Sunday, July 19, 2020

Searching for meaning in a meaningless pandemic

Last night, the Yanks and Mets played a friendly exhibition game. Get used to it. For now, 2020 looks like an exhibition season. 

Between now and November, at any time, a depressed, out-of-luck .129 hitter on his last legs can slip out to a bar, get laid, and come home to infect not only his team, but an entire league. What are the odds? 

Not only that, but the Blue Jays won't even be allowed to play in Toronto. 

That said, here we go...

The two most important hitters last night - Miggy and Red - might not even play on Reopening Night. But Clint didn't hurt himself, and both remain among the most intriguing Yankees on the roster. 

It was a bullpen victory. And the bullpen looks solid. 

Everything depends on one man: Wither goest Chappie? 


  1. So do they test the groupies for Covid-19? They would if they had any brains.

    The Hammer of God

  2. Scranton Stanton is rounding into mid-season form. All he needs is a nagging hamstring issue -- the day-day (X100) type.

  3. "...a meaningless pandemic"

    Every squirrel, even a stopped clock, etc...Regarding the baseball, nice outing by Mike King. Without Domingo especially, they'll need hm.

  4. I’ll throw you some “good news” our current abbreviated season... the At Bat app now includes a game archive. You can now mine for John Sterlingisms. Except the Yankees feed isn’t working today and I’m stuck listening to the Mets broadcast.

  5. Shit, now I’m trying to remember where I knew a dog named King. There was a King Of Pizza in Vauxhall NJ...

  6. I'm not making a prediction either way, but if these guys were OFF until next Spring, and they go home and live the life of the non-athlete, might they at some point, go out and get the virus? How much greater is the chance of getting the virus when comparing playing the 'season' and being subject to team rules, as opposed to living an everyday life. There's risk there too. Just wondering.

  7. Good point, Larry. I agree, either way, there is still risk. Just boils down to how each one manages his lifestyle, keeping distance from others, wearing a mask when within 8 ft or in the same room, washing face and hands with soap, testing frequently. You simply have to assume that everyone else has it. Conversely, you have to assume that only you have it and nobody else has it. I like that Clint Frazier is wearing the mask while playing or around anyone else. That's following the best current advice.

    The Hammer of God


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