Sunday, September 8, 2019

Cue the excuses

Yankees, sun blind Red Sox in 5-1 loss 


  1. Wow, another fucking mainstream media coverup! I have to read Drudge to see Biden’s bloody eye, and I have to watch Jomboy to see Martinez grab a Handful of Yankee Fan Tit! That tit grab should have been the cover picture!

  2. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 8, 2019 at 5:21 PM

    Can anyone please help me? Is there a way to get around ESPN telecasts of games? I do not have television (I have a huge monitor, but no television access: I use it only for watching DVDs; Austrian and German TV really sucks!). So I watch the Yankee games on MLB-TV on my computer.

    For some unknown reason, the circus in London was blocked out in Vienna by MLB.TV as being “in-market” (!), but by setting my VPN for Brazil I was able to watch the two games. But I can’t find a way to get around ESPN.

    Any suggestions will be deeply appreciated. I am especially worried that I will miss the post-season games covered by ESPN.

    Vielen Dank!

  3. Beau,

    Your investigation of bazonga-gate is groundbreaking. This could be a major perv ring you've uncovered!


    I have the same issue. If you can spoof a ip, I'd recommend a country with no TV. Like Diego Garcia or Antarctica.

  4. might want to check reddit, they have an MLB feed thread.

  5. John and Suzyn are on MLB At Bat. No picture, but no ESPN idiots, either.

    Speaking of which, was that the Red Sox pregame show we just saw on ESPN? Every time I switched over from Password Plus, it was all about the Beaners.

  6. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 8, 2019 at 8:34 PM

    Thanks for the suggestions. Reddit gives me a Mets game (!) but then I am really not familiar with the site - IIHIIFIIC is as close as I come to social networking (no Facebook, Twitter, etc. for me!).

    The Master and Suzyn are OK for now, but... and I don't want to curse it by going into specifics... IF there are games in October in which I am interested, I want more than audio! This totally sucks - in the past I can recall getting through the entire World Series on MLB.TV. I suppose I can close my eyes and ears and wait for the "90 minutes after the end of the game" rebroadcast on MLB.TV... This actually might help me get onto something like a normal person's day-and-night schedule.

    Tonight is OK I really don't need to see that fucking green pig sty in which they are playing.

  7. AoBF,

    It is mostly Yankees fans at the game.

    It is still fucking pit in the swamp.

  8. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 8, 2019 at 9:03 PM

    OK - I found the Reddit link to live MLB... but it wants my credit card info to establish a FREE account. No fucking way!

  9. AoBF

    720pstream dot me

    I was told...

  10. "Fucking green pig sty" is the greatest description of that place. Thank you AOBF for that!

  11. It does have a certain accuracy of description to it.

    Tanaka looking a tad shaky in the third. Come on, Professor, get it together.

  12. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 8, 2019 at 9:30 PM

    Platoni: THANKS! IT WORKS! You need to play around with it a bit, but I got it!

  13. The best thing I can say about games on ESPN is that it makes me appreciate Fox games.

    Tauchman is the sock man. That's an weird one. But it's also a Stoli bomb.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Great, Oesterrich.

    We need umlauts on this damn keyboard.

  16. Disagree. ESPN is a pretty good broadcast. ARod / Jessica is a good combo. Pleasant to think of ARod as Sterling's true heir.

  17. Beauregard, you ought to watch Colbert more. That's where I saw the "news" about Biden's eye. Pretty funny bit about it, too.

  18. Well, Publius we can disagree. I find the ESPN comments terrible.

    Why do they leave Tanaka in so long when he clearly doesn't have it? Are they saving the pen again? He's going to cough up the lead here.

  19. Why do these morons chant Yankees suck when we don't and we're burying them this year and this game?

  20. Because, like all Flushing Sheas fans, if asked if they'd rather Yankees lost or their team won, they'd choose predictably every. single. time.

  21. Any word on Tauchman? At least Maybin was able to enter the game.

  22. Left calf tightness...going for MRI tomorrow.

  23. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 9, 2019 at 12:18 AM

    Platoni, thanks again. The video and audio quality were surprisingly good - occasional buffering pauses, but not annoying. I did try to sync the audio with The Master (and Suzyn) from my MLB.TV account, but they were about a minute ahead of what I was watching. I am going to try this site again tomorrow. If it works I may save myself €100 come next season.

    All that being said, I truly hope there is nothing seriously wring with Tauchman. I have found him to be one of the bigger pleasant surprises this season.

  24. You're welcome, my friend.

    Don't know where you are in Austria, but I often visit just north of the border in Bavaria. Last year took my son there and, on a whim, looked on Google maps if I could find a baseball field nearby to play catch with him. Found one at the now-closed American base.

    We go there and there's a little league team practicing! German kids, coached by German coaches, baseballing in German. 'Twas a sight, man. Apparently, there's a pro league in Germany and several youth leagues, and beer leagues, too.

    Anyway, my boy joined them in their practices several times during our three week stay and looked to be enjoying it though he speaks nary a word of German. And I enjoyed watching him from the sidelines playing baseball in Germany. I hope he remembers that experience as fondly as I do.

    Here's to you also finding your baseball mecca in your neck of the woods.

  25. The magic number for eliminating the Red is now...1.



  26. @Austria...I don't pay a cent...

    Follow the directions MLB Streams Reddit Online Free in this article for free watching on reddit...

  27. Austria's Only Baseball FanSeptember 9, 2019 at 4:13 PM

    ranger_lp: thanks for the Reddit link. The one I used last night – – worked just fine and you don’t have to register or give any kind of personal information. I will experiment as necessary. For years, I have subscribed to MLB.TV so I am paid-up through January (February?). It’s just the damned ESPN games for which I need an alternate source.

    Platoni: I am at the other end of Österreich, in Wien (Vienna). I really only go to Bayern (Bavaria) for music. I am going to München in November to hear a rock band from Canada. Wien may be the world’s capital for classical music and opera, but for rock and jazz, we suck! I also go to the Bayreuther Festspiele almost every summer, but that’s like being on a different planet, and due to the insane timings of the music festival there’s no time to seek out baseball.

    I’ve never been able to get anyone in Österreich interested in baseball – I picked up the habit for the few years I worked in NYC (my last live Yankee game was in September 2001!), but no one here shows the slightest interest (or comprehension). A lot has to do with the time: East Coast night games start at 01:00 here, and West Coast games at 04:00! Fortunately my works allows a great deal of flexibility, so I can either stay up really late or set the alarm and get up to watch a game. So it’s also impossible to get a friend to come and watch a game at my place (the fact that our otherwise fantastic public transportation system stops at 00:30 isn’t a help).

    Let me know when you plan your next visit to Bayern. It takes me about four hours to get to München, and six to Bayreuth.


  28. Ranger,

    Another thank you from here. Bookmarked.


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