Monday, August 12, 2019

Temporary relocation of It Is High corporate offices ...

For one day, we're here ...


  1. Praise be. We are all there with you.

  2. You guys can look straight into the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and see the Master wearing lots of white and Suzyn, who today wears a dark shirt with white polka dots and a white jacket

  3. Come to my arms, my beamish people! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

    Ferken thou Hal! Ferken and farhhen thou, thou slithy toade!

  4. On MASN (because I live in Va) they were just debating about the problem as what to do about Urshela when Andujar returns next year. Gio literally interrupted their conversation with that bomb.

    Good problems to have! Also, I hope Duque caught that blast in an empty plastic beer cup

  5. Did any of you guys catch Gio’s 461 ft. homer? Where are you guys sitting?

  6. We could read the words Spaulding and MLB as it flew past. Below us.

  7. After that win, we are above the foul poles. Good job.






  9. What an event.

    Thanks to all who made it happen. Everyone looks better than their avatar on line, including Winnie, whose Adam's apple I personally checked.

  10. It was a blast. Thanks to everyone for being a part of this and a special thanks to the organizers.

    And an extra special thanks to Didi Gregorius for the 3-run dinger.

  11. For a bunch of guys and girls I don't think I've ever met yet, I spent a lot of time smiling, thinking of you all there and having a great time.

    Joe Willie Duque is the man.

    All I got.

  12. ...ok, maybe not LBJ. He actually looks worse than his avatar. No fingerprint ink at least.

    Duque *was* escorted out of the stadium. I distinctly heard the security guard screaming at him (or was it at me?):

    "Get outta here! We have to clean the stadium for the second game! AND restock the rat feces in the dispensers."

  13. I second that. If I knew shit about posting I'd first it.

  14. It was epic, better than I had expected, and my expectations were high.

    An awesome bunch of men and women.

    We need to do this every year, god willing and all - the juju gods, the Yankee gods, the Greek gods, the pantheistic gods, etc. you name your god and let he, she or it be willing.

    I'm grateful I finished "The JuJu Rules" before the event, as I felt I was armed with a few more useful tools when I needed them, and man, did we need them when Cessa almost shat the bed. Actually, he almost shat up the whole bedroom with a torrent, but the bleeding was stopped by Britton. NOW, we have to bury them in the second game or people will be second guessing the use of Chapo. Also, I think it would be a nice touch to use a theme song for Chapo that has gunshots in it, or the theme from "Rawhide," at the very least, with the whip cracking.

    An awesome bunch, high level conversation, gourmet food and a protected vantage point from which to look down on the game, and I do mean "look down." I remember going to Shea in the very early 70s and being in the last row and, when Namath lofted one to Caster, we were STILL looking down on that ball.

    Okay, we know where the holding cell is under the Stadium. Who's going to help me go up later and bust out Duque? He didn't meant to injure all those security guards with that judo display...

  15. Home again! Home again! Great day for a drive! Great win for the Yankees! Who knew you could get margaritas in the nose bleed section!?

  16. Thank you all for a wonderful time!

    Except you Hal. Fuck you Hal. Fuck you in the ass with a fistful of blue stone gravel.

  17. We keep giving up way too many runs to one of the worst teams in baseball. That may work now, but we won't be able to pile on runs against the Astros in this way.

  18. By the way, when the IIHIIF Annual Huckleberry Festival Game ended today and the whole back row exploded into a Sterling winwarble for about 20 seconds, a chill ran down my spine and I was grateful to be alive on Planet Earth.

  19. Mr. Bit,

    I sincerely apologize for running like hell when the security guards converged.

    The constabularies have my fingerprints as well as iris scans, so I had considerable fear that I would be locked up in the Jeffrey Epstein memorial cell over at Riker's. I used my Groucho glasses to elude security and disappear into the subway ala Raoul Silva.

    I will be available in my secure mountaintop lair to aid in extricating Mr. Dugue. Awaiting your instructions.

  20. If you had all only gotten the plastic surgery when I was able to arrange the group rate, it would have worked out.

  21. I deeply regret not being there. In the second game, I deeply regret our pitching not being there, even though we won.

  22. It was just such a terrific time, on a terrific day, and with a terrific opponent.

    I made sure to eat the kosher hot dogs only, and hence consumed only kosher rat turds. There were a few moments of concern, such as when Ken from Brooklyn fell out of the tier trying to catch a foul ball, but fortunately Carl J. Weitz and our new pal, Denise, were able to pull him back in before he hurtled to his death.

    The most amazing surprise was The Warbler, whose supposed decline from her glory days was NOT in evidence!

    My favorite part was listening to her calls to the hospital, the last one of which went something like, "I don't care if you think the sponge IS still in him! They're not expensive! The hospital can afford a HUNDRED new sponges, for cryin' out loud!"

    To quote Bonnie Koloc, "sayin' isn't it a good time?"

  23. It was a blast meeting everyone. Thanks to all. Let's do this again!

    Two ugly wins. Thank you Larry for fixing Cessa. #FYL.

  24. Hoss,

    When Winnie offered to pay for the sponge out her change purse, it restored my faith in the medical profession.

    Had a nice evening with Mrs. Teasdale. Rode down the elevator with a very nice gentleman who was also heading to dinner. The paper tells me he's someone famous, though we don't listen to that new be-bop music.

    Went to Gato, where the food was good and the service very good. And who knew the ice cream shops downtown close at 9? I guess Frankie was wrong, at least in this part of town.

    All in all, a great day in the city that's so nice, they named it twice.


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