Saturday, June 20, 2020

For Your Consideration.....

Everyone is talking about the return of sports.

If we could watch baseball, football, soccer, and lacrosse everyone's time in isolation tanks would be more tolerable.  

Okay, I omitted the NBA who might start games in bubbles.  But I have no interest in  the pro mens big deal.  I just find it predictable and boring.  Tune in for the last 45 seconds, (which will take about an hour), and you've seen more than you can stand. 

But here is some news:

1.  23 players on the Clemson football team have recently tested positive for Covid

2.  13 Players at Texas - same deal

3.  UCLA players don't trust their coaches and want an independent medical overseer to insure their health and safety ( nice work Chip Kelly - anyone still wonder why UCLA football is awful?)

4.  MLB is sticking with the concept of a 60 game schedule...for today, at least. And teams have not yet gathered in force.  So, outbreaks are still mild. And the money part of this is still at war. 

5.  The NFL is forging ahead in virtual environments. Isn't that exciting?  Anyone for  a full practice? Let's all jog an 8 minute mile as a warm-up.  ( no coughing or wheezing, please ). Will all the games be " no contact?"

6.  The US leads the world with more than 2 million Covid cases, and is closing on 120,000 deaths.....which also leads the world. 

 Let me repeat;  this is the worst performing nation in the entire world in protecting its citizens from this pandemic.....

We have no strategy , no co-ordination, and 35% of our population thinks it is a sign of political weakness to wear a mask ( even if, by so doing, you maybe keep your grandmother alive. 

Many states are just now recording record numbers of daily hospital admissions. In other words, in lots of locations, the spread of the virus now is worse than when it first blossomed.  After 5 months, the United States of America is doing worse than ever. 

Let me say this another way: No shit-hole nation on the earth comes close to how poorly we are doing.  

Who the F*** are we kidding???!!!

There will be no baseball.  There will be no football.  And the NBA will last about 2 weeks, if they even start. 

Nothing moves until science comes through and saves us all.

Enjoy your week-end.  Summer is finally here !


  1. "And we don't speak any English
    Just American without tears
    Just American without tears."

  2. No surprise with any of it. It's in the Bill of Rights.

    "The freedom to be stupid as fuck and elect a moron who's just as stupid, spiteful, and racist as the people who admire him."

    You can look it up. It's the one that's just before the right to "pin your eyelids back and watch nothing but Fox News 24 hours a day for your entire life."

  3. Call me an eternal optimist, but I'm still hopeful that we can salvage a semblance of a season. I don't know if a vaccine will be available by 2021 or if it will ever be available. Vaccines are difficult to invent. There's a much better chance that doctors will come up with an effective treatment that knocks down the mortality rate until it's about equal to the common flu. With an effective treatment, life can return to almost normal.

    The Hammer of God

  4. I agree with you that an effective therapy is far more likely than a vaccine.


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