Saturday, February 29, 2020

Pence Has A Better Chance of Curing the Coronavirus than German Has of Pitching Again for the Yankees

I don't mean to suggest anything, but I will wager;

1.  That German's " car accident" did not occur on his way to church.

2.  He incurred injuries of some sort.

3.  If we can pay off the right cop in the DR , we can get his alcohol reading from the scene. ( see photo ).

4.  He was not alone in the car.

5.  His girl friend had a fat lip ( for cash, she could claim it was from the impact of the crash ).

6.  Cashman is already looking for trading partners.

I think we have to wake up folks and smell the rotting fish.  This guy is done.

We cannot count on him to come back after game 82, and pitch like an 18-3 competitor. 
MLB will not let this lie fallow.

German is gone.


  1. Also, according to the report, German was in the DR because the Yanks "preferred" he work out there.

    So you got:

    —Young, emotionally immature kid. Check.

    —Lots of time on his hands. Check.

    —Bitter over a suspension for what HE (not us!) feels is a perfectly normal way to treat a woman. Check.

    —Just enough money to get in a heap of trouble in a poor country. Check.

    And your response is...stick him away in the DR.

    Never mind doing what's best for the kid, or the team on the field. Think first and foremost about public relations, all the time, every time, and how above all you don't want some nosy newspaper guy catching him for an interview (or doing anything untoward).

    Smart, smart, always too smart by half. The Brian Cashman story.

  2. It only seems to be the Post reporting this detail, but: DUNEBUGGY. This may have been a DUNEBUGGY accident. Nothing bad ever happens, and no hijinks ever occur, in a DUNEBUGGY.

  3. From what I read, he was a rear seat passenger, so whether he had been drinking or not doesn't appear to be relevant. If what they are reporting is correct, that is.

    The Hammer of God

  4. They still never said exactly what German did to his girl friend at the CC dinner, correct?
    I'd like to know what warranted a half-year suspension.

  5. Thinking about another IIH Meetup. I'm trying to avoid weekend day games. They are usually packed with people I don't like to associate with - mainly kids. That being said, whatever the majority rules, I will most likely obey.

    Here are the only three weekday day games:

    Thursday, July 23rd vs Angels at 1:05
    Wednesday, August 19th vs Rays at 1:05
    Wednesday August 26th vs Orioles at 1:05

    As the therapist might say, how do you all feel about any of these? We don't have to decide yet, but I'm trying to get an idea. Or does anybody feel strongly about a weekend game? If, say, it were to get Alphonso or Mustang to go, I could defer to weekend, just saying it's not my preference. Just trying to find the lowest common denominator here.

  6. 13 bit...This far in advance everything looks good. My only suggestion is lower seats. They don't have to be the greatest seats in the stadium but I'd certainly pay more this time to keep out of the nosebleed seats. Perhaps we could even get to chat with The Master before the game if we do a bit of pushing. Certainly, he has to know about this blog.

  7. I vote Angels. Earlier in the season, we saw Orioles last year (didn't we?), and we'd get to see Mike Trout.

    Tampa Bay could well be frustrating.

  8. @13bit...gentle reminder that the kids will be off from school those months...

    Personally, any of those dates work for me presently....The Rays game might have playoff implications as they say....

  9. How I wish I could get to one of those games - unfortunately I live in LA - one of the great things about being out here (other than the fact that you are all freezing your asses off while it was 82 here today) is that I get to watch New York Yankees baseball at 4:05 in the afternoon and still get to bed at a reasonable hour.

    In spite of all the apparent gloom and doom, the Yankees will win the division by ten games, the Socks won’t make the playoffs again, and we will beat the Lying Cheating Motherfuckers to get to the World Series.

  10. I am in agreement with the mid-week game and the lower level seats. The thought ( at my advancing age ) of walking up and down the nosebleed area would leave me in the bar.

    Which, as long as one of you hangs with me, would be fine.

    Unless the virus shuts everything down ( how can that happen, with Mike Pence in charge of the cure ?), I plan to come east for this game.. which means, ...mustang must also attend...since Duque and I taught him the game.

    Richie..I live in LA as well. We could travel on the greyhound together.

  11. Can we say that we have consensus on the Angels game? If so, I must contact LBJ or someone else to help me nurse this thing along.

    I'm going to go make a quick post at the top of the blog to keep it fresh.

  12. He will be back - and very good!


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