Sunday, July 7, 2019

Pitiful Yanks Lose Again

For the third time...oh, wait, that is El Duque's post from ( write in the correct number of games ).....we lost. 

So we take solace in leaving Tampa no worse off than when we visited.

Except that Boston kept their winning streak alive.
 The Yankees have proven something that is highly unsettling:

They cannot hit against quality pitching.

Two games in a row now, where our "big guns" failed in the clutch at every opportunity.

Today, in fact, there were almost no clutch opportunities.

We struck out 14 times.

If Giancarlo had been playing, it would have been closer to 19 Ks.

We got a decent outing from the Paxton loser, but decent was not enough.

We are high flying and sailing free. 

But storm clouds loom.

A lousy series in retrospect.  We easily could have lost all four.


  1. The umpires took that game from the Yankees.


    Glad Gleyber and the General are rested for the All-star game though. /s

  2. We played the second place team to a standstill. Their superior pitching took a vacation for two days, then showed up for two days. Lots of games against the Socks in the second half.

    Good thing Encarnacion is still being trotted out while Frazier gnashes his teeth in Scranton. And that Volare, whoa ho, played instead of Torres. These are genius moves us mere mortals are not able to comprehend.

    2-2 against these guys is not good enough.

  3. I can only imagine the master's call of Volare's first home run. Alas, he'll be jettisoned to SWB before the voice is back.

  4. And yes, that crappy strike call really hurt us.

    The General obviously needed a rest. He wasn't 4 for 4 yesterday, that's how you know.

    Boone threw this game away. If we should have learned anything the past few years, it's that you don't give any games away. It will catch up with you.

  5. Pitiful? The Yankees are only on course to win 105 this year.

    How can we ever think of another championship?

    Maybe a spot in the bud selig memorial.


  6. A lousy series in retrospect. We easily could have lost all four.

    I guess this is one of those "Is the glass half full or half empty?" situations, but at the end of the game today I thought "Shit, we could have easily won all four."

    How 'bout if we compromise and agree we should have fucking won three.

  7. And, once again we failed to stop Travis d'Arnaud. Well, you know what they say. You can't hope to stop Travis d'Arnaud, you can only hope he breaks something in another three innings.

    The effort today had a "last day of school" feeling, which Boone only encouraged with his idiotic lineup.

    And I would put an addendum on Alphonso's keen observation: The Yankees cannot hit quality starting pitching...and our vaunted bullpen cannot consistently stop even bad lineups, such as the Rays'.

    I don't see how that adds up to anything beyond a possible Wild-Card Play-In game.


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