Friday, May 22, 2020

Are we kidding ourselves? "Fallow stadiums would not signal a return to normalcy as states reopen. They would confirm that we remain in a time of dire abnormality, undercutting the appeal of sports as escape and distraction. And they would raise an uncomfortable question: If it is unsafe for people to gather in the stands or in places like restaurants and parks, why is it acceptable to ask athletes to compete for our entertainment?"

Today's Gray Lady wonders if sports played in a vacuum tube will fill the void?

Jere Longman - who covered the infamous 2015 Orioles game, played before an empty stadium due to riots - warns that baseball without fans will be a troubling experience. Some memories of that day:

"Bullpen phones could be heard ringing more than 400 feet from the dugouts. And players could hear the voices of broadcasters while on the field... Balls leaving bats produced hollow echoes. No one scrambled to retrieve a home run or a foul ball and hand the souvenir to an excited child. The official attendance was announced as zero."

For whatever it's worth, I believe baseball must attempt a half-season, at least reopening camps and playing a few exhibition games. We should see if it can be done. But before plunging into a season, we must also decide if the results will be worth it. The worst thing that could happen would be to start - and then stop again. 


  1. I think it's only fair that we skip 2020 and wait until next year, when the Yankees can put a proper half a team on the field for about half the season due to injuries.

    This year, I don't think enough players can reinjure themselves in time to sit out a chunk of the proposed half season.

    I mean, fair is fair.

  2. Agreed. Trying to shoehorn a season into empty ballparks is unreasonable. Given the risks, it's simply not worth it. And for what? So that we fans can have a bit of distraction? So that billionaire owners can pull in a few tv bucks?

    Would you be willing to sequester yourself (and your family maybe) for three or four months knowing that one player, coach, bat boy, or (fill in the blank) might have a virus that could kill you or any member of your family?

    Oh, and the genius idea of putting ten thousand people in the stands? Not so bright. Even with distancing, how are you going to buy a beer safely? Social distancing at toilets? Not going to happen. Logistically, it's a nightmare. And all it takes is one illness and the whole Rube Goldberg falls apart. Will you be the first guinea pig?

    I didn't think so.

    So let's go get a life folks. There's a lot of it out their beyond the turnstiles.

  3. BTW you can hear trash cans and buzzers can!


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