Friday, July 26, 2019

Ma Must Go

To blame Ma Boone for the inevitable collapse of the Yankees' pitching staff is akin to blaming a hammer for a badly built house.

Unlike what we traditionally think of as a baseball "manager," Ma is merely an extension of The Genius Known As Cooperstown Cashman, a tool in the hands of that beady-eyed egomaniac.

But there are tools and then there are tools.

Leaving Masahiro "Tiger" Tanaka out there to die last night was the most obscene misuse of an honored Yankee veteran since Billy Martin left an injured Catfish Hunter to take a beating in the 1977  Beantown Meltdown—then did it again in the World Series.

That enraged the Yankees' veterans at the time, as well it should have.  But this is actually worse.

Martin's callous sacrifice of the Catfish (the second time, anyway) was at least in the service of resetting his worn staff and winning a World Series, which he did.

Tanaka was thrown to the wolves in a July game in which the Yanks had a 10-game lead.  And Tanaka is hardly someone who can handle things with the same, ironic perspective of a good ol' boy like Hunter, who could take a lot.

This was a baseball soul-killing, which our lump of a field manager didn't even understand.

It was a backhanded insult, rendered with little care or thought, by a skipper who is too often out to lunch.

You can't even blame Coops or the algorithms for this one.  Tanaka should have been in the showers with the score 5-0, and the Yanks should have found a way to get through that game even if it meant that its Golden Horde of relievers pitched 1 inning each for the rest of the night.

I never thought Boone was a good manager, alas.  But this leads me to conclude that he is a bona fide,  factory-certified fool.

We will never win a ring with the Unholy Trio of HAL, Coops, and Ma in charge.  But this was an insult, not only to a gutty pitcher but to everyone who knows and follows the game.  Ma must go.


  1. "We will never win a ring with the Unholy Trio of HAL, Coops, and Ma in charge"

    I hope that is not true, because I don't see any of them leaving anytime soon.

    I know, hoping against hope.

    Where's Dr. Odu when you need him.

  2. Dr. Olu is always with us. I had tossed his email, but found a copy on a website called "" Yes, that is what the world has come to, my friends. Now, for a refresher course...

    Nigerian Spam » Nigerian Scam Mail Archives » Nigerian Scam Mail Archives 2004
    Nigerian Scam Mail Archives 2004
    Scam mail from: DR.OLU JACOBS
    Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:21:00 -0800
    Subject: My Warm Regards {Please Read}

    Dear Friend,

    First I will like you to take your time to go over this mail carefully and with patience. Please, this is a matter of urgency, this is because I need your help and I need it very quickly too. At this stage I will like to introduce my self. I am DR.OLU JACOBS. I am 51 years old, a Nigerian.Today I am formally retired as the personal accountant to the late head of state of this country Late General. Sani Abacha. Since his demise things have never been the same for us who served under his regime. I cannot leave the country for now because the present government is still investigating huge amounts of funds embezzled by the Late Head of State and remains hostile to his family and properties.

    Shortly before his death the General gave me a very huge amount of money to be transfered to an off-shore Security Company abroad and this I did with the help of his eldest son Mohammed Abacha who was recently released from detention for human rights violations. In any case the funds was successfully transfered and it is currently in a safe deposit abroad. All the papers to legally claim the funds is with my attorney for security porposes and the amount involved in this transfer is US$30,000,000.00 (Thirty Million Dollars).

    The present government of my country has so far recovered most of the funds transfered by the Late General but they do not and will not have access to this one. This is because the funds is not in a bank like the others already recovered but rather, in a security company and all documents relating to it's existence completely unknown except by me. I have thought about this and I have decided to invest this funds abroad,preferably in your beautiful country and later settle with my family there when all this is over. However, for now I sincerly want your help in the area of investment opportunities in you country. In Research, Real estate and properties, computers and other things that will bring real returns for my investment worth. Please, can you help me by recieving the funds as the beneficiary?. There is no risk involved as the funds is already out of Nigeria. All you need is just the papers to put forward before the Security company and the funds will be released to you promptly. These papers I am ready to send to you as soon as I hear from you with personal information about your self.

    Please, be informed that you will be compensated with 30% of the funds upon collection if you agree to help me, and the rest we can put into business. I await your urgent response. I will fill you in with more information when I have heard from you. Please do furnish me with your phone and fax numbers when responding. Thanks and God bless you as I look forward to your favourable reply.

    Yours sincerly,

  3. Dr. Olu apparently moved from Nigeria to Argentina. At least his email did.

    I would respond to him, but my fax machine has been disconnected. What bad luck to lose out on that $30 million. Seemed like a sure thing.


  4. I really want the world to know about this great man who brought back happiness into my life again after my husband left me and the kids 3 years ago for another women online when i contacted Dr Believe he cast a love spell for me within 48 hours my ex husband start calling me and begging for forgiveness for everything that have happened between us. I was so happy to have my family back together with love again here is the email of Dr Believe via a man with the great powers you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348156148821
    God bless you
    I am very grateful for your help in my marriage.


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