Monday, March 23, 2020

When 12 days seem like 12 months

Twelve days ago, MLB pulled the plug on the Yankee injury machine spring training. Back then - winter of 2020 - the new Bond movie was coming, Biden and Bernie were still debating, and Syracuse University pinned hopes on winning the Atlantic Coast Conference tourney and stealing a ticket to March Madness.

Interesting phrase... "March Madness." Today, I believe it deserves a new entry in the dictionary:

March Mad'-nes: 


1. To work out in the U.S. Senate gym while awaiting results of the coronavirus test you took this morning. 

2. To cluster in public places with strangers who can never be contacted if you turn out infected. 

3. To watching cable news voices that only two weeks ago were calling the pandemic a hoax. 

4. To hoard toilet paper as if it is solid gold.

Insert your definitions here...


  1. I want you all to be prepared for the worst of what's coming. Case numbers are doubling every 2 days in NY state. That means 400 thousand active infections in 10 days. At least 80 thousand hospitalized if not closer to 100,000. Gov Cuomo isn't joking when he says we need 30,000 ICU beds. People will be dying in droves. NY will need to set up emergency morgues. Stay inside. Stay safe. Don't do anything stupid. Call me if you need someone to shout some sense into you.

  2. Not invoking section 4 of the 25th amendment.

  3. All I can say is thank goodness that spring training was canceled, because at the rate they were happening I think all those Yankees injuries might have seriously overwhelmed the hospitals, and kept them from treating virus patients.

    We flattened the injury curve!


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