Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I Need To Retire

The training camps are barely getting started and the Yanks are down a key starter and, possibly, their best outfielder. 

Sure, we only have initial reports of a " tweak."

No one panics this early for an injury like that. 

But shoulders are tricky things, and undiagnosed injuries are undiagnosed, because no one can figure out what is wrong.

So Aaron will sit.

We'll wait a week.  Then we'll wait two weeks.

Reports will filter in about how and when he might " resume baseball activities." 

We may even see him swinging at a "whiffle ball" sitting on a batting tee. 

Get ready for a hard rain.

I am already burned out, and my official time on the clock has not been started. 

I am too old for this.

Not again. 


  1. Have no fear. Great things are about to happen.

  2. Sing it Richie, you old irascible hitting machine!

    Fuck you Hal in the ass with all four of Manfred's limbs to the elbows and knees. Simultaneously of course.

  3. Guys, stop the presses. Via the pencil-necks at NY Mag, a little more insight into the world-famous Hebrew Home, which I have heard is like a college campus.

  4. Anonymous....maybe we can wrangle a group discount for the blog participants? I'm ready! Some hot women there and I hear they're all loose. What? Oh.... I guess it's the thorazine.

  5. His shoulder needs merely a tweak
    So, Aaron will just wait a week
    His aches they are curing
    And, that's reassuring
    If you trust the team's doublespeak.

  6. Carl, bring a box of Trojans and a case of Depends and you'll be in like Flint.

  7. Brilliant limerick!!

    FWIW, I believe the expression is “In like Flynn.”

    As in Errol, a notorious cocksman in his day.

  8. In like Flynn is the expression. In Like Flynt is the James Coburn movie that parodies it.

    Either works.

    Also, liked the limerick.

    Doug K.

  9. As Hirohito said in his surrender speech to the Japanese people in 1945, “We must endure the unendurable.”

  10. Judge, Stanton, Sanchez, Paxton, the inevitable Hicks...the New York Yankees Pantheon of Porcelain©, ladies and gentlemen.

  11. JM,

    Good one!

    Doug K.

  12. Great limerick!

  13. LOL, WinWarb.....they say sex and VD (I'm not joking) are rampant in nursing homes.

    I believe the "in like Flynn" phrase was based on a politician in NYC who was a political boss and anyone he backed for a certain post was considered a done deal.

  14. I thought it had to do with Errol Flynn beating an underaged girl case.

    Only prominent NYC pol I know of was Ed Flynn, and I've never seen it associated with him.

  15. severino shut down due to forerm tightness

    oh dear


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