Sunday, February 16, 2020

Letter to the Editor: Carping in Colorado

Wheat Ridge Transcript
Jan. 29, 2020

Dear Editors,

Every bona fide player and fan knew about the Yankees having the scoreboard guy watching with binoculars. That was in Billy Martin’s days and before electronic scoreboards. 

Signals are a very large part of the game, and are taught beginning with little league. A base runner on second base watches the catcher and signals to the bench, where they are relayed to the third-base coach then to the batter, giving him some advantage. They also can be signaled directly to the batter, but that is usually too sophisticated or quick. Everyone has to figure what type of pitches the catcher is calling for, and they change them occasionally.

It works both ways. The team in the field can pick up signs for the batter to bunt or lay off the next pitch, and for the runner to steal a base.  

The problem seems to be the electronic era, which elevates that part of the game to cheating.

Tom Graham,


  1. The problem seems to be the Asstros and the Sux. Do think theirs were the only franchises to figure out that this was possible? They were the only franchises to act in this manner. It's time for operation Bone Breaker.

  2. So where did they get this technology? Where did they buy it? Did they have to design it themselves? Did they go to an adult toy store and modify a wireless bluetooth vibrator for this strategy? And if so, were they used?

  3. they will be using the bluetooth vibrator all year - for 81 games, the ASStros will be subjected to an ASS-reaming gauntlet on the road in every stadium across the american league (except for boston where their cheating brethren reside), taking it up the ass at every at-bat. the buzzers that tell them which pitch is coming will be in the dildo, so when you see their asses shaking in the batters box, think to yourself "beanball"

    i might just subscribe to mlb channel just to see correa and company have their year-long fuck you tour - the fans across america are going to have a field day with this season and i will bet that the attendance around the league will double as fans show up to voice their displeasure (except maybe in tampa where nobody ever shows up)

  4. "Every bona fide and fan" in this case means, "No one but a weird crank in Arvada, Colorado.'

    It is amazing and disturbing, though, to see what people will come up with in the way of conspiracy theories to back their favorite prejudices.

    All this backs up what I've been saying: If the Yankees had done what the Astros did, it would be treated like a war crime.

    Incidentally, I came across some Astros fan site the other day saying that the fault was all Beltran's—who had learned his thieving ways when he played for—you guessed it—your New York Yankees.

  5. Offred is addressing the media in FL at 4:30 pm. We all know what he going to say...not standing for team retribution...Fuck you Offred.

  6. From today’s New York Post:

    “Manfred considered stripping the Astros of their 2017 World Series title, but he’s cited history as a reason why he didn’t.

    “It has never happened in baseball,” Manfred said. “I am a believer in the idea that precedent matters, and when you deviate from it you have to have a really good reason to do so.”

    He doesn’t have a really good reason? This guy is a total wanker. What would constitute a “really good reason?” Cheating, maybe?

  7. I want to be on the record that I prefer Operation Boone Hugger. He's so parental.

  8. Hoss, you said it: people have their own prejudices and preconceived opinions, then they work backwards to back them up with BS, conspiracy theories, and general internet detritus. This, of course, is true for more than just baseball in the year 2020.

    Happily, the new rule changes are basically causing me to lose interest in the game and I'll soon feel the same way about baseball that I feel about football, hockey, pro wrestling or hoops.


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