Friday, March 27, 2020

In a pinch, the Yankees come through for their stricken farmhands

Today's Murdoch Post reports some good deeds by the Yankees toward a group of minor leaguers who've been holed-up for weeks in Tampa. It's a hopeful message we all can use. Says the Post:

With GM Brian Cashman leading the effort, the Yankees handed out 300 meals per day to players and staff and gave roughly 160 players $75 per day until Thursday, when the players were scheduled to return to their offseason residences. The meals were dropped off to players staying in hotels. Players who lived in apartments picked up the meals at the complex.

About three weeks ago, after a few minor leaguers tested positive for the virus, the Yankees quarantined a large group at their Tampa complex. Today, they are closing the operation, in part due to Shelter-in-Place restrictions imposed by local government. (Tampa looms as a potential corona hot spot.) 

The players say the entire Yankee organization pitched in to help. This is from Josh Smith, a minor league infielder by way of LSU.

“I can honestly say that this is going to stick in my mind forever. Seeing Brian Cashman in flip-flops and gloves working his butt off to help the players shows true leadership....Along with Cashman, [senior director of player development] Kevin Reese and [director of player development] Eric Schmitt did the same each and every day when they could have been at home taking care of their families. You see them lead by example, and it shows how special this organization is."

Nobody knows where all of this is going. I thought we'd seen it all - the Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of JFK, the gas crisis, the World Trade Center, the great recession - but this is altogether different. With this one, the wolf is at our door. 

But I do believe that all of us, from the top to the bottom, will be remembered for our acts of selflessness - or selfishness - over the next several months. Apparently, the Yankees have been coming through for their players. Bravo. 





    CAN HIM.


  2. MLB cares. I got 20% off the Covid-19 package. It includes

    A NY Yankee hospital gown
    A NY Yankee face mask.
    and a NY Yankee Ventilator. (Back Ordered)

    I'm hoping to avoid having to use my NY Yankee Urn.

    I'm hoping that MLB takes the advice of leading republicans and lets the old timers play the season. After all we need our baseball.

    I'm sure Goose Gossage still has some hop on the old horsehide and I hear Mickey Rivers can still get down the line in under 10.5.

    In a more serious note we are still symptomatic and quarantined but so far so good in terms of it accelerating. The hardest part is my (Ex)in laws need things and we can't go out and get them for them. But, at the same time we don't want strangers (who are volunteering) to get them stuff because they have much greater exposure to what could be more a deadly strain. Truly a Hobson's Choice.

    Doug K.

  3. Sorry to hear that, Doug K. Hope you get well soon.

  4. I'm going to the hospitals to work every day. Precautions are VERY strictly enforced. I have no symptoms and no exposures that I know of. We needed toilet paper so we ordered a case online 2 weeks ago. DHL showed up this week. It was Polish toilet paper that was made in China. It shipped direct from China via DHL. What a time to be alive. I am extremely busy and a bit overwhelmed/drunk these days. I will check in as often as I can. Doug K., hang in there. Please reach out to me if you need anything. Although not much I can do beyond sending you a shipment from China. Or Astor Wines and Spirits.

    Stay safe. Stay well. I think we have another 6-7 weeks to go. Maybe.



  6. we're ok. my son is in from college. his school closed down and is now online. my daughters hs classes are cancelled until May and my ex is teaching from home.

    This disease as we experience it is weird. I feel its like it's trying to pick a lock. Everyday there is a main symptom that comes to the forefront. If it doesn't get me it tries something else.

    Then there are days where you feel fine, only to have the sequence repeat. Today is shortness of breath day. It's my third one. I was told by kaiser that i should be ok by mid April.

    Thank you all for your thoughts. It's good to have a community (especially a virtual one. )

    Stay safe and healthy.

    Doug K.

  7. Let me know about Astor Wines & Spirits.

  8. Thanks Winnie. Appreciate the offer but we're covered.

    Doug K.

  9. Doug:

    I hope all continues to improve and that, after it's all over, you are able to continue your trip in Spain.

    I have lived in Spain twice, twenty years apart, for a total of 3 years. I have visited several dozen times. It is my favorite country after my own.

    We should talk offline after you're up and around or onsite some year if you go to an IIH outing, or onsite in Spain.

    Wishing you all the best.

  10. LBJ,

    I would love to do that. Ask El Duque or Hoss for my email.

    Doug K.


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