Tuesday, April 28, 2020

ESPN might soon show baseball... from Korea

Remember that 1996 blockbuster movie, "Independence Day?" where on July 3rd, space aliens blow up the White House, but then - on July 4th! - led by President Bill Pullman and emerging super-dweeb Jeff Goldblum, humanity  strikes back!  

Well, according to the Internet, America is about to strike back - on TV, anyway. ESPN and corona-test-king South Korea are said to be near a deal to broadcast baseball to the starved U.S. couch-quarantined audience, beginning May 5 - yep, one week from today. The remaining issue is duration: ESPN wants a short-term commitment, so that - in pure American tradition - it can ditch the Koreans quickly, if MLB comes back.

Of course, Korean baseball cannot replace the Yankees. Nor can games in deserted stadiums replace the thrill of Gerrit Cole pitching before 50,000 screaming nutjobs. The mere notion of HR king Byung Ho Park - (33 dings last year for Kiwoom) - is so hard to fathom that, at times, I think I'd prefer ditching the 2020 season altogether. But canceling baseball would be like canceling Christmas. Folks, this isn't hockey. It's Mickey and Yogi. We gotta try. 

For better or worse, Korea will remind us of what we've lost and show us what we're up against. 

If everything goes well - (Note: It never does) - MLB could launch a half-season in June or July. By then, we'll have six weeks of Korean ball under our belts. It won't sate our cravings, but Korea will show us whether a U.S. season is logistically feasible. 

And it might not be. Quarantining 30 teams, writing a new union agreement, playing in Florida or Arizona heat... it simply might not work. Worst-case scenario: We chase an illusion of normalcy and set ourselves up for a crushing pandemic second wave. We disregarded warnings about the first wave. Before we do it again, we better find Bill Pullman.

It's up to you, Korea. Lead the way. Show us how it's done. 


  1. Why not? In my younger days channel 47 in New York (Spanish speaking channel for those outside the area) would show Japanese baseball games on late Sunday nights during their season. The fans would be using drums and whistles and team songs throughout the game which was unlike, well, Yankee Stadium. The recorded broadcast was in Japanese...but that didn't stop me from watching.

  2. Somebody flag down the kimchee vendor...


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