Monday, June 17, 2019

Once again, Brian Cashman took a call from another team and simply could not say no.

You've heard the adage about government bureaucracy: Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. For the 2019 Yankees, I propose a new one: "Too many Rogers, and not enough Bobbys."

I refer, of course, to the greatest team ever, the '61 Yankees, known for its HR duo of Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle, plus Yogi, Moose, Ellie and John Blanchard. Fun fact: The first two-batters, Bobby Richardson and Tony Kubek, hit 11 HRs, between them. Their job was to blast singles. 

Today's Yanks will tally more HRs than in 1961. The question is whether we'll win a ring. Our newest addition, Edwin Encarnacion brings awesome power. He also adds another slow-footed .241 hitter to a lineup that, with the exception of DJ LeMahieu, hinges on homers. 

At times, all you need is a goddamn single. That's when Aaron Hicks - .211 - doesn't look so much like a long-time CF fixture. In the modern, three-tiered playoff system, homer-happy teams must always beat at least one power staff. That means winning close games and manufacturing critical runs. There always comes the point where all you need a single, a bunt down the line, or a ball slapped to the opposite field. This October, will the Yankees have such a hitter? 

I ask this, because one question now shadows every Yankee move: Will it win us a world championship? 

This is the Yankees last chance in this decade. Excuse me, if I sound nervous, rather than joyful over this latest fortification.  

Amid this drought of historical magnitude, Brian Cashman has once again built an airplane with five wings and one propeller. And once again, "Cooperstown" has painted himself into a corner where he no choice but to ransack the Yankee farm system for some pitcher (or pitchers) whose elbows have already logged a lifetime of innings. Throughout Cashman's 21-year reign as GM, this has been his signature formula: He always remakes the team at the July 31 trade deadline, regardless of how well it is doing without him.

(By the way, Cashman's official record as GM - four world championships - belies the fact that three came under teams - 1998-2000 - built by Bob Watson and Stick Michael. Since 2001, he has one world championship under his belt. One. If a batter goes 1-18, hey, isn't that Zolio Almonte? Maybe we should change Cashman's nickname from "Cooperstown" to "Zolio.")  

Thus far, the 2019 Yankees have beaten all expectations. For that, Cashman deserves our praise. Seriously. He found Luke Voit. He found LeMahiue. He found Gio Urshela. There was a sense that - with Giancarlo Stanton and Aaron Judge returning (and maybe Luis Severino) - the Yankees wouldn't need the annual July face lift... that the cavalry was coming not from trades but from the rehab list. We would not have to deal the future for another Sonny Gray or Lance Lynn.

Well, so much for that notion.

The story on Cashman is simple: He can't say no to a pretty face. Miami called with an offer, "Psst, hey, sailor, wanna a deal on Giancarlo Stanton?" The Yankees didn't need Stanton. They had a team of power hitters. Didn't matter. Cashman said yes. Last week, Seattle made the same call. "Hey, psst, guy, wanna a slugger, cheapo?" The Yankees didn't need another DH. We already had two. Didn't matter. Cashman said yes. If tomorrow, somebody offers Albert Pujols, would he say no? My guess: Not if the price was cheap.

So the Yankees absorb another monstrous contract, becoming even more of a homer-hitting lineup, and Clint Frazier - who was batting .333 in recent weeks - goes poof. Soon, Cameron Maybin will join him, and by August 10, the newly drained Yankee farm system will be in need of a hype transfusion, while other teams fatten up for the future. Close your eyes and imagine Frazier as a Blue Jay for the next 15 years. McGriff, anybody?

Twenty-one years, folks. Ignore the first three, and we're 1-for-18. I'm sorry: I should be jubilant over Encaracion. We just took on an $8 million contract, after being slightly outbid by Atlanta for a starting pitcher. Yeesh. All I ask is this: 

Isn't it time to try something different?


  1. Nobody can beat The Team with All Power Hitters©! More power to you, Yankees fan! This is awesome!

    (CAUTION: All Power Hitters© can result in high strikeout rates, repeatedly failed rallies, low contact averages, and disheartened players due to minor league constipation. All Power Hitters can lead to poor performance in postseason situations when confronted by decent pitchers. Before you consider All Power Hitters, consult a specialist not named Cashman. "With All Power Hitters, good starters are irrelevant!" is a copyrighted phrase owned by the New York Yankees. All rights reserved. All Power Hitters is valid only in New York. The New York Yankees have not won a World Series in 10 years, and has won only one World Series in 18 seasons. Your results may vary. Void where prohibited. If you maintain a .500 record for more than two weeks, consult a statistician. Member FDIC. A Fair Housing lender.)


  2. This is not a defense of Cashman. I promise. But, I'm not as worried as you on the offensive end.

    In the next two weeks we will face Tampa, Houston, and Boston with two guys who haven't swung a bat in months. Having a legit power hitter (EE) in the middle of the line up who is already having a good year is going to be a good thing as Stanton and Judge flail.

    Particularly Stanton, whose nickname should be, "The Flailer"

    We have more balance on the "single/double" side than last year. Hell, they scored five runs in a row the other day without a homer in sight.

    DJ is a base hit machine.
    Didi does both.
    Gary when he remembers to go the opposite way.
    Gleybar isn't all or nothing
    Urshala isn't all or nothing.
    Luke gets a lot of base hits too.

    So really it's the outfield.

    and if Judge returns to having Judge like AB's he will walk and hit too.

    So its Stanton as opposed to Frazier. (I still think sending him down is not good. And shipping him out is worse.)

    This team needs starting pitching. They cheaped out on Corbin, cheaped out on Keuchel, and as been pointed out (with the exception of last year's Happ deal seem to have no clue on who to trade for - and miss all the good ones.


    EE (Unleash the Parrot!) will win a couple for us during this upcoming stretch. Juan Then is 19 and maybe Cy Young some day but the odds are against it. It was a good trade in my book.

    The problem is Pitching! And what we are going to give up for it. As in Thario (bummer)and Frazier, (bummer). When money could have solved it. (See, I told you it wasn't a defense of Cashman.)

    Doug K.

  3. Hey JM that was great!

    Doug K.

  4. Not surprisingly, the Yankees results have NOT varied.

  5. Hilarious, JM! Now all we need is the IBS lady to go with it.

    "Where have you gone, IBS Woman
    A blog turns its lonely eyes to you..."

  6. El Duque: having now been successfully re-educated, I am shocked and appalled to hear you criticize our Glorious Leader.

    True, some of the Running Dogs who plague this site would say that The Honorable Glorious Cashman is even worse than 1-18, that the team he won with in 2009 was still fueled by the Overrated Core of Four.

    LIES! Miserable, Old Think lies! In fact, Derek Jeter was simpleton, whom Glorious Leader defeated and destroyed!

    All hail Hal! All hail Glorious Leader Coops!

  7. Frazier:


    For a basically negligible increase in overall batting performance, the Yankees drop a 24-year-old potential All-Star with speed who potentially can play good defense (good arm, good range), and replace him with a 36-year-old with the same overall offensive profile but no speed and zero potential on defense. THIS IS WHAT'S KNOWN AS GENERAL-MANAGER DOWN'S SYNDROME.

    Have you noticed that Boston has built a perennial contender by sticking with and developing young stars (Betts, Bradley Jr., Bogaerts, Benintendi) and DUMPING older underproducing players (Ramirez, Sandoval) rather than DISPLACING the younger stars with the older nonproducers? So instead of dumping older nonproducers like Gardner, they replace their younger stars with other older players.

    THIS IS WHY TEAMS LIKE HOUSTON, TAMPA BAY, AND BOSTON have great GMs who understand TEAM BUILDING, and why the Yankees are always in turmoil, because they stick with a bungling nepotism dunce like Cashman (his father was a buddy of George's).

  8. I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™
    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I’m Stat Boy, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™


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