Saturday, February 15, 2020

More Fuel

Yesterday on TV in LA, Clay Bellinger ( Dodger hero ) said flatly,

" Altuve stole my MVP award."

I think we should design tee shirts in Houston Astro colors that say.

You cheated
You lied 


Give back those trophies!

Hopefully, at every away game, Houston players will hear endless chants:


( As the fans at MSG now chant at Knick games, " Sell the team...Sell the team...).

We need to create an environment where no one will ever want to play for Houston.

-  no one will be traded to them
-  no draft pick will sign
-  no player will sign a new contract

And every Houston player should be a target for every fastball pitcher in the game.  Hitting a player an inning should be the goal.  Break bones.

So what if you lose?  You will anyway, because Houston will still be cheating.

Just hit them.


  1. As I said earlier. Break bones. Break all the bones.

  2. I'm with you, Alphonso. Just watched the Bellinger video. Wow.

    Here's the thing - if everybody knew it, and teams were pissed enough to complain to MLB before this all came out, HOW COME NOBODY WENT PUBLIC EARLIER? I baseball like the mob? Is there a code of horsehide Omertà? I understand the fraternity and protecting the game and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, but why didn't Judge complain at the time? Why didn't the Dodgers go to the newspapers and raise a ruckus and a holler? Is there that much stigma attached to being a whistleblower? Is that akin to being a rat fink these days? If so, that's seriously fucked up.


  3. Austria's Only Baseball FanFebruary 15, 2020 at 5:57 PM

    Fart in their general direction and wave your private parts at their aunties!






  5. The Astros need to shut up...just shut the fuck up. First Altuve didn't want his shirt off because of his wife or he was Correa says that Altuve had a bad

    When the commissioner's report came out, I wasn't that was like...ok they cheated with trash cans...maybe they used buzzers...but ok let's move on.

    I can't move on. It's getting too personal for me now. Every time an Astro blurts out an excuse or something that resembles an apology, I get angry. Now it's becoming PTSD. Then Dusty Baker is concerned that players are going to retaliate against the Astros during the games and want the commissioner to step in. Boo fucking hoo want MLB to step in now, but they didn't step in, especially in 2019 when the whole league knew that your new team was cheating. It just makes your blood boil...unfuckingbelievable.

    So let me start a conspiracy theory. Let's go back to the Altuve game winning HR. Ken Rosenthal interviews Jose after the game. Most of you have seen it. Rosenthal was investigating the cheating issue for months at that point. And he couldn't get Jose to admit to it. I'm sure Womanfred saw that too.

    Betcha a nickel that after that, Offred went to the Astros before the World Series and told them point blank..."you do that shit during the Series and you will have your games forfeited as Offred knew what the other owners knew after they complained to the Office of Offred. What happened? The Astros LOST ALL 4 GAMES AT HOME. Hmmmm, how could that be a thing uh?

    9/21/2020. It should be called "The Night of Rage" at Yankee Stadium. Bregman should get HBP in the back. Altuve should get one at his head. He wont need a buzzer to know what pitch is coming. Someone on the radio suggested that CC come out of retirement to do this the first night. Then he gets suspended. The Yanks challenge the suspension. CC pitches the second night. Same thing. Gets suspended again...Yanks challenge the second suspension. CC does it a third night. Interesting idea.

    I wont be right until retribution is enacted on this team. I've never felt this way in all the years I've watched baseball. I've been at the old Stadium. Went to the Polo Grounds twice to see the Mets. That's how far back I go. I was angry about Pedro going after Zim, but this is a hundred times worse. I'm not going to move on like Offred wants baseball to move on from this. Sorry but I can't calm down fron this. And we don't know how far the Red Sox went with this. Offred said the report was going to be February 1st. Now it's March 1st. Looks like Offred miscalculated that backlash from fans and especially players. Players never say anything bad about their opponents. Let me repeat that...PLAYERS NEVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THEIR OPPONENTS. I'll repeat for the speed readers...PLAYERS NEVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT THEIR OPPONENTS.

  6. Ranger, that was beautiful. There most certainly is a horsehide Omertà. The Asstros broke that code. They are in deep shit if there is this much open dissent from other players.

  7. @ Ranger> ABSOLUTELY YES YES YES, your brilliant tirade encapsulates all that is fucking PISSING ME OFF about this entire scandal, and I prey that this keeps getting more and more press, and that the Asstros and Sux are hounded day in and day out for all of eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Great screed, ranger! Though in fairness, Zim went after Pedro, the doughty old bull!

    I think one reason this bothers us so is because, were it your New York Yankees, this would be considered a war crime.

  9. I love the CC idea. But can he still bring it?


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