Thursday, July 18, 2019

Annual drumk blog begins: Too bad about Eduardo Nunez, eh?

The record will show he was a traitor to his real team.

The old pinstripes.

We were his real team.

He betrayed us. 

Hell with him.  


  1. Now, if they'd just release Betts...

  2. Betts is a mook. It's on his birth certificate.

    Decent showing by German there. One down...

  3. I noticed our Austrian fan was mocking Mr. German.

    Austria, Germans...lotta bad blood there. Just glad we don't have someone named English to annoy our Scottish fan. Or Belgium to...well, you get the picture.



  5. Now who's happy?
    We're all happy!
    Just how happy?
    Very happy!
    That's the way we're going to stay
    So knock on wood.

  6. Hoss,

    Dr. Evil was Belgian. And you know what an evil guy he was. King Leopold is also not well regarded in central Africa.

  7. What the fuck is happening in that picture?

  8. How the fuck is replacing Nestor Cortes with Luis Fucking Fuckface Fucker Cessa going to improve this situation!?


    Fuck you Boone.
    Fuck you Cash.
    Fuck you Hal.

  9. I don’t listen to broadcasters other than my beloved John and Suzyn... so I have a question. Do other radio announcers pretend they aren’t watching the game on TV while broadcasting? John and Suzyn regularly mention when Yes has a nice graphic they like or something. Suzyn calls it “the monitor” but that might just be old people speak for “I’m watching this on the television”. They are completely intellectually honest that radio baseball is someone telling you what’s on TV. Is this common?

  10. At the risk of jinxing us, John tells us in one of his aphorisms that you rarely win both ends of a doubleheader.

    I'm hoping this is the exception to the rule.

  11. Suzyn has called more baseball this year... she did like three pitches right there. How much do you want to bet John’s problem is the shits? That’s why it’s a big secret what’s wrong.

  12. John's issue may very well be GI related. Weight loss is part of it. Good news is it is not chemo.

    Just because they won the last doubleheader (I think), doesn't mean they will win this one. Because...

    You can't predict baseball.

  13. Cortes Green Cessa and Ottavino..."The Squad" pulls it out against the dull middle American named Charlie Morton. Take that Trump.

  14. As John so wisely informs us, 10 up in the loss column.

  15. Beau,

    Did you intend for your initials to be a sandwich? Bread, Jelly, Peanut Butter.

  16. A win with Cortes AND Cessa AND Green opening? And how about that balk?

    Now who's lucky?
    We're all lucky!
    Just how lucky?
    Very lucky!
    Well smile again
    And once again
    Let's knock on wood!

  17. John told us 10 loss-column games was, if I heard him right, "a hell of a lead". I didn't recall John ever saying "hell" before; figured it was due to hearing his words over quivering airwaves so unreliable that I'm lucky I can hear anything he says. But I heard it and was worried (due to lack of noticed hell-drops before) that something was wrong, especially when he followed up a minute or so later with the explanation that it was a "heck of a lead".

    I feared the medication had kicked in.

    But then John Sterling came up with a quatrain for the ages:

    The Yankees go to the bottom of the ninth
    Three outs from a sweep
    On the Yankees Radio Network
    Driven by Jeep.

    Again, I heard it through some maelstrom of whatever shit climbs itself airborne to block The Master's words from reaching me, but I think I heard that. And some philosopher I don't know the name of once said all our knowledge is based on what we think we heard, or something like that. I want to say it was Robert Browning, but I don't recall him as being primarily a philosopher so I think that'd be a bad guess.

    Anyway, I sat on the back porch amongst the static and other impedimenta and smiled in the dark to myself, because The Master is back. And sure; he said "Adam Judge" was a great defensive outfielder. I'm willing to give a man with a new lease on life a pass on the first name after Ottavino pitched.

    I'm thrilled that John is back. And I will be tomorrow regardless of the inevitable miscalculations. Other people's reasons for loving or hating someone never seem quite right to me, however intelligent their arguments.




  19. Also tonight, nice spirit from Ma, who finally got thrown out of the game with a marvelous rant about how his team was up there fighting "like savages."

    Savages! I love it!

  20. Austria's Only Baseball FanJuly 19, 2019 at 1:43 AM

    Kudos to Ma's rage, but you gotta love Gardy's roof repairs, too. And I take back what I said about Germán: the game had just started after an 87 minute delay and he gave up two runs and a walk within the first few seconds. He recovered. There is enough ill will emanating from your country with respect to nationality right now, so please don't misconstrue my occasional nagging based simply on a name.

  21. "Our guys are fucking savages" will be on a t-shirt eventually.

  22. When John said Adam Judge I had the courtesy to assume I’d just misheard. You misheard also.

  23. Ranger,

    Sporting news cites at least five that are available.


    I have misheard John many times over the years. It's all part of the experience.

  24. Mike Fan Cessa, that was a fine tribute you posted. A quatrain! Impressive.

    Austrian Fan, I'm coming to Salzburg next month for a few days, so if you hear some boozy American yelling "Thuuuuuuh....", that will be me. At times, my voice might carry to Vienna. And the German (Domingo) thing is fine.

    I'll have a Kaesekreiner and a Bosna in your honor. Along with a Stiegl, of course.

  25. That quatrain needs to be the on the masthead. Well, as soon as Duque sobers up. Otherwise it'd be indecipherable.

    John isn't just a 21st century poet, he's a poet for the ages.

    And John doesn't have panic attacks either. Just as 'Merica didn't panic when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, The Master never panics.

  26. Sorry, Austria, just a silly joke! And I loved Vienna when my wife and I were there—15 years ago now, alas. We went to Freud's old cafe (and his apartment), your incredible art museum, a palace or two. Beautiful city, and such a history.

    And yes, sadly, we are not exactly a light unto the nations these days...Oy.

  27. @ Mike Fan Cessa,
    I absolutely agree with JM, a terrific tribute my friend and I couldn't agree more!!! I hardly believed my ears when The Master dropped the H-Bomb, he quickly recovered with the requisite g-rated heck, but the genie is now out of the bottle, LOL!!!! And I also noted Adam Judge's stellar defensive skills, but as being gentlemen here, I'll chalk it up to my diminished hearing due to excessive heavy metal gigging!

    What a tremendous two-fer yesterday, a DH sweep, AND, 5-6 hours of a revived Maestro,,,, life is sweet!

  28. Austria's Only Baseball FanJuly 19, 2019 at 5:39 PM

    Hoss: Happy to learn you enjoyed your visit to Wien. I live in the 6. Bezirk, not far from Freud’s home. We didn’t have a noted psychiatrist, but we did have Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, Hugo Wolf, and still have one of the last existing anti-aircraft towers from the Third Reich (it’s been turned into the Haus des Meeres – the House of the Sea – the city’s aquarium).

    JM: are you by any chance going to Salzburg for the Festspiele? Do you know the city, or do you need some suggestions? If you like, El Duque can put us in touch (when he emerges from his current stupor), but it sounds like you already know the menus!

    I read today that a young (early 30s) American football player collapsed and died from heat exhaustion. Seeing that NYC is due to hover around the 100°F mark all weekend (my map tells me 37°C, which is body temperature – 98,6°F) as well as being beastly humid, I was wondering if baseball games have ever been postponed or rescheduled because of heat which could be dangerous to the players. Anybody know?

  29. Regarding the sandwich... as a John Sterlingite, I picked the first obscure Broadway reference that came to mind.

  30. Loved you're work on F troop. Pure dramatic gold.

  31. Austria, of course, as New Yorkers, our first reaction was not, 'Here is the home of one of the transformative minds of the Western world' but...'Wow, look at this place!! And he only paid what????'

    As for your great composers, well, I have to ask you, how come Mozart couldn't find his tutor? (Because he was Haydn! Huh, huh? I know you're out there, I can hear you drinking really good coffee!)

  32. Austria, of course, as New Yorkers, our first reaction was not, 'Here is the home of one of the transformative minds of the Western world' but...'Wow, look at this place!! And he only paid what????'

    As for your great composers, well, I have to ask you, how come Mozart couldn't find his tutor? (Because he was Haydn! Huh, huh? I know you're out there, I can hear you drinking really good coffee!)

  33. And yes, it is hot here. It is so hot and has been for so many straight days that we have reached what is usually August Chaos Weather. That is, people are just wandering through the streets screaming incoherently. And they are NOT only Yankees fans!


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