 3B. Whatever. 
Potential downside: Honestly, I don't see an upside. The Yankees promised him a shot as an everyday player, at least until Didi returned. They love him. He's a future coach, maybe even a manager. Guy's in limbo. They'll probably have to waive him.  

Celebrity Returnee: Greg Bird
Situation: Foot in a boot.
ETA: August? September? Never?

Who he replaces: Ryan McBroom, in Scranton.
Potential downside: If Bird can come back, more power to him. But the days of him platooning with Voit are gone. He looks like a trade chip, and as long as he's on one paw, not a relevant one. He must heal, go to Scranton, bust down fences, and even then wait for a call that might never come. Nah. That dream of Yankee stardom? As Arya Stark would say, "NOT TODAY!"


  1. After reading this blog since the start of the season, I now realize: you just make all this stuff up, don’t you? “Celebrity diva?” Judge? Gregorius? I should’ve know a blog named after Sterling would be just as ridiculously uninformed as he is. I gave you a try, but no more. Back to the minors for you, and good riddance.

  2. ‘I gave you a try, but no more. Back to the minors for you, and good riddance’

    The irony here is that I can attest to the fact that the same quote is written in elk blood on the headboard to his mother’s waterbed...

  3. Nice APBA reference Duque. Brings back memories of one of my buddies batting Bill Lee fourth and playing first. His card said it was the right thing to do.


  4. It is noteworthy that someone abandoning this blog feels the need to inform the world -- via the blog itself -- of his/her/its unhappiness.

    Is the motivation behind this "action" to foment "change" on this blog? I hope that will not work.

    Is the reason behind it a desire to start a movement of other visitors to do the same thing? I can't fathom the reasoning driving such a thing.

    Is it about petulance? Maybe so!

  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Judge and Didi and everyone else on the list aren't really divas. Even Stanton seems like a decent guy (who likes to swing at terrible pitches more than most). The newbies to IIH seem incredibly pre-conditioned to take everything about baseball so damn least everything on the intertubes. They do not get the total fun of intentionally overblown pessimism, criticism, and general lunacy that is IIH. For this, we should pity them, stuck in their Gammonitic analysis and statistical reliance on an observable unreality (Mandlebrot would have a field day with the latter bunch).

    So, here we stand, or more likely, sit, knowing from experience and alcoholic dependency that our way, though flawed, is the right and good way. And we bid a sad adieu to those who feel excluded from this strange and wonderful club and unable to enjoy its uniquely odd atmosphere.

    Adieu, my somewhat more serious friends. Adieu.

  6. Shouldn't Bird be on one claw instead of one paw? Either way, him being on one instead of two doesn't make him any less gangly.

    Anyway, what's with internet commenters on free blogs proclaiming they'll take their business elsewhere?

  7. Sad, no. It wasn't sad the first time. Or the second. Or the 95th. Sad does describe the troll's life.

  8. Duque, the very short answer to your question is "YES!"

  9. I'll tell you what pisses me off... Mad Magazine. I'm going back to reading Time.

    Doug K.


  10. Great comments, everyone. JM, I particularly enjoyed yours.

    Here's mine.

  11. Beautifully put, JM. And hilarious, everybody!

    As for me, Doug K., I'm going back to the Village Voice! Oh, wait...

    You know on some of those other blogs—which are also dying at an astounding rate—they actually get mad if you go too "negative" on the players?

    I just love the whole concept that, somehow, being less than enthusiastic about talented young millionaires will effect anything in the world.

    That some heavy karmic shit there. Or maybe the same philosophy that gets Tinkerbell through every performance of "Peter Pan."

  12. I liked JM's comment as well. Especially the part about having a Mandlebrotwurst at a later brunch. It creates an endless pattern of gas in your colon.

    Doug K.

  13. I love this blog, but it's day's like this that I REALLY LOVE this blog, LOL!

  14. I could kiss you full on the lips Ken of B. And bite your tongue too.

  15. I think the wandering tribes of RAB are a tad on the humourless drone side of life.

    And Doug K? You get seconds when I'm done with the knightly K'o'B.


  16. Anyone else dreading what happens when we don't play Baltimore every other series?

  17. I'm just dreading what happens when we have to play in Piccadilly Circus, dodging traffic and those guys in the crazy pearl costumes.

  18. No need to worry about Scranton coming back too soon. He seems to be going to the Jacoby Ellsbury Hotel California rehab center.

  19. Psst... Rufus, I'm not really sad. I just went with it, like when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

  20. The Cashman will solve all this post-IL unhappiness by trading for Max Scherzer - and give the Nats Clint Frazier, Thairo Estrada, Chance Adams and Greg Bird as a fair exchange. And toss in Harvey and Tarpley if they are still greedy. Our discards will be their cards.

  21. Warblist offering his sage counsel on humor--this twisted cross-dressing fabulist has never said or written anything remotely witty in his blighted, tormented life.

  22. Puckered! You are the best! You never fail to amuse me. You're like a Duece Bigalow film: stupid, low brow, uninventive drivel and yet I laugh every time. At you. I laugh at you every single time you post. A remarkable bromide for my successful work weary soul.

    You're such an incredible imbecile!!

  23. "twisted cross-dressing fabulist"

    Yes, the Elton John movie was "Fantastic".

  24. ...and we didn't give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!

    And yes, Mrs. Wormer, I do find vegetables to be erotic...

    But only in the right circumstances.


    D. S. Day


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