Thursday, August 1, 2019

No deal is better than a bad deal

In the end, the Diamondbacks - a franchise that hates the Yankees more than it hates life itself - demanded Clint Frazier plus our three best prospects for some erratic piece of chum named Robbie Ray, which rhymes far too closely with Sonny Gray. They wanted to hold us for ransom. This is a team that, after winning the 2001 World Series, played "New York, New York" on its p.a. system, a hateful, spiritual emptiness that must never be forgotten or forgiven. 

Brian Cashman told them to go to hell... and I approve this message.

Listen: No deal is better than a bad one.

Today, a giant lead weight has been lifted from the Yankees. A team that has survived 25 major injuries while building a 7.5 game lead in the AL East was not ripped apart at the trade deadline to quell the shrieks from a few sports talk gasbags. Yeah, Houston pulled off a coup in getting Zack Grienke - (the D-backs, once again, happily sticking it to us) - but karma comes in mysterious packages. For the next three months, the full weight of expectations falls on Houston's back; it's all or nothing, and we'll see how they like it.  

We, on the other hand, still have Frazier, a pure hitter with a bright future. We still have Miguel Andujar, a doubles-hitting machine, and our two best prospects, Deivi Garcia and Estevan Florial. We still have Luis Severino and Dellin Betances working to return and - who knows? maybe Giancarlo Stanton will leave the hot tub to play a game or two. 

For the next two to six weeks - depending on whether Luke Voit needs surgery - the Yankees will need an extra RH hitter. If we had traded Frazier yesterday, today, we would be talking about Ryan McBroom. (Hey, we still have McBroom!) It would have been unnerving, watching Frazier leave on the very day when we would need him. (Note: There remains a question of whether the Yankees will call up Red Thunder because, if he stays at Scranton for a certain duration, they'll retain another year of contractual control over him. I don't know exact numbers, but it could be a reason why they don't make an immediate move.)  

Yeesh, am I going soft on Cooperstown Cashman? What's next? Will we start praising Larry Rothschild? 

I dunno. But no deal is better than a bad deal. 

I'll take it.


  1. I'm not praising Rothschild. FYL.

  2. Fuck you Larry. T'is true ranger_lp, so very very true.

    Fuck you Hal.

  3. On a different and more icky note, how sticky, disgusting, moist and goopy must the Tampa hot tub be by now? Illsbury in particular must be very pruney.

    Fuck you Hal.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. I'll praise Larry Rothschild sometime during Bill DeBlasio's second term as US President.

  6. A couple of things...

    1) "This is a team that, after winning the 2001 World Series, played "New York, New York" on its p.a. system, a hateful, spiritual emptiness that must never be forgotten or forgiven."

    Truer words have never been written. It was an unconscionable act by a dirt-bag. We should teach about it to our children and their children.

    2) Frazier and AnDUjar.

    I'm glad we kept them but I'm just not sure what to do with them.

    Assuming Gardner is gone after the season (and that's no lock because I was positive he'd be gone after last year) Frazier should be the heir apparent but what if Tauchman is real?

    It's a little early but Tauchman is clearly a gamer and a much better defender. I know Frasier will have the power numbers. But enough to compensate? I'm not sure.

    Also, if Hicks is a light home run hitter and so is Tauchman that just leaves Judge, who may be more fragile than we'd like to admit,and is already losing his power stroke.

    So Clint should DH and spell Tauchman. Better that EE for sure, but next year Stanton will be healthy (or not - for the sake of this screed - yes) So he's the DH /Part time Left Fielder guy. Leaving Frazier in AAA? Yikes!

    AnDUjar. Same thing. Primary DH part time 3B. Urshala's defense MORE than makes up for the offensive difference between the two. He is a pleasure to watch.

    So AnDUjar as DH. Again better that EE. But there's that old Stanton problem again. Plus DJ is a better back up 3B. And you can't stick him in left (see above).

    So, while I'm glad they are still here their biggest value might have been as awesome trade chips. Then again, the Mets supposedly turned down both of them for a rental of Wheeler, so what do I know?

    Doug K.

  7. And, by the way, I am not seeing much difference between Urshela's offensive contribution and that of Andujar.....Urshela has been the ultimate clutch hitter. Maybe a few less HR's but strong on average and RBI.

    And defense is so much better as to count for about 50 points in average.

  8. Boner and Nutsack should never be praised. If Boner stumbles into a championship - which we all know is what you do when you leave your pitchers out there to get pummeled every day before pulling them too late - then so be it. I'll change my tune. For Nutscack Larry, though, it's too late. He has stolen too many year of my life through his ineptitude, incompetence and general stinkyness. Go make him drink that hot tub water that Winnie is describing. Make him take big swigs of it after Ellsbury has been letting his ass soak in it all day. Make Larry sustain himself on that water and by sucking on the used foot towels that litter the clubhouse for nourishment. Then, send him to our Single-A affiliate and make him scrub the bathrooms with a toothbrush. He is the worst pitching coach of all time.

    Cashman, though, I will give a pass to here. He absolutely did the right thing by doing nothing. He has bound himself to the mast as we enter the Bermuda Triangle and he will emerge with the crew that we already have. He is no hero. A brave and wise skipper would have gotten us good pitching last winter or even three weeks ago, but at least he's not willing to sell half the ship off from under his feet.

    He did the right thing.

  9. "I'll praise Larry Rothschild sometime during Bill DeBlasio's second term as US President"

    With VP Marianne Williamson, Secretary of the Treasury AOC and Secretary of Interior Liz Warren.

  10. Yep. Coops did the right thing.


    I...I almost wish there was some way we could tell him.

    But then, he reads this blog, doesn't he?

    THANK YOU, MR. CASHMAN! In the forest of ineptitude that describes most of your career, this stands out like a shiny, lost Swiss Army knife.

  11. And Doug K., those are good problems to have.

    I say, make them all the more intriguing by slapping an outfielder's glove on Andujar—El Matador—and seeing how he does in left field.

    Also, let's assume EE is gone next year. That means the INF is:

    Voit (assuming there's not some crazy McBroom/Ford breakout a-coming)
    The Gleyber
    Sir Didi
    The General
    Tyler Too

    I think we can safely assume Wade is the first man out. Didi might go, too, via free agency—but at least we are covered on that.


    Red Menace
    El Matador

    I would say that, first off, Gardy should be allowed to retire or move on. If their entire histories are any guide, Judge, Stanton, and Hicks will each spend about 1/3 of the season—at least—on the EL or playing hurt. They are, at best, 2 players out of 3.

    For the sub? Maybin or Tauchman—Maybin can do more, Tauchman is younger and has options left, I think.

    If we keep Frazier AND Andujar...that leaves, really, 5 guys for 4 positions. Maybe we should even keep BOTH Maybin and Tauchman, considering our injuries.

    Worst come to worst, we trade Menace or Matador, on our terms, in our own sweet time.

    Not so bad.

  12. Ca$hmoney got shut out by the other teams.

    Only by failing did he come out OK.

    Sometimes you trip and fall and find a quarter. Where I'm from we just call that shit luck.

  13. That is a good description for Coops' whole life, Rufus.

  14. Maybin is an aging spare part--he should not be in the team's future plans. In fact, I don't think he should be in the current plans. They should bring up Frazier and let him play regularly, alternating between DH and outfield. Tauchman is a guy who never did anything until he was 28--that is the sign that he is likely to be more of a fluke than a phenom. No way he should be ahead of Frazier on the priority list. Tauchman is a useful fourth or fifth outfielder, not a prospective regular on a winning team.

  15. However, we should not disregard the reality of what Tauchman is doing.

    He is infinitely better on defense than Frazier; he is starting to hit for average, showing reliability in the clutch, and adding some unexpected power.

    He may be a part-time wonder, but Frazier has not exactly shown consistency either. except on defense, where he has been reliably awful.

    And not just the one game, with three errors, against Boston. He regularly takes poor angles on fly balls, and hits to the gap...often turning singles into doubles.

    I'm not sure his fielding woes are correctable.

  16. First rule of general managing is don't make a move unless it'll make your team significantly better. So I've got no problem with standing pat until the winter.

    Need to bring up Frazier and DH him. Since Voit is hurt, Encarnacion is playing 1B. If Frazier does get some time in the outfield, it should be in one position. Stop jerking him around to multiple positions. Late innings, substitute Tauchman or Maybin for defense.

    Next year, Andujar should be made the left fielder. Frazier should be DH. Need to trade Giancarlo Stanton even if we have to pay his entire salary for the rest of his contract. Stanton swings the bat like a blind man. Sure he gets one down the middle once in a while and hits it 500 ft, but we're never going to win with a blind man in the lineup. His stance is too closed and he can't see the right hand pitcher's breaking pitch. He will never listen to coaches and open up his stance, so who are we kidding?

  17. Alphoso--your take on Frazier's defense is rather skewed. He never showed anything but plus defense in his minor league career and his stints with the Yankees before 2019. But he's recovering from a severe concussion that has affected his confidence in the field. By all reports he has rebounded defensively at Scranton and should once again be a plus defender with his excellent arm and range. Best not to be diverted by small samples on offense or defense. Tauchman is a career minor-league journeyman who is having a good run right now. This could be a breakout or an anomaly--the likelihood is that it's the latter. He was never the prospect that Frazier is, and for good reason.

  18. Frazier's hitting .248 in Scranton. Let him continue to recover from his concussion until they have a large sample size in AAA that shows that he is fully recovered and functional.

    His baby mama can visit him in Scranton.

  19. Hey Dufus-- you think AAA sample trumps this year's MLB sample. That's why you're a dufus.

  20. Stat-douche- Like a trained monkey, you are sooooooooo easily triggered. Feeling bad about your boyfriend won't get him onto the major league squad, so you'll just have to bite his pillow in Scranton.

    I take it you'll be taking it there on the 12th instead of growing a minuscule gonad and showing up at the stadium.

    Or will your mommy give you a hall pass?

    Fun fact: Tauchman has more MLB HRs than Stat Douche's boyfriend has in AAA.

  21. Dufus-- you are SO easily exposed as a retard.

    Nice to see you on a jag of homophobia to complement your customary hatred of the working poor.

    You're a vile piece of shit.

  22. I think maybe the one thing we can deduce from this team over the last three years of its dynasty in the (still-) borning(?) is that it's thrived when we have depth.

    The times we run into trouble is when we run out of bodies. Having always been thinnest in starters, we look weakest there.

    But remember all the guys we seemed to just be throwing in, back in 2017? Headley AND Todd Frazier at third? Everybody and his brother at first? The House of a Thousand Outfielders?

    It's the patches when we get reduced to Shane Robinson when everything falls apart.

    I can't imagine this team making it through without better pitching—but I think it will be a relief to have the waiting over.

  23. A non-retarded person-i.e., NOT Dufus T. Duncecap--breaks down Frazier's performance:

    "Before his demotion, Frazier had flashed exactly why he was once such a coveted prospect: he was running a .283/.330/.513 slash line with 11 home runs and 11 doubles in 209 plate appearances. In his last two weeks in the Majors, he had been performing even better, with a .320/.375/.480 slash. Furthermore, his xWBAcon (expected wOBA on contact) of .426 ranks fifth on the team among players with more than 100 PAs, indicating he was striking the ball with authority. Despite strong performances by Tauchman, Gio Urshela, and Austin Romine, Frazier’s bat would be a welcome addition to the lineup — and since he would primarily serving as the DH, his defense would not dampen his value.

    Additionally, following a slow start at Scranton, Frazier has been one of the hottest hitters down there. Although his slash line of .247/.299/.610 in the month of July actually pales in comparison to his major-league numbers, it represents a strong bounce back, showing that he has gotten over any post-demotion hangover and has possibly made adjustments at the plate."

  24. Wow, Frazier doesn't suck as much as he did a month ago, but is still doing worse in AAA than his counterpart is in the majors. THERE'S a reason to bring him up! If you're an imbecile jock sniffer.

    Showing up on the 12th in your red sox underoos Stat Douche? Or just your usual Carrot Top outfit?

    Can't wait to meet you and your mommy.

  25. Dufus--he's been one of the hottest hitters in AAA for the past three weeks. You're a moron, a homophobe, an anti-working-class subhuman Trumpian turd. You're the blog Caliban.

  26. "he's been one of the hottest hitters in AAA for the past three weeks"

    Talk about your small sample size, and not the one in your pants.

    Stat Douche, analyze these stats:
    Players need about 2.130 years of service to reach arbitration
    Frazier = 1.057 years service time

    See anything significant there?

    So, will it be the Carrot Top outfit or the red sox underoos on the 12th?
    Or will it be total Fat Pussy Troll mode, cringing behind your mommy's skirt?

  27. I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    I just got off of my shift at The Pizza Pit. Mommy had a sandwich waiting for me in my basement apartment and I ate it. Then I picked my zits and changed out of my cool orange and red uniform. After I attempted to sooth my onanism, I decided the world should know of the depth of my baseball knowledge. I insult everyone, but claim I’m the one being picked on. I’m Stat Boy!®™, and the world should pay for me being such a loser!
    I’m Stat Boy!®™

    All Stat Boy!®™ rights officially licensed through TWW Enterprises, LLC. Distributed through FYH Productions, LLC


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