Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pooh-pooher Boone on Sanchez: “I am not that concerned about it, normal wear and tear and first back-to-back. I don’t think it will be that much of a concern.’’

Latest from the front: Gary Sanchez - currently 1-for 17 with seven whiffs - has a bad back. 

Last year, Sanchez twice went on the Injury List. For the last three seasons, he's been a regular. 

The Death Star says Sanchez will miss a day or two, that there is no cause for alarm, that we should go about business as usual, just wash our hands and stop scratching our faces. Sanchez will be fine. Go home, everybody, there's nothing to see. 

Does anybody buy this? And, if so, please explain...

By now, Yank fans have become numb to the infield chatter that constantly assures us that nothing is wrong, that a player will miss a day or two, that if it were the regular season, he'd be out there - that he'll take a pill and be fine in the morning. 

But if you have to keep telling yourself something, over and over, it's probably not so. 

Besides, we've seen movie many times. A Yankee misses a game. The pooh-poohers pooh-pooh it. After several games, the player still feels discomfort. After a week, the team sends him for tests. A new diagnosis comes down. The pooh-poohers say he might miss opening day. That's all we are told. 

Yesterday, we learned that Giancarlo Stanton is hitting off a tee. What that means, who knows? There is no public timetable for his return, in part because Stanton has proven himself capable of hurting himself while recovering from another injury. It's a rare talent, at least on other teams. On the Yankees, it's almost normalcy.

All we know is that Stanton will miss opening day. As for April? May? June? The pooh-poohers pooh-pooh such matters. He's hitting off a tee. 

Over the years, happy talk, silence and pooh-poohs have anchored the Yankee public policy on the matter of injuries. The fans don't need to know. 

And I do get it: When a player goes down, nobody can be 100 percent sure about the extent of his injury. The juju gods are pricks, and every player heals at his own rate. I suppose the theory is that, by staying silent, Cooperstown Cashman might buy himself time to swing a deal or sign a player.

But the policy of pooh-poohing the seriousness of injuries seems to be getting us nowhere. Nobody believes pooh. And it might even may be dangerously trickling down to the players themselves. 

The Yankees seems to have been caught flat-footed by revelations that James Paxton, Luis Severino and Aaron Judge all reported to camp with injuries that could have been dealt with last November. The team sat on its hands. It's also possible that team policy worked against the idea of openness: The Yankees this winter launched a lawsuit against Jacoby Ellsbury, claiming that his albatross contract should be voided because he sought medical advise from a non-team-approved doctor. Could this have caused players to STFU about tweaks they might have been feeling? Just asking.

Either way, Gary Sanchez has a bad back. The Yankees are pooh-poohing it. Here we go again? 


  1. dirty, pissy, shitty, moron Cashman. we're going to win in spite of his dogshit moves. we'll find a way at catcher. I don't think Higgy can do it, but some dark horse, underpaid lug nut from the minors will rise to the occasion. THIS IS THE YEAR, PEOPLE. THIS IS THE YEAR. we will win in spite of ourselves. THIS IS THE YEAR.

  2. Pooh-pooher Boone on Sanchez: “I am not that concerned about it, normal wear and tear and first back-to-back. I don’t think it will be that much of a concern.’’

    In Yankee terms, this means he will be out till May.

  3. 13 Bit....when we attend the 7/23 game this summer, I nominate you and Winnie to lead the group effort to secure a meeting with Brian Cashman.

  4. Stanton is hitting off a tee. Whooppee !

    That's the only time his batting average ever approaches .290.

    And he still strikes out too much.

  5. What's up with Ben Heller? Two and a half weeks into spring training and he has yet to pitch.

  6. I understand that Stanton was experiencing some hand pain after setting the ball back up on the tee. The Yankees insist it is nothing to worry about, but they are giving him tomorrow off, just as a precaution.

    Boone assured reporters that, if this were an important game during the regular season, Stanton would DEFINITELY still be hitting off a tee.

  7. I understand that Stanton was experiencing some hand pain after setting the ball back up on the tee. The Yankees insist it is nothing to worry about, but they are giving him tomorrow off, just as a precaution.

    Boone assured reporters that, if this were an important game during the regular season, Stanton would DEFINITELY still be hitting off a tee.

  8. When shell shock and battle fatigue were seen as cowardice, lack of fiber, you guys were very funny, outrageously so. But today, pre-coronavirus, post PTSD awareness, the Yankees are obliged to respect players' rights to privacy. And some of them are shell shocked.





  10. I don't get it, smurfy: what are our favorite millionaires shell-shocked about?

    We realize that the game takes its wear-and-tear. We're not accusing anyone of cowardice. But now in what looks like another year of record injuries—we're a week into March and the Yanks have already lost an entire outfield, 40 percent of their starting pitchers, and their catcher—we would like a few answers.

    Doing the same things the same way, over and over again and expecting different results may or may not be the definition of insanity, but it is surely the definition of a malfunctioning organization.

  11. Your favorite multimillionaire left fielder, he worries me that his continuing quandary morass of injury might be mental. There was that pitch to the face; fan disappointment/ginormous contract performance pressure. Gives him the willies.

    Heller, don't know, maybe he took a shellacking.

  12. Yankees: Sanchez is not expected to play until Friday.

    About 90% of commenters on this blog: I FUCKING KNEW IT!


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