Friday, June 5, 2020

Plague Theater: Roger 61!

 Holy Cow, this could be it!


  1. I can say that I watched that on TV as that happened...still get goose bumps watching that...

  2. Austria's Only Baseball FanJune 6, 2020 at 4:17 AM

    I only ever saw the reenactment of this in Billy Crystal's film "61*" - this was the first time I saw the real thing. It literally brought me to tears. With respect to baseball - more specifically, the Yankees - I think maybe I was born about 15 years too late and in the wrong country.

    We're doing well over here. Almost everything is open to some degree, with staggered openings set for the coming weeks. The Vienna State Opera and Konzerthaus reopen - to audiences of only 100 (both hold about 1.500)! - next week, the Grafenegg Music Festival will go on as scheduled in August and September with 1.250 people in a 2.100-seat outdoor arena for four weeks, and movies will start on 12 July.

    Our daily rate of new infections has been below 1% each day for over a month (sometimes as low as 0.01%), but that can still mean 40-70 new infections a day. Deaths have virtually stopped - only two in the past week. Still, I won't feel totally comfortable until the number of new infections dips to single digits and stays there.

    Please wear your masks - even when you are out looting liquor stores! - and stay the fuck away from people!

    Bleib gesund!


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