Monday, February 17, 2020

Both Convicted In the Court Of Public Opinion

Two cheating, malevolent slime balls.

Brothers, of a sort.  

The commissioner of baseball is not just mis-reading the players' reactions ...he is mis-reading fan reactions.

That toady creep commissioner denigrated the value, in his " press conference," of retrieving the Championship trophy, and all related hardware,  from the Houston display cases.

Bull shit.  How much are the rich owners of Houston paying into your off-shore account?

Having Clay Bellinger and Aaron Judge walk in to break the glass of the display case, and take those symbolic trophies back should be on national TV.

And Houston players ( and Boston ) should have to wear black " I cheated " patches on their uniforms forever.

I would start minor league pitchers against this team and throw at every player, every time. If MLB bans them for 60 games, fine.  They go back to Trenton.

Fans must bring banners ( hidden under their coats at Yankee stadium ) which say " Cheaters " on them.  I will pay off the dweeb who runs the Jumbotron to flash " cheaters, cheaters, cheaters" until he is shut down.

Fans must never relent.

 Duque is right;  a $5 million fine is a fucking insult.  That's like throwing a begging man a nickel and saying, " Have a nice day!"

Piece of shit Commissioner.  He is another lame, bought and paid for, old white guy...out of touch with the very game, the very players and fans, he is hired to understand and protect.

He is allowing the game to be compromised.

 Put him in a cell with Harvey.  And make him wear a skirt.


  1. I am JM and I approve of this message.

  2. Altuve waving his finger and lying through his teeth makes me think of this:
    Same lying, cheating sack of shit.

  3. Sorry - that first link was bad - try this one:

  4. The f**king commish needs to be gone before he does anymore damage to America's favorite past time. What's next....listening to the whiner manager of the ASStrolls crying about all the talk against his team and the retaliation that's coming. He knew what he was getting into when he took the job. The next thing is an edict from the asshole commish banning the first amendment.

  5. It's a huge cover-up. Electronic devices were worn in 2019. The only cheating Manfred disclosed were the trash can banging already proved on social media, and the ex-players who told on them. There is no direct proof, yet, on the electronic devices so that's being swept under the rug. Crane,Manfred, and the Astros are colluding to prevent further damage to the MLB brand. Correa cockiness proves Manfred has their backs. It will come out. It's a matter of time before someone who knows gets sick and tired of the charade.

  6. From now on, the Astros must play naked.

  7. I really like the skirt idea on Manfrieda. Nice touch.

  8. Commissioner Manfred MUST BE FIRED ASAP. I saw that asshole on tv news saying "look at the Astros' faces", that "shows how bad they feel about this whole thing". Come again? What the fuck? What Manfred is doing is even worse than the Astros cheating. And I agree with someone above who wrote this whole thing is a coverup and collusion. The thing stinks worse than the biggest landfill in the world.

    The Hammer of God

  9. I agree with you ThoG. Unfortunately, every commissioner has been a puppet of the owners since Fay Dipshit Vincent. Probably before. They are told what to do and when and how to do it. Firing Shitfred (Would you all please refrain from making his name feminine? Being feminine isn't a bad thing. Being slack jawed, goat-blowing dipshit tool of the owners is.) (Don't make me scold you lot again!) would do nothing. The owners would just hire an identical slack jawed, goat-blowing dipshit tool. Much better to pour sugar in Shitfred's gas tank, smash his mailbox, shoot out his porch light and send him manure in the mail.

    I'm serious. He needs to personally suffer due being a slack jawed, goat-blowing dipshit tool of the owners. He is complicit and must suffer.

    Fuck them all.

  10. That'd be fine. Break Shitfred's bones too.

  11. Yes, Shitfred has kind of a nice ring to it - - FIRE SHITFRED - - YESTERDAY.

    I'm not forgetting this one, as long as I live, I swear...AssTrolls has a nice ring to it, too - - and the Red Sux still Sock (of the Bloody Ketchup variety). LB (No J)


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