Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A handy-dandy list of Cashman's "Power Arm Follies"

From the Morning Murdoch.

Note: This does not include his spring trade/free agent flops, from Kei Igawa to Michael Pineda (with a Carl Pavano/Javier Vazquez on the side.) And where is Kevin Brown? And the Big Unit? Holy crap, is there a trend here?


  1. INSTANT PTSD, reading this list...

  2. Right on, 13bit! Although I loved how they gave one deal an "F+". Don't think I've ever seen an "F+".

  3. I don't get such relevant features in MY daily newspaper.

    Instead, they had an illustrated, two-page spread on why it is many teams—in the likes of soccer and ultimate frisbee leagues—take on nicknames reflecting past disasters or bad things in their cities; the New York Gridlock, the Chicago Fire, etc.

    I am not making this up.


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