Saturday, January 18, 2020

We Can All Rest Easy

I don't mean to interrupt the discussion about those no good, dirty low-down cheatin', body-buzzer wearin' Astros but, according to a Boston Sports Radio Podcast, Alex Rodriguez and Curt Schilling have kissed and made up!

I'll pause for a moment to let that sink in.  

Yes, it's true.  The following news story appeared in this morning's "Rhode Map", a special online edition of the Boston Globe featuring matters of interest to Rhode Islanders:
It turns out that the 38 Studios debacle did some good, after all: It helped repair the relationship between former Red Sox star Curt Schilling and former Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.

In an interview on The Gerry Callahan Podcast last week, Schilling said he made amends with his old rival during spring training a few years ago after reading a story in ESPN The Magazine about how Rodriguez was preparing to have a conversation with his daughter about the steroids scandal that likely cost him the all-time home run crown.
“As a father, I sympathized with that,” Schilling said. “And I had to do that with my family and my kids with 38 Studios. I didn’t cheat or anything, but it was embarrassing. And I realized that I never wanted anybody to feel the way I felt in front of my kids.”
The two had been feuding for years – dating back to the great Red Sox/Yankees rivalry in the early 2000s – but Schilling said he apologized to Rodriguez that day.

It may take a bit longer for Schilling to repair his relationship with Rhode Island taxpayers, but there’s some good news on that front as well: The state budget that Governor Gina Raimondo proposed Thursday includes the final $12.5 million payment to 38 Studios bondholders.
Imagine that!  A-Rod and Sir Curt Catsup Sock have buried the hatchet!  Woo-Hoo!

Don't you just feel tingly all over?

As a Rhode Island taxpayer, please pardon me if I don't join in the singing of Kumbaya, which will undoubtedly start pouring forth from every street corner between Southie and Morningside Heights now that the news is out.


  1. Sorry, least interest blog post in last 100 years.


  2. Please place your thumbs on your shift keys and await your immediate refund.

  3. Yes, it's exactly the same:

    —Cheating in a way that's not good, but which maybe 80 percent of other players are doing, too (Canseco's estimate), AND

    —Ripping off the taxpayers for many millions of dollars, in complete, hypocritical conflict with the political principles you espouse.

    Right, exactly the same.

    Why, if I watched a kid cheat in a game of kick-the-can (they still play that on my block) where everybody else was obviously cheating, and somebody pickpocketed $100 out of my jacket pocket...I'd be equally incensed at them both.

  4. Also, anybody else notice how much Curt Schilling is starting to look like Michael Kay?

    Just sayin'.

  5. LBJ, it's not working. I've been holding those shift keys for about two and a half hours, still no refund.

    I'll keep trying.

    Schilling is still an asshole. OK, A-Rod is an asshole, too, but I think he has some psych issues. Schilling is just an asshole.

  6. These two people have been happily irrelevant to my Yankees-fan-life for a long time. Leave them buried.


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