Friday, July 19, 2019

Pretty Good Day

Ernie Banks gave us the book ( and the line), but our double header yesterday gave us something else:  HOPE.

That was impressive.

Tampa led off game one with two quick rights to the jaw, and rattled us.  German, somehow, shook that off and settled in.

Tampa used their all star starter in game two and he held us to nothing until Luke went deep.

In both cases, we added on and in both cases our relievers did the job.

Chad Green used his best David Robertson imitation,  loading the bases with no outs and getting out of it.  The Yankees are now 10-0 when we don't use a starter.

It is becoming evident that our line-up can be taxing, even against really good teams.  And our defense is so much better with Gio and CJ.  And we are seeing, every day, how much that matters.

I thought we were in for a bad run when Tampa won that first game in depressing fashion.  The third HR by that former Met catcher was a dagger.  But we faced it and overcame it.

We played and won a very big game the next day.

We can only hope that we don't blow this hand, as the high stakes game of " the trading deadline" nears.

Be careful, Brian.


  1. Good Lord. I don't know how to react to such optimism from Alphonso. The end must be near.

  2. I know Alphonso.
    I shared seafood with Alphonso.
    I drank beer and wine with Alphonso.

    This I can assure you is not Alphonso.

  3. Regarding that third home run. Sanchez called pitch after pitch down and away, both fastballs and breaking balls. And Chappy kept throwing to that spot. Everything down and away. Like they're daring d'Arnuad to hit the ball to the short porch. Guy's already hit two HR; did those two geniuses thought they were gonna outsmart him. Nothing up; nothing in. He's leaning out over the plate looking for it. Not even trying to cover the inner half of the plate. And they kept giving it to him until he connected. Worst pitch calling I've ever seen.

  4. We shoulda won all four. But, so it goes.

  5. 7.5 era pitcher on the mound, prepare to see that classic inept offense

  6. The Master just gave us a big shout out!

  7. I know Rufus T! It was glorious!


  8. What has gotten into Tarpley? Can it be shoved up inside him everytime he pitches?

    Fuck you Hal.

  9. The Master and The Howlin' Bride are in fine fettle tonight. It's unbelievable how they will babble on and on about any damn thing and still entertain.

  10. "The General has a personal high of 67 RBI with 67 game yet to play."

    Lyric beauty to soothe the drunken angry soul.

  11. I missed some of the game tonight but from what I heard can reach total agreement with every single thing I read here.

    Trade no one; Boone's tirade and the "Savages" comment mean more than any pitcher, or any loss of talent on the farm. The man came across as badass, as opposed to his usual un-badass demeanor, and today (I think rightly) credited the ump for handling it with class. If Ma keeps doing things like this at critical moments (and Gardy clapping his approval from the dugout cemented the importance of this in my mind)--and I mean both the actions and the seeming-but-not-really back away from the actions--then Ma is Aaron, the man. And like the hands down a couple years ago, the Savages comment from the man beats whatever Robbie Ray might bring. Again: TRADE NO ONE.

    It was a great win, another one. And I should appreciate Tauchman and Tarpley (wtf gets into him when he pitches in North America? I agree with the Warblist: keep administering overdoses of it)...but...

    The Master, in the segment just before he says "once again" and gives the score before the brass section kicks in, gave what is to me THE CLASSIC long pause:

    "Driven by Jeep."

    Fine fettle, indeed. An 81-year-old man at the top of his game. Fucking inspiring.

  12. Add 300 spaces between "by" and "Jeep" and you'll have a feel for it that Blogger seems to lack. :)

  13. Actually, add them between "Driven" and "by" and I take full blame for the misunderstanding; I have no defense except that clicking on 50 pictures of fire hydrants may have distracted I suspect they are about to again.

  14. And what happened with Tauchman tonight? What is going on???

    This is like some sort of community madness, like in Salem, with one person after another being possessed by something. Only in a good way.

  15. Matt Harvey has been DFA'd. Yanks should take a flyer on him, find out if he could be fixed. He has post season experience and would come cheap.

  16. And great analysis Mike F.C.: I agree. That "savage" bit was terrific.


  17. What was the shout-out?????

    Yes, I'd like to know also. RTF and TWW: What was the nature of this "glorious" thing?

  18. There are no spaces between driven and by Jeep. There lots and lots of nnnnnn ‘s all with legato articulation... with a deep nnnn bass stepping up to a b flat for by and up the octave for a clear ringing burst of Jeep. It’s beautiful even written out:



  19. Ahhhh it took out my spaces that made it look like music. Now I gotta click another 57 fire hydrants.

  20. The hydrants, traffic lights, cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, crosswalks, and whatever else Captcha has in its arsenal are particularly aggressive the past month or two.

  21. To all those inquiring minds, sometime in the game (I forget, it was after martinis), The Master gave a full throated, with great timbre:

    "IT IS HIGH! IT IS FAR! IT IS... caught, just in front of the wall"

    It was like he was speaking directly to us.

  22. Optimism is what happens when Duque is loaded and incoherent.

    Nice to hear from our friends abroad.

  23. To Mike Fan Cessa and all:

    If you want to avoid clicking on Captcha's cars, traffic lights, busses, etc. there's a way to circumvent that which almost always works.

    Right after you're done with your comment, click the Captcha box " I am not a robot". Immediately after you see the green check mark appearing, click the "Publish Your Comment" rectangle. Do it very quickly right after you start seeing the green check mark emerge and it bypasses the step of clicking on the pictures thing.

  24. Thank you very much Mr. Weitz! I will try that immediately!

  25. Carl J. Weitz for dictator of everywhere not Freedonia! Thank you, sir!

  26. This post is for the express purpose of testing Carl’s captcha hacking method...

  27. Hmm! I couldn’t click Publish Your Comment fast enough to avoid getting the fire hydrant test... but I also ignored it and it published anyway. Kinda stupid!

  28. Oh, good and gentle townsfolk of Locker C-18,

    All hail Carl!

    All hail Carl!

    Two for one every Wednesday.

    Give twice as much as ye receive on our most sacred of days.

    Every Wednesday.

    Large adult entertainment section in the back.

    Remember to rewind


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