Wednesday, August 14, 2019

I Like This Kid

Mustang may be the only person who has the memory to validate this claim;

I liked Domingo Herman when he first appeared three years ago, for cups of coffee.

I say that because I finally like another new pitcher:

I like the Rosa kid ( Rosas?) who gave us two innings yesterday.

He wan't perfect.

But he gave the Yankees exactly what they needed,

I want to see him again.


  1. The kid was just a line in the box score for me, being in Germany for the time being, but I'll be keeping an eye out for him now. If he's in the company of German (not Germans, fyi) in Alphonso's opinion, he may well be great.

    Meanwhile the game is about to start and I'll miss the whole thing, my MLB At Bat working here but with company for dinner, no chance to listen.

    After dinner I can check the score. Hopefully, a win, which would be a nice dessert with after-event wine.

  2. For his name alone, for his name can you not root for ADONIS ROSA?

  3. I know: "The Red Adonis"! A great teammate for The Red Menace.

  4. And ALL-CAPS, did you notice? The Mets make their big run, and then...

    —They lose one game when their best pitcher makes an inexplicable, 3-run error.

    —They lose the next night when Zack Wheeler reverts to form, and their best player injures himself in the 9th inning. McNeil will be out for at least ten days.

    There's always something happening to the most star-crossed team in baseball. Because...Mets.

  5. Michael Kay can resume broadcast activities. He'll be back by the weekend.

  6. Cessa is not good at major league baseball.


  7. ranger_lp:

    Michael Kay can resume broadcast activities.

    Subtle. Effective.

    Good to meet you the other day.

  8. Meanwhile, this porn video is now available:

  9. Oh the poor cop. Just doing what he is supposed to do. He’s sooooo lucky that wasn’t some black celebrity.

  10. Sorry, Winnie.

    A little slow on the uptake tonight. I'm still tired from such an eventful week, and I blame the little screen on my smarty pants phone.

    Now that I see it:

    The subtlety, the nuance! Le joie de vivre, le décolleté! Prodigieux, magnifique!

    And I still have the vision ingrained in my mind of Hoss saving you from sure death by upper deck, by grabbing your ass! Talk about handsy?!

  11. "The black celebrity" probably would have been shot before he got out of the car.

  12. ALL-CAPS, I'm sure you enjoyed that Mets game.

    Callaway, who really is a boob, second-guessed himself, but won't admit it.

    Mets trailing, 1-0, top of the 7th. Callaway lets Matz bat for himself, with two out. Matz singles! Mets rally, score 2 runs, take the lead.

    Callaway...decides to yank Matz! The excuse was that he'd had to run the bases for a few minutes—but Matz had only thrown 80 pitches and was grooving.

    Callaway puts in Lugo, "the best relief pitcher in baseball," for the 7th. WHY? IS HE GOING TO PITCH 3 INNINGS? Who do you want in for the extra 1-2 innings...the rest of your relievers, who've been pouring on the gasoline, or Matz?

    Anyway, Lugo gives up 5 runs, Mets rally—but lose with Ramos and Conforto striking out with the bases loaded in the 9th.


  13. Yes, because Mets. So true.

    Fuck you Hal.

  14. Yes Rufus T, it's a very lucky thing that there was ample pposterior for Hoss to latch onto. Of course, Hoss might have let go of my ass at some point prior to the seventh inning stretch.

    Fuck you Hal. T'is true, so true.

  15. Hey, it was for luck! You'd have been pretty upset if I'd let go and Cessa gave it up!

  16. Cessa almost did give it up AND you got hod dog grease and mustard stains on my short shorts!!


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