Saturday, February 22, 2020

Actually, it's quite simple: Rob Manfred should resign

It's time for Rob Manfred to go. 
He has squandered whatever trust he once held as Commissioner of Major League Baseball. 
The botched and bogus Houston cheating scandal has exposed Manfred as an ownership lackey, a cover-up artist, unworthy of managing a major sport, especially one that heralds itself as "the National Pastime." 
The more we learn about the scandal, the more clearly we see Manfred's unwillingness to take action, even when the essence of the game had been corrupted. 
He will never recover from this loss in trust.
Consider the following facts...
Since 2017, speculation about the Astros cheating had been rampant. Several teams publicly suspected Houston of stealing signs.  
Manfred did not investigate. 
In 2018, after catching a Houston team employee taking pictures, the Cleveland Indians went so far as to warn other teams about the Astros in the upcoming post-season.
Manfred did not investigate. 
After game one of the 2019 ALCS, the Yankees asked MLB to look into the whistling sounds that were coming from the Astros dugout. Houston manager A.J. Hinch mocked the Yankees, saying, "It made me laugh." After fateful game six, the Yankees accused Houston of using blinking lights beyond the centerfield fence to convey messages to batters.
Manfred did not investigate. 
Instead, before the 2019 World Series, MLB warned both teams not to use electronic sign-stealing. (Only one team was accused of doing it.) Meanwhile, players from throughout the league were calling the Nats, telling them to be watchful. One Nats player later told the Washington Post, "It was amazing... how many people were coming out of the woodwork to let us know."
Yet Manfred did not investigate.  
Only until after Oakland pitcher Mike Fiers told The Athletic the specifics of Houston's cheating did MLB finally launch its probe. 
What are fans supposed to think, other than - without a public expose to force action - Manfred would have continued to look the other way?
For sitting on his hands while three entire seasons have been tainted, Manfred should resign.
For doling out minor slaps on the wrists of the Astros - (a $5 million fine? draft picks? no players punished? Pete Rose remains banned for life, while MLB links itself to lucrative gambling sites) - Manfred should resign. 
Sportswriters keep telling us the scandal will soon burn itself out, and fans will return to hot stove gossip. More and more, MLB and its spokespersons have become uncomfortable with the topic. They just want it to go away, before it affects the bottom line.
This scandal is not going away. 
Anger continues to grow. 
It is becoming Manfred's legacy.
He should resign.


  1. Manfred's a lackey. That's the 21st century commissioner's role. Next guy or gal will be the same. Acknowledging that, his true shortcoming is not convincing Crane that he must take the fall. Too late now but if Crane said "This all resulted from the organizational culture I created. My enthusiasm for leading edge performance and efficiency set a tone throughout the organization, but unfortunately I did not set proper limits and expectations on behavior, nor did I see to the proper explanation and enforcement of league rules. I'm to blame." Then, Manfred could have given him a Steinbrenner-ian suspension. Toothless practically, but good PR. Damage limited. It was the smart play. Manfred either couldn't conceive of it, or couldn't convince Crane and the owners it was the right move. Maybe the next one will be savvier viz-a-viz the owners, but I doubt it.

  2. Yes, Publius, unfortunately, every commissioner has been a puppet of the owners since Fay Dipshit Vincent. Probably before. They are told what to do and when and how to do it. Manfred resigning would do nothing. The owners would just hire an identical slack jawed, goat-blowing dipshit tool. Much better to pour sugar in Shitfred's gas tank, smash his mailbox, shoot out his porch light and send him manure in the mail. And then have him resign. And then pour sugar in another of Shitfred's gas tanks, smash his new mailbox, shoot out his porch light again and send him more manure in the mail.
    I'm serious. He needs to personally suffer for being a slack jawed, goat-blowing dipshit tool of the owners. He is complicit and must suffer.

    And yeah only a confederacy of imbeciles could have thought this was the proper way to handle things.

    Fuck all of them.

  3. Manfred works for the owners...and it's up to the owners to have him removed.

    We believe that the owners have complained in almost unison about this Rastros issue. I've made a conspiracy case for proof that the buzzers happened and Offred threatened the Rastros to stop...

  4. Offred finally did it...another reason for him to resign...

    A Little League director in Pennsylvania is sending a message to young players about the Houston Astros and their sign stealing.

    "Right now, in our leagues, the Astros are suspended," said Bob Bertoni, head of District 16/31 Little League.

    Bertoni is recommending that no teams in the 23 leagues he oversees use the Astros team name this season.

    "I think about our Little League pledge; that's the first thing that comes to my mind. Part of the pledge is, 'I will play fair and strive to win,'" Bertoni said.

    "Our kids emulate and idolize major league players," he added. "I don't think we as an organization should be idolizing teams that have decided not to play by the rules."

    The Orange County Register reported last week that two Little League communities in Southern California banned the Astros name for the upcoming season.

    Our little leagues are setting the bar now...a winner never cheats and a cheater never wins...

  5. How the hell is the first Yankees home game against the Astros not until September 21st???

  6. Yes, they have all been lackeys and goat-fuckers (pray for the goats), but Manfred is the dribbliest dick in a long line of odious dribble-dicks - a vomit-eating, syphlitic, craven piece of shit who does not even know how to PRETEND to honor the spirit of the game. At least get a good actor in there and tell him - we know there will never a "her" as commissioner of baseball due to their rampant patriarachical BS - exactly how to act, how to feign empathy and compassion, how to go through the motions of making it appear as though the game respects the fans, without whom they would not exist.

    The oracle of the internet anagram server tells us that "robmanfred" REALLY means one of the following:


    and the list goes on.

    food for thought, my friends.

  7. Hiring an actor isn't a bad idea.

    "I'm not a Commissioner, but I play one on TV."

    At least the hypocrisy would be diminished.

    All hail the Pantheon of Porcelain, your 2020 New York Yankees.

  8. The honorable thing for Shitfred to do, having thoroughly botched this situation beyond repair, would be to resign & apologize. Of course, he will do no such thing. I am uncertain, at this point, whether Shitfred has actually surpassed the dribble-dickedness which I attribute to Bud Selig. At this point, I'm not sure that Sxxtfred has exceeded that very high bar of dickishness. I reserve judgment, but add my name to those who wholeheartedly concur in duque's call for his resignation.

    LB (No J)



  10. Great article, Duque! You said it all. Yes, this asshole Rob Manfred must resign immediately or be fired by the owners. The very nerve of him to warn the Yankees not to cheat against Houston. It's just like when the umpire warns both teams after the other team's pitcher your batter. Or when the ref in pro wrestling warns the good guy after the bad guy pulls the good guy's hair. A freaking joke; a ridiculous comedy. At least in pro wrestling, there is not even a pretense that it's real. We are at that point in major league baseball. The integrity of the game has been damaged, perhaps beyond repair, by the stupid actions and inactions of this commissioner. He should be credited with two "assists" for helping Houston and the Red Sox win tainted titles. Those two titles in 2017 and 2018 are forever tainted in my book. As far as I'm concerned, no one won the WS in those two years.

    The Hammer of God


  11. If you expand the anagram search to be "Robert Manfred" and add some creative punctuation, you can get "Mr. Bend O'er & Fart".


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