Saturday, October 12, 2019

Behold: The Great Yankee Revenge Singularity is upon us

In recent days, three painful Yankee ghosts of October past have gone up like the hills around San Fernando. 

It's here, people. Look around. It's happening. This is it. 

We stand at the precipice of payback, the vortex of vengeance, the roadway of wrath. It's here, I'm telling you, it's happening...  

The Great Yankee Revenge Singularity.

If this makes no sense, I don't care. Don't stop me, goddamot, because I'm on a roll, and mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the juju gods... this is our time.  

The year of 2019 defied all laws of physics and nature. We have become a veritable Yankee hydra. So hail it! Whenever someone went down, two rose up in his place. We lost Andujar: Thairo Estrada and Gio Urshela appeared. We lost Giancarlo: Mike Tauchman and Cameron Maybin appeared. We lost Gary: Austin Romine and Kyle Higashioka appeared. Right now, our biggest problem is cutting the number down to 25. Listen: This doesn't just come to pass through random universal sequencing. This isn't simply our turn. There has to be a reason for all this.

Thrice, we knocked out our arch rival, Boston. Once, at home. Once, in London, on a global stage. Finally, in their own house. We beat Chris Sale. We put down Mookie Betts. They didn't even finish the season. We ended Boston's delirious plans for a "dynasty." They didn't even make to September 15. 

Minnesota boasted of the most home runs in history. They grumbled about past transgressions, how they would different. Their second batter in game one hit a homer. They preened in the dugout. From that moment on, they never knew what hit them. 

Last week, we watched a veritable re-enactment of the final scenes of the Godfather, with cold vengeance delivered upon our nemesis of the past. 

Dodger manager Dave Roberts - Boston's base-stealing scourge of 2004 - historically botched the finale of the NL Division series. He put on a clinic for bad decisions. Thanks to him - (a replacement for Don Mattingly, by the way) - LA has nothing to show for seven straight divisional titles. Wow. What a legacy of lumps.

And wasn't it a sublime to see everything collapse around none other than Joe "Machine Gun" Kelly, who was pitching in the final meltdown. As a Redsock, Kelly loved throwing at Yankees; he made no secret of his hatred for New York. Well, he's now a part of Nats history. He'll get free drinks in DC for the rest of his life.

In Atlanta, Brian McCann - the ungrateful catcher who feasted upon us two years ago as an Astro - just went down with the Braves. He has now retired. So long, sluggo. 

And now, entering our cross-hairs is Mr. Kate Upton himself, Justin Verlander, who has four times led teams over us in October, and who two years ago was the MVP of the Astros' ALCS victory. We couldn't stop him then. And earlier this year, we couldn't hit him. But the other night, Tampa sure did, eh? Something has changed, and we are going to take him down in Houston.

Zack Grienke, too. He put on his no-trade list. Well, he's on our vendetta list.

We are coming for them. Yeah, you read that right. And you read it here, first. We. Are. Coming. For. Them. I'm telling you, this is it. Summer is coming to Summerfell. The Yankees are coming for retribution. The Great Yankee Revenge Singularity is upon usThis is it, everybody. Stand back. We got this. 


  1. Duque, it's 4AM. You're drunk; go to bed.

    Fuck you Hal.

  2. The reason for all this is to give them an excuse as to why they won't spend a nickle on top notch free agents this off season even though they so badly need them. Especially on Cole. They'll sign a bunch of Lyons and pray the Kings to get them though 2020...Fuck the Yanks! We badly need a Verlander/Cole/Greinke 1-2-3 punch if we ever want to win a WS in the next decade.

  3. Machine Gun Kelly is one of the best pitchers in the game. Just ask him, he'll tell you:

    That article is almost as funny as this one:

    That's your comic act for this Saturday morning. Thank you Ladies and Germs. Don't forget to tip your servers.

  4. We'll battle (at times), but, ultimately, its going to be a monumental task to defeat the Astros with the way both teams are matched up. Prediction: Astros in 6

  5. What makes any of you think we can win even a single game in the ALCS?!?

  6. Exactly, Winnie. This is the great Juju mind and donkey fuck. They have set us up to get destroyed, as the gods enjoy doing, in general. What's the worst thing you can do to someone? Give them false hope. False fucking hope. I have one word for us: pitching.

    Thanks Brian and thanks, Hal. All your homers won't save us now.

  7. LOVE IT, Duque! Who else could combine references to the Hydra and the Corleone family settling all its business in the same post???

    But no way, no how. Pitching is always the key.

    And Warbler, what better time and circumstance in which to write on this blog THAN drunk at 4 a.m.?

  8. What a joke

  9. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 2:37 PM

    That's enough, 13bit. Thanks for clearing up a lot of questions for me I'm going to change the cat litter, take the trash out, and settle in for a night of National League.


    And FUCK YOU CC!

  10. This is now stupid beyond belief.

    CC's selfishness knows no bounds.

    Carefully arranging his season so he could get the stats necessary for the Hall? A season full of fawning tributes around the league? A QUARTER OF A BILLION DOLLARS???

    Nope, not enough.

    We now have to entertain his fantasy—and it IS a fantasy—that he will be out there on the mound, bringing the flag home.

    Not gonna happen. But his very presence on the roster will make it all the more likely that the Yankees use him when they should not.

  11. The Hicks move is nearly as stupid.

    Presumably—and this is a big presumption—he can still run and field.

    But without a back-up middle infielder, this means that:

    —One injury and EE is our full-time first baseman.

    —Two injuries and we are shit out of luck.

    Glad we're so confident about injuries after this season.

  12. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 5:05 PM

    End of the 3rd in St.Louis.

    Max: K K K K K K

    Is there a Yankee pitcher who can do that?

    Nats lead 1-0, by the way.

  13. Obviously (to me anyway, but it's not 4 am, and I'm kinda sober) Cessa should be the odd man out if they insist on giving CC a spot. I would have been OK with that, AS LONG AS: 1 - He assumes Cessa's mop up role; 2 - Designated hitter is part of his role; 3 - Tyler Two stays on the squad as super sub.

    Hicks for Voit seems a wash. One semi-injured guy for another semi-injured guy, both of whom could be merely PHs anyway.

  14. If we lose--and that's only an if--it will be due to the classic Yankees stupidity of playing the money instead of the players who got us here.

    That's the sin. That's the insanity. That will be the carving on the gravestone.

    If we lose.

  15. Hey there, do we have an Anibal anywhere? Or a Max, or even an Adam? Seems like all the talk about Hicks for Voit for Ford for the ghost of the magnificent Yogi doesn't mean a damn thing. We have a saying in medicine: what you're doing is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Because THESE YANKEES ARE TERRIBLE, BY FAR THE WORST 103 WIN TEAM EVER AND THE WORST YANKEE TEAM GOING BACK TO THE STUMP MERRILL ERA!! THEY WILL FLAIL AND FAIL AND LOSE AND NEVER FULFILL THEIR PROMISE OR FILL OUR BROKEN HOLLOW EMPTY HEARTS WITH JOY!! IT'S OVER!! LET IT GO!! MY ADVICE TO YOU IS TO START DRINKING HEAVILY!!! THE YANKEES WON'T WIN A SINGLE GAME AGAINST HOUSTON!!!

    Fuck you Hally-boy, you weasely smegma stain off your noble (albeit crazy and unpleasant) father's scrotum.

  16. But, Rufus, they also took Tyler Too off the roster. I guess that's to accommodate CC.

    We're actually going with 13 pitchers—one of whom can't really pitch anymore—for a short series.

  17. All right, I have decided to listen to the game without ANY commentary on, in that way that when you don't have sound accompanying something, it doesn't seem real somehow.

    It's that realm of unreality we need to get into for the Yankees to possibly have a shot.

    Which they don't. I have never watched any Yankees postseason series in which I felt more certain they could not win. And I am old enough to remember the 1976 World Series against the Big Red Machine.

  18. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 6:29 PM

    Update from St. Louis:

    Max: K K K K K K K K K K K

    3-0 Nats

    Cardinals: hitless in 21 innings

  19. Hoss, My being OK with CC on the squad was only if they took Cessa off and left Tyler Two on. As it stands, not so much.

  20. This is all a steaming heap of bullshits. Please see above.

  21. Indeed, Rufus. And you are right and they are wrong. Which is why they are so dumb.

  22. Also, something else I really doubt: that Jim Beam refused to have a drink after Prohibition was repealed until after he and his "friends" put up a distillery as you might do a barn raising, and only then began to distill whiskey.

    But that's just my natural cynicism.

  23. Let the vomiting begin, my brethren. We need a gameday post!!!

  24. Hoss,

    Jim Beam never stopped making bourbon. But you knew that.

  25. 13bit,

    I puke in your general direction.

  26. Rufus, somehow I suspected it. I also doubt if he had any black "friends" at the time, but maybe I'm doing him an injustice. And I'm glad some black actors got some work.

  27. Giancarlo Stanton was just on the pregame show saying, "These are long grueling seasons, and if you don't have a little savage in you, you're not going to make it."

    Which...I guess accounts for why he played 18 games this year.


  28. I dread this night, OOooooooooOh how I'm dreading this night,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  29. Jim Beam had black people raising the barn!

    Doubt they dined with him though...

    Mike has had a long season. But what about the thousands of hours of rehab Jacoby Glassbery put in?

  30. Grinchy = right handed Sasha Grey.

    Reason enough to hate him.

  31. Rufus T., those black people were as good as indentured, if not owned outright. I'd drink more bourbon if it wasn't made in the South. And if it didn't make me puke so very very much.

    Oh, the protracted violence of my bourbon pukes.

    I'm mean I'm sure there's problems with my favourite tequila farms, but there's so much less puking. And really I can't be fucking aware of every fucking injustice in the whole fucking wide world; I would combust!! I'm pretty much maxed out with the Yankees and politics.

    Fuck you Hal and your miserable racist plantation mentality.

  32. I love you all. Please know that before the bloodletting begins ...

  33. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 8:17 PM

    Well, that was... efficient?

  34. We didn't score. It's over; darkness descends ...

  35. Rufus, thank you. I'm wearing the hazmat suit, so all is well.

  36. Winnie,

    For the spirits, I prefer potato juice on a day ending in y. It's the nondenominational hooch. The poor cousin of everclear (whose songs ALL sounded the same).

    Occasionally a bourbon with my bourbon snob friends.

    Pretty much all black people were indentured servants until around the time I was born. I didn't have any part of that, so the guilt that the nuns tried to install in me isn't there. I do have empathy though.

    On a happier note, I am so old, it is usually wine for me know, except the traditional Friday night martini with the missus. 35 years and counting. Bombay Sapphire, with as much vermouth as sticks to the ice.

  37. 13bit,

    Isn't that awfully hot inside there?

    ...and don't forget the bleach.

  38. Wow, made Emo Zach Bitch throw a whole 23 pitches through 2 innings. Great game plan.

  39. I have no opinion on martinis (Tanqueray 10 vermouth optional) so I can't add much here.

  40. Rufus, I drink kerosene and piss bleach.

    Or, in the infinitely more poetic words of Mister Diddley:

    I walk 47 miles of barbed wire
    I use a cobra snake for a necktie
    I got a brand new house on the roadside
    Made from rattlesnake hide...

  41. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 8:45 PM

    Hoss, you big ol’ encyclopaedia: in approximately what year did it become proper for an announcer to describe a batter as “He’s fun to talk to and his manager loves him?”

  42. The ever expanding Terry Bradshaw...

  43. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 8:58 PM

    Rufus, one of the Astrosterones was described that way by a Fox announcer (maybe you have different audio).

    So what could they say about the Yankees? How about:

    Gary Sanchez lives in his mother’s basement and enjoys grooming her three toy poodles: Flopsy, Mopsy, and Shitface.

    DJ LeMahieu sleeps on a cot, owns two pairs of boxer shorts, and eats only trail mix.

  44. I wish he was named Glauber. Then we have John say... Glauber Claubered it to right!

  45. Is Greinke grunting every pitch?

  46. I am very flattered, Austria! (And it's not everyday one is flattered by a country!)

    This seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon. Back in the day, they were described as great hustlers (if they were white), great natural athletes (if they were black), and fiery (if they were Latino).

  47. Fuck these fucks. We got em.

  48. Flopsy, Mopsy and Shitface!!!!!

  49. Flopsy, Mopsy and Shitface are HAL's legal team.

  50. Ca va bien pourvu que ca dure—
    It goes well as long as it lasts...

    ...said the roofer as he began to fall.

    Believe it or not, a favorite saying of both Napoleon's mother and Bismarck.

  51. JM, I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear what you said there...

  52. Duque must be in the zone, crouching in front of the TV. I hope he doesn’t tweak a gonad, himself...

  53. Keep crouching El Duque, keep CROUCHING!!!!!!!!!!

  54. ...not the tweaking part, that would be gross.

  55. Stanton for fuck sake!!!!!!!!

  56. Giancarlo! And now, for your reward, a defensive replacement, I think...

  57. AOBF, I must say, you are rounding into shape very very nicely!

  58. John just said... “Oddly, Stanton is in left field”

  59. Crouch you magnificent bastard! Crouch till your rectum prolapses!!

  60. Why is #Tanak so beast in October ...does he just save his bullets during the season????

    Any who Go Yanks

    And fuck you Hal

  61. If there were something called 'clutch' pitching, Masa would be it.

    Too bad it doesn't exist.

  62. I usually just have the radio on and work on a car, or whatever... but tonight I have the radio sync’d up with the TV. It amuses me to no end that Suzyn is just watching the game on TV. It’s like watching a ballgame with your mom.

  63. The Tiger!

    Glad to see someone is up in the pen. And if Giancarlo goes back out to left in the 7th, I will call for Ma to be defenestrated.

    Just saying.

  64. Beau, what you said about Suzyn. My wife wants to know whats she's doing on the game.

  65. Well, finally, MumbleFace ZachEmo BitchBoy AnalDischarge gets to go shower and hide from the media and world.

  66. Let's hope the Yankees get the added bonus of being inside Grinchy's head for his next start. He looked a little lost when they did closeups of him. Good, you fucking head case!

  67. Winnie, I think AnalDischarge is a euphemism for something bad. You should be more direct.

  68. Gleyber just motioned to the bench that he deserves the belt today.

    Masa might have something to say about that.

  69. Rufus- I think she’s knitting. Hard to tell on radio, so it might be crochet.

  70. [whispers: gley ber tor res ... gley ber tor res ...]

  71. Can I just say, Gleyber Torres is one handsome man. No homo.

  72. Beau,

    I can just imagine Suzyn saying during the game "I heard that awful Burnside boy was expelled from school today. Don't you act like him. Now who are the Yankees playing today?"

  73. Two extra outs and they still get out of it.

  74. Why is Ottofuckingshitheadavenofuckface pitching in my ALCS??

  75. Obtain did all right, considering the support. WTF is Zack with a K doing walking batters out there?

  76. They are merely letting us know that the bullpen needs the game work. They're a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle rusty.

  77. That's Ottavino, you idiot spell check!

  78. I haven't seen so many orange jackets since the disco era.

  79. The Astros fans are jumping up and down, encouraging each other to get excited.

    Don't they know they should be sitting drunkenly slumped over in their seats by now in a game like this, spitting out curses and peanut shells and muttering imprecations against God and the day they were born?

    What's wrong with these people???

  80. The Astros fans need a NY FAN education

  81. Gio. G-i-o-o-o-o-o.

    He's for the money, he's for the show,
    One more shot before we go.

    Okay, so I am cautiously optimistic.

  82. Forever after to be referred to as "Obtain." A better name, for reasons I cannot quite figure out, two syllables less. What's not to like there?

    I have to go put my head back in the toilet bowl. Later, all.

    El Santo says "Hi," by the way.

  83. How dare you indulge in optimism, Hoss? That's a privilege that we cannot afford.

  84. I want the Yankees to beat these assholes 10-0 every fucking game. All I heard pregame was the Colt 45s have better pitching and better hitting. I'm tempted to turn on the fox sound so I can hear Schmuckz moan about the game, but I didn't take my anti-emetic medicine today.

  85. Judge just stole second and looked slightly apologetic about it.

  86. Just remembering the one time Ca$hmoney tanked the season and got prospects.

    Gleyber for El Chapo rental. Yankees also got Bill McKinney who turned into Happless.

    Gotta give him props for that one, even though he is evil incarnate.

  87. Another ribbie for Gleyber. I was getting greedy and hoping for a cycle-prodding triple.

    Humility, dammit, Hoss! Humility!

  88. Fuck Houston.

    I'm plastered and glad.

  89. Sure, we give him his props. But he won't get pitchers because they cost too much. And we know who is really behind THAT...

  90. Nice,

    Let all their relievers know the Yankees can hit them.

    I hate those orange fuckers almost as much as the DEVIL raze.

  91. Hoss,

    Your post about the Goldman Sachs DEVIL raze almost made me think HAL wasn't the most evil owner in baseball. Almost.

  92. I need Luis Cessa in the game right now.

  93. I'd almost be tempted to put CC out there for his last big, knee-rending inning as a Yankee.


  94. CC needs to go out in a blaze of glory.

    Obviously deliberately plunking an orangy guy. Ejected and suspended for the remainder of the playoffs.

  95. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 11:20 PM

    I hate this Fox commentary. Smoltz is spewing Schmalz.

  96. Yeah, you can hit balls at Gio all night, motherfuckers.


  98. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 11:23 PM

    Well pinch my tits and call me Phyllis.

    I never saw THIS coming!

  99. Yankee fans they're showing are classily making the "choke" sign.

    Oh, well...

  100. Austria's Only Baseball FanOctober 12, 2019 at 11:25 PM

    What language is Gleyber speaking?

  101. OK, you're Phyllis.

    And Schmuckz sucks. Joe (not of Jack's sperm) Buck sucks even more.

  102. Fuck Houston!!!! I believed in Tanaka!!!

    The Professor rules in the postseason. Never doubt it.

  103. Tonight, I like this game called baseball.

  104. I hope VerKlempt's ptomaine kicks in before tomorrow.

  105. Time for a musical tribute to the driver of the Houston Astros' home run train, from Scotty's "Draw Your Brakes":

  106. Sorry for the delay, I was on the road, thu-uh-uhuuuuhuuhhhhuuuhhhh Yankees win you glorious bastards!!!!!

  107. Obtain is nice, I guess, but I'm going with Ottofuckingshitheadavenofuckface.

    Fuck you FuckYouHal.

  108. Do not doubt. Never.

    Fuck Houston.

    It's pronounced How-ston, motherfuckers.

  109. "Forward and fiaca
    Menacle and den gosaca!
    Stop that train I want to get on
    My baby she's leaving me now
    Did you hear that?
    Express yourself brother!"

  110. Beau,

    "Somewhere in NJ, Uncle Floyd and Oogie are happy."

    Wow! Great reference.


    7 more wins to go.

    Doug K.

  111. The fielding was terrific, all night. Looked great.

    Of course Michael Kay was saying that the Yanks have played "clean, crisp baseball" in all 4 postseason games...which is not true. I guess Michael was not watching Game 1 vs. Minnesota. But hey...

  112. Uncle Floyd! Fun fact... I was a Viewer of the Week once...

  113. ranger, VERY cool!

    Doug K.

  114. Wow!

    Just looked and 150 comments - and not one of them from Dr. ODU or mentioning xFIP. This has got to be some sort of record.

  115. Count Floyd and Uncle Floyd - do we have to choose? Both are pretty cool.

    I have "Shaving Cream" playing on my I-tunes right now.

  116. I knew we all had something in common beyond the Yanks.

    If you haven’t heard David Bowie’s Uncle Floyd bootleg, you’re missing out:

  117. Being in no position to comment last night, I am here to say that I wanna marry that Judge double play. My wife gonna have to deal with polygamy because that throw was just too fucking sexy.

  118. Judge said he was surprised it only clocked at 88 mph. That's what you get for throwing off your back foot. You lose a lot of velocity.

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  120. It's like the devil. Say his name...

  121. Don't try my patience tonight, Ottofuckingshitheadavenofuckface; throw strikes.



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