Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It's Derek Jeter Day in America. So where are his teammates?

Today, America's scattered population of card-carrying Gammonites - (aka: old, white, self-righteous farts) - will elect Derek Jeter to thel Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Hooray.

The only question is whether Jeter will be elected unanimously, or if some hurtful, cantankerous asshole from East Boston or West Shmunck will purposely deny him the honor of a 100 percent vote.

With Mariano Rivera, Jeter anchored baseball's last great dynasty: the Yankees of the nineties. In recent days, some writers have labeled the cheating Astros as a "dynasty." They won one championship. One. Joe Torre's Yankees won four in five years. That, my friends, is a fukkin' dynasty. And in our lifetimes, we'll probably never its like again. 

So, how did they win four out of five? Did Jeet and Mariano simply carry everybody? Visit Cooperstown, and that's what you might think. Three others from that great run - Wade Boggs, Tim Raines and Mike Mussina - have made the Hall. Each played a season or two with the Yankees. None was a linchpin to the full dynasty. (Of course, Torre is in the Hall, as a manager.)

So, WTF? Were the Yankees a two-man operation? Apparently, America's scattered population of card-carrying Gammonites believes so. Of course, being old, white, self-righteous farts, they have their personal standards. (Also known as "grudges."

Bernie Williams? Too much guitar. Roger Clemens? Failed the purity test. Paul O'Neill? Broke too many water coolers. Jorge Posada? Soaked his hands in pee.  Coney? Andy? Tino? Nope. Chuck Knoblach? How about Orlando Hernandez - el Duque - who opened ties to Cuba? Chili Davis? Even - gulp - Jose Canseco, in his cameo role. (All I remember: Jose, taking three ridiculously perfect strikes, right down the middle, in the World Series.) Four out of five world championships! Did they just happen?

The greatest dynasty in the last 30 years - no, the LONE dynasty in the last 30 - with only two mainstays in Cooperstown? WTF?

Hmm. You'd almost think there is a small market bias against the Yankees. 

What's that you say? We should wonder why Roger Maris and Thurman Munson aren't in the Hall?   

I'm temped to question some players who have made the cut. That would be crappy. Everyone has their vision of greatness. I say, Bravo to all who have been inducted. And - yeah - Yankees do receive more attention than comparable stars in smaller markets or on last-place teams. But that's why it's the Hall of FAME - folks, it's FAME. And when the judging eyes of the entire world are upon you, it's not easier to win; it's harder. And they won four out of five.

Considering their refusal to acknowledge the other Yankees who comprised baseball's last great team, America's scattered population of card-carrying Gammonites - (aka: old, white, self-righteous farts) - better damn well make it unanimous, today. One hundred percent. 

Anything less, we riot. 


  1. Seriously, with all their pearl clutching, fainting couch bullshit about "playing the game right" they had fuck all better make this unanimous. 72.4 bWAR for fuck sake! Number 6 all time in hits with 3,465!! That's an imperial fuck ton of hits, people!! But I'm sure there's some asshole butthurt over that time Jeter beat their favorite team and/or player.

    Fuck them!!

  2. I'm not going to dive into the numbers now because the HOF voters always have their convoluted reasons for screwing somebody, especially Yankees. TWW is right, Fuck them and the horses they rode in on! The voters get all tangled up in semantics and cross-generational numbers and personal failings as though the HOF requires a seven-level purity test and sainthood. I

    Not sure how Bernie lines up with other CFers, but he sure was pretty fucking good. He's in my Hall of Fame, with Munson and Maris and Pete Rose, too.

  3. Jeter won't get 100 per cent because he wasn't that good defensively, as his critics always carped, and he didn't hit a zillion homers, and he didn't dominate his position...there were some excellent other shortstops, you know, like Nomar.

    Just watch.

  4. JM, "wasn't good defensively" always seemed like sour grapes to me. Wasn't good defensively compared to Ozzie Smith at his peak? Or the average MLB shortstop? And we will ignore the fact that there was no good way (still isn't really) at that time to measure defensive performance. All those numbers are suspect.

    Fuck them.




  6. A lot of the success was due to effective, consistent and creative negative JU-Ju.

    Which you neglected to mention in your fine analysis.

    Although you wrote a book about it.

  7. He did. He did write the book, didn't he?

  8. If Jeter doesn't get 100% of the votes, it's probably because of some Boston baseball writer...

  9. Even HALAL HAL cannot get Jeter his 100%.


  10. I don't care how he gets in, votes, etc. He'll be in. And if I'm ever dumb enuf to go to upstate NY again, I'll be happy to go to Cooperstown and see his plaque.

    What seems important, now: I had the pleasure of watching this guy play for the team I chose as a youth. For a long time. He never stopped playing hard.

    Quick story: I lived in MD for a while. One winter, I saw the Orioles' sked had a 4-game series in the coming season with the Yankees. I bought tickets to all 4 games, took friends with me to each.

    It was a pleasure. Not only did the NYYs win all 4, but they never stopped hustling. AND: The Orioles' players never started. It was obvious -- even to some of the O's fans.

  11. When is the announcement? What are they waiting for?

  12. https://nypost.com/2020/01/21/derek-jeter-elected-to-baseball-hall-of-fame-stunningly-misses-unanimous-vote/

  13. I called it...I betcha that one writer is from Boston...or someone that dated one of his ex-girlfriends...

  14. One BBWAA writer left Jeter off their ballot. That's inconceivable. One vote short of a unanimous vote. What sort of sad wretches do they let in that organization? That person must be the Buck's Puckered Hemorrhoid of the BBWAA, damn their eyes until they burst with worms.

    Aaawwhh ... I just grossed myself out there. Ugh.

  15. Ridiculous.

    I'm sorry, when you're voting on putting players into the Hall of Fame, you're not electing the next pope, or the president of the United States.

    All votes should be public, with voters obligated to say why they are voting the way they do.

    If their stated reasons violate the guidelines for the Hall—they voted against such-and-such, because only Player X was unanimous, they're making a protest against something or other, etc.—then that's it. They get their protest vote—and they don't get to vote again.

  16. ALL-CAPS, Bernie himself makes the argument that if he did that well, competing as a non-juicer against all those juicers, he should be in the Hall.

    It's an interesting argument.

  17. Me, I would definitely put Posada in.

    Jorge's stats are right up there with most of the catchers in the Hall of Fame. He was also the catcher on some top staffs, and of course won those five rings.

    And once again: the only reason he WASN'T considered the best catcher in the AL for a good ten years or more was because of known juicer, Ivan Rodriguez.

  18. Exactly. Jorge had a Hall worthy career.

  19. Absolutely Posada should be in the Hall of Fame. No doubt.

  20. If I was that one guy, I'd really feel like an asshole today.

  21. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put me down for Jorge (Coming thru for U ) Posada into that memorial of great ballplayers, no doubts. And Coney, as an enemy or friend (esp.), I would want this guy pitching my mortal combat (delightful commentary, if the author grants his bueno insights: would it be smart to alternate Kay & O'Neill with Coney & ? ? So, yeah, without consulting the damn numbers, he's in my best image of a variegated flow of trends, social and racial and competitive (esp.) history that was basaball!

  22. Shit, humble ol', catch 'em by surprise Bernie - hey, I could swear he was the prettiest paced roamer I've seen of the green grass in center, but it would be some numbers argument. And the real pitch is hitting and baserunning, which I will attest was Outstanding and First Rate. Yeah, no Bernie, no solid outfield defense. Great offensive key on great teams = HoF to me. Make it good enough to see online and bear inspection, interest and delight: that should be the motto.

  23. But not Ryan with Coney, unless he is assisting in play-bye with a more melodious voice,please. Think fatherly, fellas.

    Oh, sorry- you guys are big on listening to the Sterling version: how do I get it on the internet real cheap? I tried a bit, and failed.


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