Saturday, May 23, 2020

Existential Question: Does it matter that Aaron Judge's girlfriend was arrested?

You may have heard that Aaron Judge's girlfriend - name unimportant - was recently nabbed for "extreme DUI" in Arizona. (This actually happened in February, but the news just surfaced last week.) In normal times, such an event would rightfully go unnoticed across the Yankiverse. But without the daily avalanche of scores and tweaked gonads, it passes as an actual news tidbit. 

Hence, our Existential Yankee Question of the Day: 

If a girlfriend gets into trouble, does it reflect on the player?

The answer includes several caveats. 

1. If by "trouble," you mean homicide, genocide - actually anything involving a "cide" - the player will be tinged by the soil of scandal. This is unfortunate but unavoidable. Felony-grade actions, involving death and destruction, are hard to overlook, even if it involves a Yankee. 

2. If a girlfriend is linked to a Redsock player, absolutely! She must be held accountable! The list of scandal-accessible Redsock links includes family members, hangers-on, buddy bros, one-night stands, household pets and next door neighbors. Also, the mere notion of a girlfriend begs one immediate question: WTF is she doing with him?  

3. If the girlfriend is linked to a Yankee, it gets complicated. 

3a. If he's hot and leading the team in an important category, then whatever the girlfriend has been doing, it's working. Who are we to judge? She's good for him. She's helping him. Besides, we cannot dismiss the possibility that she was set up by Yankee-hating cops. A key here: It happened in Arizona, where hatred for the Yankees burns hotter than a billion suns. Never forget how, moments after they won the 2001 World Series, the Diamondbacks mockingly played "New York, New York" on the stadium p.a. system. Can we ever believe anything that happens in that godforsaken hellhole?

3b. If the Yankee is slumping, or if he simply went 0-5 last night, then the girlfriend needs to answer some critical questions: What is she doing to him? Is this a toxic relationship? Does she have a plan to get her shit together? Hopefully, authorities will take this into consideration and maybe dish out a proper sentence. Maybe the best way to get a Yankee player back on track is having his no-good partner face a good 10-year stretch of prison time!  

3c. If, as in the case with Judge, we have no easy way to discern whether he's currently running hot or cold, assigning swift and proper judgement to the girlfriend becomes a tough matter. I say we must defer a verdict until we know whether Judge's broken rib has healed, and if he's ready to play. If he's okay, then - hey, we're all reasonable people here - this woman deserves a second chance. If he's unable to play, well, throw the book at her!

Existential questions are really quite simple, while living in a binary Yankiverse.


  1. I read the story about the "girlfriend" and Judge. This is gonna sound amazingly callous and man-centric, but the guy needs to trade up. Really. He does. If we were talking to him, and drinking, of course, but not enough to get to .15 alcohol levels, we'd be saying.."Man you could do so much better...really better. You need to reach out to A-Rod. He'd give you some great advice on women and trading up. He's an MF expert on it"

  2. Yes it matters.

    It's clearly her fault that he can't get back on the playing field.

    If you examine a photo of the two of them it is clear that he is MUCH taller than she is, meaning she has to spend a lot of time on top.

    What does she do for leverage? She presses down on his chest. What's in his chest? His RIBS!

    Now add that she likes to drink.(A LOT) So now there's this out of control woman bouncing up and down on him and pounding on his chest.

    What's in his chest? His RIBS.

    Case Closed.

    Doug K.

  3. Doug, that is a sharp piece of prosecutorial logic. Nothing more needs to be said.

  4. You nailed it, Doug!

    There are many, many shorter men this unfortunate young woman could be spending her time with—men associated with this blog, for instance—who would be a much better match. Going out with any of us would surely sober her up.

    Meanwhile, for Judge, may I recommend: Gal Gadot?

    A lanky 5-10, in great shape, plays Wonder Woman and is a veteran of the Israeli army. Not only is she more suited to his physique, but she should be able to swoop in and save him in the nick of time from any further injury.

    All right, sure, she's married with a couple of kids. But I ask you, what's the priority here?


  5. These comments are all gold. Thanks for a nice early morning laugh.


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