Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Strain, by any other name...

I mean, I'm just amazed at the entire idea of a calf strain that you know will keep you out for over a month.  A calf tear, a calf...I dunno what.

But a "strain?"  This makes the entire word meaningless.

Well, hey.  As a plucky little English comedy group once told us, always look at the bright side of life.

This means that we really will get to see if The Red Menace has anything, and if Tauchman was more than a one-year wonder.  It means that Mike Ford will be sticking around to DH for a good long while.

It means that Miguel Andujar isn't going anywhere, and may even be in left field.  It means that Tyler Wade and, yes, Thairo Estrada, will get a shot at being regular back-ups.  

And it means that we won't have to watch Giancarlo Stanton grimace and grind, and look perplexed as his big, beautiful swing once again flails uselessly through the strike zone.

We love you, Mikey.  Enjoy Florida.  Only 9 more years to go...


  1. In general I like our team better without him. Let some other hitters actually put the ball in play. 2018 was the most miserable 100 win team in history when he played. Last year was a joy. We traded nothing to get him and it ain't my money! The best thing about Stanton is he is all the proof the Yanks need that they don't steal signs. The man has never seen a slider in right field that he didn't like to swing at.

  2. @Matty P. Well said!

    I will be glad too if Stanton is out the entire season. There's a very good chance it will happen. In Yankee-speak, a calf strain probably means a full grade 1 or 2 tear. Anyway, it will mean Clint Frazier probably makes the team out of spring. I don't care if Frazier struggles, I'd much rather watch him than blind man Stanton.

    The Hammer of God

  3. I absolutely agree Matty P & Hammer OG> AMEN INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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