Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Time for Action is NOW

Hello, IIHIIFIIc fans.

As you have no doubt seen in this space, and in the link at the top of the blog, and in the comments sections, there is an It Is High, It Is Far, It Is... caught outing planned for Yankee Stadium on August 12, 2019.  Game time is 1:05pm EST.

Because we need sufficient time to order tickets, finalize a killer message to be displayed on the Jumbotron, stock up on liver pills, etc., the sign-up period will be ending quite soon; We will close out the sign up area following the last out of Sunday's game vs. Tampa Bay (i.e., 7/7).  

If you haven't already, please visit the website and sign up.  We're keeping an eye out for you but we can't wait forever.

As an added bonus, the link at the top of this page confirms that El Duque will also be in attendance.  If you want to meet the man who crafts a simile like no one else in the world of baseball bloggery, this is your chance.  To borrow one of Duque's classics, this meet-up will be "as pleasurable as a barefoot romp through a field of nipples."

After the online sign-up is closed down, we'll begin communicating behind the scenes via a group email chat to finalize the logistics, distribute the tickets, and generally look forward to the day.

Finally, I would like to commend 13Bit once again for all the hard work he's done in organizing this.

Please see if you can play hooky on the 12th and join us.  We'd love to meet you.


  1. Alas, I cannot join you. RHIR.

    Fuck you Hal.

  2. Winnie, I am ashamed of you. I am making the 250 mile trek, just to meet all the cranks. See if you can get a Dr.'s note to be there. I know Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine and Dr. Howard who can arrange that for you.

    As an added bonus for all that will be in attendance, the opponent is a certified San Marzano container. Which means they'll probably lose.

  3. I'd say everyone going should buy 13Bit a drink but that would mean we would have to get him a limo ride back to Manhattan.

  4. Hey, the ride back is pretty cheap. Except the uber driver might roll him LOL.

  5. Urban Farmer,

    Does the honoree know about their party yet?

    Fun funeral fact: He's Gone, by the Grateful Dead was recorded for the triple (!) album Europe '72 at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, on May 10th, 1972. The first time they ever played Gloria, of Van Morrison and Jim Morrison fame, was at the Milk Weg club in Amsterdam.

  6. Love the Patti Smith version of that song, too.

  7. I like Them's version the best. Definitely mid-60's style music.

  8. As I said previously, I'll be in Euroland visiting in-laws on the 12th. This kind of thing invariably happens whenever we go event we'd love to attend but can't. As it is, my wife rescheduled once so we could see the Stray Cats the day before we leave.

    Life is seldom fair, but I hope everyone who can go has a great time! I'll be thinking of you if I'm sober enough to remember.

  9. @Carl...yes...13Bit should be the designated drinker.


  10. Some thoughts to the comments above:

    1) I am partial to the Van Morrison and John Lee Hooker duet of Gloria.

    2) I agree that 13Bit should get whatever he wants from all of us. He's done a smashing job of herding a lot of irascible cats.

    3) I'm sad that a few IIH luminaries won't be able to make it. With any degree of luck this won't be the last time an event like this happens. Maybe it will become some kind of reoccurring feast where all can participate at one time or other.

    Looking forward to it all.

  11. I still have the Them cassette somewhere. It was cutting edge at the time. I'll have to look up the John Lee Hooker duet. That sounds incredible.

    I'll chip in for Capt. Bit's limo, or at least uber.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Carl J. Weitz said...
    As for today's late afternoon game. I am so sick of players watching from home plate after hitting long fly balls as Hicks did today. It cost the Yankees a run because he should have been at third. I think every player that watches his shot instead of running as hard as they can to get to the base they should be at get fined $ 10,000. Every damn time. Too bad Billy Martin isn't the manager so I could watch Hicks get punched out. I mean every player so I'm not just singling out Hicks. That crap causes teams to lose close games especially against good pitchers such as Snell. Team management has to put an end this practice.

  14. This is going to be an amazing event, and I would like to join the chorus of thanks to 13Bit and LBJ for organising it. It goes without saying that I'd love to attend, but unfortunately I am on the wrong side of the Atlantic to participate. I hope you all have a great time, see a 28-1 drubbing of the Orioles, and make it a yearly event. I will make it a priority!

  15. Carl Weitz, I'd also like to know how the hell it is that we cannot get out Travis d'Arnaud. It's been, what, three years since that lump got a hit for the Mets? Oy. Anyway, yes, fine everyone not running right out of the box!!

  16. Hicks is off my skeptical list.

    That was just beautiful. Two clutch HRs in two games. I tip my collection of Yankees hats.


    How is it possible we do not have a book on d'Arnaud, seeing as how we play those idiots every year?

    Ah, well. Can't win 'em all. Though I don't understand why not.

  18. LBJ,
    Just listened to the Van/JLH version. A-maz-ing, and not in a mets way.

  19. Ryan Ruocco is actually a very good radio play-by-play guy. Somehow I find him a bit too intrusive and gabby for TV, but he's great on radio. And, frankly, much better than Sterling if being in touch with the game rather than someone's ego is your thing.


  20. RTF: Agreed. My two faves are the original Them version and that Van Morrison/John Lee Hooker version. They're the ones.

    P.S. When did the ability to identify crosswalks become a prerequisite to posting on a baseball blog?

  21. Dr. Odu must be the reason for the voodoo crosswalks.

    Saw Van the Man with Little Feat opening (unfortunately minus decomposing Lowell George) late eighties at Great woods. Pretty amazing concert with a laid back crowd -- a little unusual for that place.

    Best concert ever there was snagging turn-in tickets 3rd row center after it started to rain on the lawn. Bruce Hornsby opening for Bonnie Raitt. Asked the people sitting around us how they got those killer seats. People next to us were Don Law's friends. We were sitting in his seats. Bonnie Raitt's friends were sitting behind us.

    Bonnie and Van are 'little people'. Bonnie Raitt can really play guitar, even in four in healed boots (that made here at least 4'10". Did I mention she's short?



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