Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."

With apologies to Thomas Gray, Cora-gate shows us the deep, 3-dimensional chess wisdom of Cashman hiring a manager who is not exactly regarded as a mastermind.

Don't get me wrong.  A guy who made over $16 million while hitting .263 in his career—a guy who's loved everywhere he goes, a guy who has a former Playmate for a wife who spends her spare time saving homeless orphans—obviously has something on the ball.

For all I know, Ma Boone spends hours after each game scientifically recalculating the precise angle which the Yankees spy satellite must assume in order to bounce its beams off the Steinbrenner memorial in right field, capture other teams' signs, and relay them on to the state-of-the-art microchip he had implanted in his cerebral cortex.  (We DO have a spy satellite, don't we?)

But it doesn't hurt that our beloved manager often looks and sounds a little, well, goofy.

All the better.  Even though Boonie is, in fact, a baseball lifer—and scion of the longest running family dynasty in baseball history—he's never assumed to be a shrewd, inside-game guy like Alex Cora and Carlos Beltran.

Which is all to the good, right now.  In fact, I want him to blurt out at his next press conference, "Wait, teams have signs?"

Couldn't hurt.


  1. Carlos out as Met manager.

    Do not ask for whom the Beltran tolls.

    Doug K.

  2. Bye bye Beltran.

    The big problem here is they're not going after active players who deserve to be walloped. Not even penalizing them in the record books.

    And Hoss, I know how you feel, but I agree with Pete Rose. If what he did is bad--even though it did not involve cheating--what these guys did really gets to the fundamental integrity of the game as it's played. Rose played and played hard, but he didn't cheat. It was his skill against the other guys'. This is more like steroids giving a player an unfair advantage--but the current business gave entire teams an unfair advantage.

    I still think the penalties so far are much, much too lenient. Landis didn't restore faith in baseball by firing the White Sox manager. He nailed the actual guilty parties.

  3. I hear ya, JM.

    But baseball will get past this scandal, bad as it is. If players and managers betting on games ever becomes routine, baseball will not get past it. It will become professional wrestling. It is an existential threat, as opposed to a serious violation.

    But yeah, if MLB wants to throw the book at juicers and sign-stealers, I'm all for it. (As long as it's done fairly. No more Red Sox part-owner claiming that the only juicers were the Mets, the Yankees, and Barry Bonds.)


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