Sunday, September 15, 2019

So Close!!!

Last night seemed perfect.

The Unsinkable Molly Mets, incredibly enough, were STILL in the Wild Card hunt.  It was a gorgeous fall evening, more than a touch of October in the air.

The Mets were playing the best team in the National League, the vile traitors who had left Brooklyn in the lurch.  AND their remarkable, ace pitcher—a man who surely deserved a better team in his major-league career—was on the mound.

And you know what?  It turned out to be a fast, scintillating pitchers' duel, with a surprise hero coming off the bench to deliver a winning pinch-hit for the home team in the eighth inning.

So, did the Mets draw 40,000 of the Flushing Faithful?


But they were SO CLOSE!

39, 264.  That's just 736 fans short of 40,000—instead of their 18th straight, sub-40,000 turnout.

For a Mets team that was just in the World Series in 2015, and in the playoffs in 2016.

But no.  Mets fans STILL do not believe.

Wow, what dedication.

Do these people go to their kids' performances in Peter Pan and refuse to clap for Tinkerbell?  "Hell, the little fairy's dead already, get over it!"

Do they tell said children there is no Santa Claus the moment they're old enough to comprehend the idea?  "Look, kid, some of your pals are gonna swear there's a jolly fat man who comes down your chimney on Christmas Eve.  They're delusional, all right?  And no, we are NOT putting out milk and cookies.  Go to bed!"

Well, that's all right.  This is America.  They are entitled to their right not to believe.

Let's just not hear anymore of the usual, Mets fan baywash about how spoiled, entitled, jaded, complacent whatever Yankees fans are.

Right now, when it comes to the standings of Ya Gotta Believe?

Yanks fans:  First in the American League in attendance.

Mets fans:  Ninth, even lower than their still striving team.


  1. As bad as Montgomery was, he still pitched better than Nestor Cortes Jr.

    Why, you fuckers? Why, and fuck you!

  2. Voit had made four outs on a total of 8 pitches today. Not a good day for my Luuuuuuke

  3. Where the fuck is the NY Giants blog... To vent....

    Eli Manning is a bike POS...And so is their admin, their right up there with Hal and Co...

    You got a running back whose those are the size of a military tank. You'd thing they go all in on the running game BUT NOPE gotta get OL Pasty ass Manning his 40 throws per to completely blow the game out his ass....

    And the Yanks lost FML

  4. I hate Toronto the team and Toronto the stadium. These guys basically sleepwalk through every season, then play the Yanks like it's the World Series.

    Brandon Drury and Billy McKinney actually combined today to produce 3 runs. They're batting .223 and .213, respectively (but not respectably) on the season. Yea, woo-hoo, you go guys. That's showin' your old team.

  5. I insulated the discharge line from my sump pump today. It was more interesting than the game. Fortunately I missed most of it.

  6. Monty gets a pass for the next week.

    They need to get Randy Johnson out there in his panty hose to blow Betances, apologize profusely for gratuitously insulting him two years ago, then beg to sign him to a three year deal. Anything less than that and they are morons.


  8. For that uncalled-for treatment of Toonces, LeVine shouldn't have his name spelled OR pronounced correctly

  9. Randywood and Vine

    Randall LeVigne

    R. Levee

    Senor Schmuckerooni

    El Conquistador Del Ravioli

    or maybe just the casual, yet friendly "Daddy Fuckface"

  10. The TB Lungers lost tonight, so at least it wasn't a completely wasted day.

    The magic number is now 2. (They keep saying it's 3, but since the Yanks own the tiebreaker, that won't apply. The only scenario in which it will is if TB goes at least 9-2 to tie us, AND either Cleveland or Oakland plays even better, to get ahead of tie for the Wild Card. Not gonna happen.)

    Also good news (for us): Trout won't play in the Angels series. And of course, we'll miss mini-Babe.

    The nut-crunching question? Do we root for the Mets to knock off the Dodgers, giving us a slightly better chance to get home field for the World Series on the ridiculously low chance that we get there?

  11. Hoss, quite the dilemma.

    Normally, the only time I'd say root for the muts is playing the Carmine Hose. (I did just that in 86, while working in St. Botolph's town -- it was glorious) However in this case, I'd say the odds of the muts making the playoffs are worse than the Yankees making the WS, so I'd have to root for them to beat the trolley dodgers.

    In addition, some relatively minor, but season ending injuries would be nice also. And ejections. With suspensions through the playoffs. And a 28 inning game.

  12. Two other thoughts:

    Carmine Hose tragic number also sits at three. I will celebrate when it hits 0. I have a luncheon scheduled with mostly retired folks from work (in St. Botolph's town) on the 30th. It will be great talking about the upcoming playoffs.

    Is is just me, or does mini-Babe seem to be slowly morphing into mini-Nick Johnson, or even mini-Ells? Who ever heard of bi-partate patella or whatever that is?

  13. Just to shit on the Mets a bit more... adjust attendance for population, and stadium age (aka it’s still new), and record since all star break... the Mets attendance is dead last, far behind the Montreal Expos.

  14. What was the number Ratty Lefuck threw at DB, 50 mil? You people must remember, back forever ago. "He might as well ask for $50 million." Am I off? Am I close?

    Dellin should start negotiations at $50M (or whatever the actual number was). After all, he's just a guy who doesn't understand the difference between honesty and sarcasm. Play that card, ask for the long green, and let that fuckhead explain that he was just being nasty and didn't mean it literally.

    I've loved this team a long time, but I don't love the people who now run it. And I didn't love the people who ran it before; I think I like Col. Ruppert and I respect GHS's passion, but beyond that? Dan Topping and Del Webb? CBFUCKINGS? No sir. Fuck them. And FYH!

  15. Off topic, but...

    Here's a time suck of a website for an offday:

    great videos there.

  16. Mike Fan, the Yanks have always been owned by some of the worst people in the world.

    The only difference between them and the other bastards who owned ballteams in New York and, um, everywhere?

    Yankees owners put their money back into the product, especially on the field.

    The Tammany schmucks who ran the Giants skimmed off as much as they could then skipped town. O'Malley used the franchise to pay himself a fortune. The Wilpons are a family real estate racket.

    Only the Yankees practiced at least enlightened self-interest, which is about all you can ask out of capitalism. They spent money to make money.

    Until now.

    Now we're into the heirs, for the first time, exposing another of the inherent flaws in capitalism. The kids inherit, and they don't have to care. No more level playing field. They can do what they please. And they don't give a rat's ass for this team.

    Eventually, they may run it so far into the ground that it starts to lose money, although that's nearly impossible in the cartel that is MLB. But if they do, then we may seem change. Until then, they don't care.

  17. And, damn, the Mets lost a heartbreaker tonight!

    But when it came to the wasn't really close. After last night's thrilling win, with the team inching closer to a playoff spot...attendance dipped by over 8,000. Just 31,000-plus.

    19 straight under 40,000 now. What support! What enthusiasm! What loyalty!

    But hey, they brought vuvuzuelas to the game.





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