Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Brewers v Nats: Who should Yankee fans root for?

In an honest fight - horde v. horde, sticks and stones, bare handed brawl - I believe Milwaukee would trounce Washington, DC. 

Yes, DC has 200,000 more soldiers, but the beer-brat, jet-fueled Wisconsin Wackos - maddened by harsh winters, CBD oil, and general Midwestern orneriness - would stomp those obese, bug-eyed DC bureaucrats into the Potomac. In a fair fight. Of course, there's no such thing as a fair fight, eh? DC has the CIA, the whistle-blower, the deep state, Trump's crowd, and nobody survives like a government flunky, so who are we kidding: In a long war - say, seven games - Washington would prevail. 

But who should we, as juju-fearing Yankee fans, root for?

History of the teams: No advantage. Neither franchise has hurt us. I suppose you can go back to the 1950s with Hank Aaron and Warren Spahn, but why bother? The fact is, neither team - even when the Brewers were powerhouses in the AL - with Harmon Killebrew and Don Mincher - didn't torture us any more horribly than everybody did. It's a clean slate. 

As for the Nats, the only reason for their existence over the last five years was to not sign the former future Yankee star, Bryce Harper. And they did their part. He served his time, became a free agent and flew the coop. Everybody thought he'd come to the Yankees, but Hal Steinbrenner wouldn't pull out his wallet. Maybe that was the right move. I dunno. I suppose we should root for the Nats, because poor Washington never wins anything - in any sport. Still, Redskin fans are flat-out obnoxious, and I have to believe the juju gods know this.  

Ex-Yanks and former nemeses: Milwaukee has Gio Gonzalez, who briefly signed a contract this spring with the Yankees, and used his opt-out clause to escape Scranton. They also have Tyler Austin, the former Yankee prospect who beat cancer and homered back-to-back with Aaron Judge, on the day in 2016 that the Yank ship finally turned around and floated towards youth. I always liked Austin (but he finished the season at .188 and 9 HR, which is nothing this year.) In the outfield is Ben Gamel, our former International League MVP, who Cashman traded to Seattle three years ago for two minor league pitchers, neither of whom stands out. (Gamel finished at .248 with 7 HRs.) Gamel always played hard against us. If we face Milwaukee in the world series - (which we won't) - he would be a tough cookie.

Milwaukee also has Drew Pomeranz, a disappointment in Boston, so there's that.

The Nationaks have no former Yankees, not one, unless you include Patrick Corbin, the North Syracusan who should be ours. Can we impeach Hal Steinbrenner? I will blow the whistle. It will be interesting if Corbin pitches Washington to the World Series, because he spent the winter waiting for a call from the Yankees, and they alligator-armed him. Hen went 14-7 with a 3.25 ERA - pitched 202 innings, a workhorse - and he would have been our game one starter. If Washington wins it all, there will be some choice words for Hal on this blog. 

Actually, the Nats are full of players who - in another Steinbrenner era - would have been Yankees. Max Scherzer was ours for the taking. All we had to do was pony up the money, of which the Steinbrenners have an endless supply. He's a future Hall of Famer, first-ballot, and we didn't bother to bid. There is also Howie Kendricks, who has hit well against us for 10 years. And Brian Dozier, who should be on the Twins. 

Overall, the perfect storm for our indignation would be if Washington, behind Corbin and Scherzer, wins the championship. But I'd take either of these teams over the Dodgers. And in terms of picking one to root for, what else is on TV tonight? Isn't Teen Mom 2 starting up? 


  1. Since you can't predict baseball, I'm not going to engage in the "this team might be easier to beat, so let's root for them game."

    I have gotten shredded to ribbons too many times in life while trying to outthink the gods, who ALWAYS have their own ideas.

    My avatar should REALLY BE Wile E. Coyote.

  2. If I ever find myself in a "last meal" situation I plan on asking for a bucket of Southern Fried Roadrunner Wings. Figuring that by the time they can get them to me I would have died of old age.

    Doug K.

  3. As to the question of who to root for. My philosophy has always been, if you can't find a team to root for then find one to root against.

    Hence, I always root against teams from Boston or the State of Texas.

    So which team do I like less? I'll let Ben Franklin's Evil Twin,
    Len Franklin decide. (Len only lists the bad.)

    The Nationals...

    1) Not a fan of the Redskins.
    2) Does not liking the Baltimore Bullets count? (Wow that was a bad name.)
    3) Truth is my feeling about Washington is, great city. Depends on who's in charge. So meh.

    Honestly, I got nothin'.

    Ben help me out...

    The Brewers...

    1) Hate Bud Selig
    2) Still mad at Wisconsin.

    On the plus side

    1) I was a big Ben Oglive fan. (Bronx boy)
    2) I once had a really good Dutch Pancake there.


    This is one of those where I won't know until something happens during the game and I will be glad or mad.

    Doug K.

  4. I am confused by the Don Mincher and Harmon Killebrew comment. The '65 Twins ended our dynasty. And we are about to play the Twins. I feel it is inappropriate to reference Twins in the context of the Brewers. I get that it is all the Midwest, but we don't want to confuse the Juju gods, whose domain includes not only our torture and reward, but that of other baseball related entities. Thank God you didn't reference Tony Oliva in the same context, as he has always been a JUJU favorite, and the disrespect in addressing him as a meaningless Brewer would not redound to our benefit. I have made a study of this.

  5. Brewers.

    1) Their name means "people who make beer."
    2) We get to listen to Bob Uecker.

    For me, it's settled.

  6. Yankee Daddy, you have to understand that our Peerless Leader, El Duque, is very elderly—at least 112. One of his greatest childhood memories was watching Babe Ruth's first game as a Yankee, which is why we all venerate him.

    Hence, when he gets like this—confusing today's Washington Nationals with the original Washington-Senators-turned-Minnesota-Twins, and somehow equating today's Seattle-Pilots-turned-Milwaukee-Brewers with the Boston-Braves-turned-Milwaukee-Braves of the 1950s—we don't point it out, but make sure to talk in whispers and pad about very quietly in soft slippers.

  7. Doug K., great thinking on both the last meal and teams to root against.

    I also insist on rooting against the Dodgers and Giants for moving out on us.

  8. Brewers, Twins, Milwaukee, Minnesota... writing about other teams is way too confusing.

  9. Hoss,

    It's funny, but I just can't hate the Dodgers or the Giants. I have my reasons.

    1) I was one year old when they moved.

    2) I grew up in a Yankee household so there was no sense of loss.

    3) Sandy Koufax. (Oh, and a big Shana Tovah to those to whom it applies)

    4) I lived in LA for 15 years and SF for 5.

    5) I moved to CA for the same reasons they did. Economic opportunity.

    6) Did I mention Sandy Koufax?

    (And just so you know, I was able to get up sufficient hatred for Steve Garvey, Ron Cey, Bill Russell and the rest of those guys.)

    7) The Giants have been and are a non factor (in terms of competing directly with the Yankees) for my entire life. 1962 non-withstanding.

    But take the other day where Kernshaw gave Bumgardner his moment in the sun. That's great stuff. Pure class. It's hard to hate on that.

    Doug K.

  10. Horace, it gets extra confusing with the first Washington Senators moving to Minnesota and the second Washington Senators moving to Arlington, TX.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Doug K., I admit that it's hard to hate the Giants, who even built their own ballpark. And I also admit that Dodgers Stadium is an amazing place to see a game.

    But...standards must be maintained!

    And shanah tovah to everyone, too.


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