Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Here Is The Deal.....Win Today

Aaron loves to blather about how resilient this team is.

He tells us that he is always confident that this team can come back and win, no matter what the circumstances.

We are reminded how much fun they are having, and how they have each others' backs.

Well today is the day.

We have not done well since the last two games in Tampa.

Don't read too much into " winning" the Toronto series.  We were at home.  We barely hung on to win the last game.  Toronto still stinks.

This is a must win game.  Another loss to Tampa and the foundations begin to shake.

Let's see if this team is resilient.

If they are, why did they give up three HRs to one guy yesterday, including a ninth inning dagger that killed us?

Why didn't we simply come back in the bottom of the ninth and win?

If we are just in a "patchy place " right now, prove that we can get out of it.

We need to rake.

Show us that there is a reason to believe.

Today or no tomorrow.


  1. I tuned in late .....but why is the Master missing.?!Did Dr Olu finally snap and put the whammajammma on Him? Should we raise ransom money? This could be the biggest crisis this blog has ever endured and ....crickets? Shouldn’t we bring the juju for the master...where ever he really is tonight?

  2. Apparently just taking one more night off, according to NY Post.

  3. This was the day that the Master was having that unspecified "procedure".

    Maybe we'll know what it is after the fact. I'm thinking vasectomy. Doesn't want any more kids.

  4. CC was being CC. And we can't hit. Bad combo.

  5. CC was ok.

    Hitting was not.

    Two runs is not enough.

  6. Bad move by Sanchez, but he made it.

    6 runs may be enough if Chapo is not in the mix...

  7. That's baseball Suzyn.

    We need that kid on this site.

  8. Didi!!! Didi!!! Didi!!! Didi!!! ALL SHALL WARBLE!! GET RRADY TO DO THE MASTER PROUD!!!



    What you said.

  11. Thu-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-aaaahhhh-ahahajahahajhahaaahhhAAAAHHHH-AAHH YANKEES WIN!! DID YOU HEAR ME YOU GORGEOUS SEXY MUTHRRS!?!? Thu-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-uhh-aaaahhhh-ahahajahahajhahaaahhhAAAAHHHH-AAHH YANKEES WIN!!

  12. Love me some CC fatbackthia!!!!!

  13. At least Sterling is day-to-day and not on the EL.

  14. And I did say yesterday that the bats would come back...

  15. Did you?? WELL!?!? DIDYOUDIDYOU!?!??!!???

  16. And to be precise, it was this morning....

  17. A side rant on Chapo

    How the fuck does Chapman strike out the side against an all start lineup all to shit in his pants when the actual team he plays for needs him :(

  18. Bats?? There are bats? WHERE?

    Oh. Those bats.

  19. Now who's happy?

    We're all happy!

    Just how happy?

    Very happy!

    That's the way we're going to stay

    So knock on wood!

  20. Would it be bad for me to point out that if we'd had Britton in there pitching like that last night we'd have two wins, instead of one?

    Yes, it would be bad.

    Let it go, Hoss. Just let it go...

  21. "Show us that there is a reason to believe."

    -Alphonso, a man who makes things happen

  22. It's late and I have downed a couple of beers and am conflicted about this game (although I damn sure DID Warble--in the car, on the way home from mundanity and out of reach of W.W.'s insistence; for a second I thought it was some telepathic shit and for another second I thought it was just what I'd have done anyway and for the rest of the time it didn't seem to make much difference.)

    There was a lot about this game to like, and I do. I, like Hoss, must let certain worries go when it comes to this shit.

    But a name kept entering my head, as it has every time I have let it:

    Clint Frazier.

    I cannot for the life of me imagine a world in which there is no place for him on this team, before they send him away.

    The man not only can hit but was hitting. He had one horrible game in the field. And he's gone.

    He's obviously not welcome in NY anymore, so, I agree: get rid of him.

    And this is how to do it: GIVE HIM to the Redsocks.

    If Clint is that bad a human being to have on a team, it'd be dirty pool to include him in any trade package; if Coop and HAL and Hank and Lonn and the sister with the ram haircut who's smarter than the lot of them but doesn't get to run shit have all concluded that Mr. Frazier is THAT fucking bad, then they should put him and his contract on a flat rock and skip them both up to the desk of John Henry or whoever runs that fucking team and say, "he's yours, free of charge. Enjoy!"

    They shouldn't be afraid he'll be with a contender; they should REJOICE that he's gone to one.

    On the other hand, if it's all about just messing with the guy and breaking his spirit, then they're on the perfect track.

    Time for another beer...

  23. Mike -

    Clint never should have cut his hair.

    He would be in his third season, starting in the OF for some major league club, and he would be a terror.

    Once he is traded, to a team that recognizes what century we are in, he will let his hair grow and become a Yankee killer.

    It was predestined that he would never be a Yankee regular.

    By forces larger than us.

  24. Alphonso-

    I know you are absolutely right; everything you say is true.

    As a fan of the on-the-field Yankees, I hope Clint goes to San Diego and stars for fifteen years. As an aspiring FYH Productions stockholder I hope he goes to the Socks and grows the hair out and scrapes the Hebrew letters for "HAL" in the dirt before every at-bat and has a Hall Of Fame career. I'm even cool if he has a bunch of Game Two playoff homers against the Yanks.

    Both of which scenarios assume Clint is gone. Which I do. Which really pisses me off.


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