Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Was Mike Pence's emergency return to DC related to John Sterling's absence?

FACT: On the 4th of July, John Sterling will miss his first Yankee radio broadcast in 30 years.

FACT: Vice President Mike Pence was suddenly called back to DC this week, no reason given. 

QUESTION: Are the two events related?

QUESTION: Could Pence replace Sterling and do play by play of the Yankee game... IndePENCE Day?

ANSWER: Unlikely. Pence would never allow himself to spend three hours in tight quarters with a tart like Suzyn Waldman. He knows his desires all too well, and he's too smart to fall into such a trap.


  1. The Death Star is denying this is injury related.

    Typical newspeak from the Ministry of Truth.

    As far as Air Force Two is concerned,


    taxiing back to the hangar."

  2. Putin cancelled his pence, or is it ha'penny, meeting.

    Sad to leave the West Coast tomorrow. I can listen on MLB, and night games are over about 7, in time for dinner. Maybe one day...

  3. Did the Master mention his impending hiatus during pre-game?

    I'm also wondering if anyone has the exact date of his last missed game (boxscore)?

  4. John just mentioned his 'ultra-bright' mind.

  5. Do we actually have a starter? 6 innings, 1 run. I'll take that.

  6. I didn’t realize Michael Kay was out too. Now this is getting fishy.

  7. “I went to see a specialist in Boston today and he recommended I have surgery to correct an issue with my vocal cord. I will have the surgery next week and will be out for about a month, starting with today’s game and radio show.”

    A doctor.

    In BOSTON!

  8. John sounded weepy. But he made no special closing statement.

  9. You mean the way that Lou Gehrig got Lou Gehrig Disease? I always found that suspicious, Beauregard.

  10. Well, having watched that SNY show about the year 3 NYC teams won, 1969, I can only say...


    It was in much evidence tonight in Shea, and has been of late for our boys, even across the pond. Gio was unreal tonight (not to mention the homer), and a nice grab by Hicks to rob Robbie.

    I thought Didi was playing like a whirling dervish in London. (Are there other kinds of dervishes? Sitting dervishes? Lazy dervishes?)

    But anyway. Nice win. Now it's on to Tampa, which is not great. A split would be awesome.

  11. Remember, Duque, it isn't that Pence can't be in the small Lowes Broadcast Booth with the sultry Suzyn. It's just that he can't have dinner with her because that can and does lead to "other things". That includes hot dogs and fries on the Fourth. As The Clash aptly stated "One thing leads to another".



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