Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Virtual Off-Day: Tanaka Exposes Conditions in Yanks Rehab Camp.

Controversy enveloped the Virtual New York Yankees today, as Masahiro Tanaka, speaking through an interpreter, shrugged off his magnificent, bullet-dodging performance in Houston, which came about only after he was able to manipulate his ulnar collateral ligament back into place.

"I only did what had to be done—what the team needed me to do," Tanaka told reporters.  "Any true Yankee would do the same in my place."

But it was his revelations about the Yankees' rehab camp in Tampa that truly rocked the sports world. Tanaka painted a picture of a facility that features regimens and devices that do little to actually make anyone better, and may in fact extend the stay of players on the DL indefinitely.

The camp is now run by a troika of TV doctors—Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew—dubbed "The Unholy Trinity" by patients.  It features approaches such as cupping, bleeding, the drawing out of the foul vapors, exorcism, tobacco therapy, and those fat-jiggling bands and steam boxes that are always featured in old Hollywood movies about ridiculous businessmen trying to lose weight in time for tonight's big dinner with the boss.

"There is something else—another machine—which they call 'the Ellsbury,' but no one likes to talk about that," Tanaka said darkly.

These techniques are generally considered to be archaic and even dangerous, except by the CDC.

Ronan Farrow and several camera crews were reportedly headed for the rehab camp.  There was no comment from Yankees GM Brian Cashman, who was last seen walking undisturbed through the firefight at Jett Rink Park, in his special Eagle Protective clothing.


  1. Hoss, you’re a brave man, but you probably should never have mentioned the name of that machine. When you’re ready to come in from deep cover, we have a safe house prepared for you.

  2. This is just great stuff. I laughed til I cried.


  3. Thanks, guys. Actually, as it happens right now, I am in a "safe house," which seems to be Mia Farrow's gigantic, rent-controlled apartment.

    She has already spanked me twice with a rolled-up newspaper for not doing my chores to her satisfaction. I'm in heaven!

  4. NOT FAIR!

    First, Kate Upton kicks me out, then J-LO, and now you get to sleep in my old apartment.

    I'm going to go and cry on Padma Lakshmi's shoulder, then have a long talk on the beach with Bella Hadid about philosophy.

    Then, I'm going to go kneel at the foot of Kate Smith's grave and ponder deep shit.

    First, though, I'm going to walk the dog and go to bed.


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