Friday, February 7, 2020

Bloomberg Campaign Officially Doomed

From the New York Post:

Mr. Met to help open Bloomberg campaign office in Queens.

Oh, Mike.  Did you learn nothing in your time here?


  1. That's even worse than eating pizza with a knife and fork

  2. 1. I'm from New York, so I generally fold it in half and yes, I eat it with my hands, the way God and Satan both intended it to be eaten.

    2. It was a reference to the Boston Red Sox-loving carpetbagger, our current mayor, who infamously at pizza with a knife and fork and was ridiculed - rightfully so - to the ends of the universe for it by all New Yorkers.

    3. Whatever I say here is meaningless.


  4. All our best politicians are carpetbaggers: Bloomberg, Bobby Kennedy. Even Ed Koch was born in Newark.

  5. So it seems the Mets deal fell apart because Steve Wilpon wanted to maintain real control of the team for another five years (when he will be 88), and all that time Jeff Wilpon was to remain as chief operative officer, receiving "gradual but sizable pay raises."


    Good luck finding anybody who is going to do that for you...

  6. Fucking Mets fans with their shitty spelling.

  7. Actually, those are the sounds recorded as coming from inside Mr. Met's head. They are so replete with despair, however, that the authorities have refused to have the translation published.


  8. The New Testament (John 1:46) asks -- "can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

    I have always felt the same way about Queens. Except for Christopher Walken.

  9. Queens gave you all the Most Exalted, Most Fearless Most Strongest, Most Bravest, Most Spraytanned, Most Best with Words Leader the world has ever seen.

    So, you're welcome...bigly

  10. Now, now: we are forgetting the Flushing Remonstrance.

    (This was the historical remonstration of the people of Flushing to be rid of the Mets. Tragically, it was not granted.)

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